Michaela Angela Davis

CNN Guest: Everyone Who Voted for Donald Trump in 2016 Is a Racist
May 30th, 2018 5:37 PM
Most of the people who appear on CNN are, unsurprisingly, liberals. However, every so often, a guest veers so far to the left that even the hosts are surprised by what that person says. That was the case on Wednesday morning, when Michaela Angela Davis responded to a question posed during the New Day program by co-host John Berman.

CNN Guest Justifies Violence: BLM Is 'Burning Down the Plantation'
September 21st, 2016 12:09 PM
After Keith Lamont Scott, an armed black man, was fatally shot by police officers in North Carolina on Tuesday, Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters blocked a highway and attacked police officers, injuring at least 12. Culture critic and BLM sympathizer Michaela Angela Davis was invited on CNN Newsroom, where she spent the time bemoaning white “brutality” and defending violent protesters as…

Marc Lamont Hill Claims Black People Can't Be Racist
July 11th, 2016 4:17 PM
As it seems to be a pattern for CNN guests and pundits this week, the Dallas shootings by a man claiming to be influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement has put the liberal media through a tailspin, in their efforts to disassociate the group with the violence. From CNN’s legal analyst Sunny Hostin’s pandering on The View, to longtime contributor Marc Lamont Hill complaining on CNN’s Newsroom…

Fireworks on CNN: NYT's Blow vs. Dan Bongino on NYPD Choking Death
December 4th, 2014 4:25 PM
The New York Times's Charles Blow faced off with conservative Dan Bongino on CNN's AC360 on Wednesday over whether an inherent racial "bias" against blacks in American society fed into the controversial case of a NYPD officer choking Eric Garner to death during an arrest. Blow claimed that "society...acculturates us to fear, and...that is how the whole justice system becomes corrupted and biased…

Hayes Panel Plays 'Celibate Men Lack Moral Authority' Card on Catholic
February 11th, 2012 9:24 AM
Suffer me to begin with a suggestion: if you ever have the chance to hear the Rev. William Dailey of Notre Dame law school speak, jump on it. Dailey is a stunningly brilliant advocate, among the best I have ever encountered on any issue.
Dailey appeared on today's Up With Chris Hayes on MSNBC, where he masterfully made the case against the Obama administration's order forcing Catholic…