Matt Yglesias

Press Criticizes Trump's Jobs Tweet, Ignored Obama's Similar Actions
June 6th, 2018 6:33 PM
On Monday, columnist James Freeman at the Wall Street Journal's "Best of the Web" noted the selective memories seen in the vast majority of the press over President Donald Trump's relatively noncommittal but nonetheless protocol-breaking tweet an hour before Friday morning's upcoming jobs report. Many of them had a serious case of the vapors, but didn't recall three instances when former…

Sloppy Media Elites Imagine Racism in Sessions 'Anglo-American' Remark
February 17th, 2018 4:26 PM
The legion of the perpetually aggrieved "white supremacy"-obsessed jumped on a Monday remark by Trump administration Attorney General Jeff Sessions to concoct a bogus "racial dogwhistle" when he used the term "Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement" in a speech to the National Sheriffs' Association. Five days in, many of them still haven't acknowledged that former President Barack Obama and…

Even Chris Hayes Mocks NYT Rubio Coverage: 'False Flags' by Campaign
June 10th, 2015 8:57 AM
In the wake of the New York Times running multiple stories on Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, first on his accumulation of parking tickets and the second on his personal finances, MSNBC host Chris Hayes took to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon and seemingly mocked the paper for its coverage of the Florida senator.

NYT, Others Cover 'So-Called Knockout Game' As 'A Spreading Menace or
November 29th, 2013 9:18 AM
A number of liberals and liberal outfits have taken notice of the "knockout game" trend. Their mission is to downplay or debunk it.
In a November 22 item published in its November 23 print edition on Page A19, Cara Buckley at the New York Times, below a picture of a Guardian Angels member posting a warning in Brooklyn, cited "police officials in several cities" claiming that it "amounted to…
Civil Discourse is Overrated
August 15th, 2010 10:20 AM
So Matt Lewis writes a column decrying, I think, the Political climate's nastiness. I say, I think, because after reading it, I'm not quite sure what he's saying.Matt brings up two pieces of evidence: Matt Yglesias saying that lying is okay was one distressing example. Well, duh. Yglesias is a liberal and I have yet to read a liberal blogger who doesn't believe the ends justify the means. There…
Ground Zero Mosque Backlash a Symptom of Economy Says Think Progress B
August 10th, 2010 12:31 PM
Is it "the economy, stupid" or is it just that the economy makes people stupid? Either way Matt Yglesias, blogger extraordinaire, believes the economy is what's driving conservative furor over the "Ground Zero Mosque." On MSNBC's August 9 broadcast of "Countdown," Yglesias did his best to psychoanalyze people that are upset a mosque is being built in the shadow of Ground Zero,…