Mary Louise Kelly

NPR Fumes at ‘Conservative’ Critics Tying Soros to Manhattan DA
The taxpayer-funded leftists at National Public Radio flung proverbial sewage at critics who dared raise Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s financial ties to billionaire George Soros.

NPR Panders to Audience: Sorry If We Haven't Been Anti-Trump Enough!
On Monday night's All Things Considered newscast, co-host Mary Louise Kelly covered the indictment of Trump as a serious conundrum for the media. Kelly brought on NPR vice president and executive editor Terence Samuel to think out loud about how the coverage might disappoint the audience. They will have reporters everywhere, but NO Trump statements live!

NPR Interview with Newt Goes Down Hilarious Path of Liberal Disbelief
NPR interviewed Newt Gingrich for Friday's All Things Considered, ostensibly to underline how successful President Biden has been. Their headline at was "Newt Gingrich thinks the GOP needs to stop underestimating Biden." Anchor Mary Louise Kelly couldn't help but steer the car into the woods when Newt said the 2020 election was "rigged," as in Twitter censorship and…

NP-Arf! Mike Pompeo-Pounding NPR Becomes a Lapdog for Tony Blinken
For all the wisecracks about "state-run TV" under Trump, the shoe is now on the other foot, and NPR sounds like "state-run radio," or in one case, "Department of State-run radio." On Tuesday's All Things Considered, anchor Mary Louise Kelly interviewed the new Secretary of State. The online headline was "Secretary Of State Blinken Outlines Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Goals…

Column: When Russiagate Conveniently Vanishes
Rod Rosenstein – the former Deputy Attorney General at the red hot center of the Robert Mueller probe into the phantom menace of Trump collusion with the Russians – testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 3. You may not know that happened. ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored it that night.

NPR Tags Iranian Terrorist PR Corps as a 'Right-Wing News Agency'

On NPR, Ramesh Ponnuru Goes Full David Brooks on Collusion, Spygate

INSANE: Women at NPR Can't Recall Trump-as-Mean-Boss Stories in 2016??

NPR: Nunes Memo a 'Strange Episode' of GOP Attacking 'Law and Order'