Joshua DuBois

Obama Former Faith Adviser: Christians ‘Cower’ Before Right-Wing Hate
August 14th, 2017 2:09 PM
In the midst of the horrific violence happening Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, Obama’s former “faith adviser” Joshua DuBois decided to lay into Christians for supposedly endorsing the violence and “right wing" hate. Mid-afternoon Saturday, DuBois wrote an op-ed for The Daily Beast blaming Christians and evangelical leaders for not condemning white supremacy enough. Sound familiar?

WashPost Celebrates MLK Day by Publishing Ex-Obama Aide Comparing MLK
January 20th, 2014 7:38 AM
The Washington Post celebrated Martin Luther King Day on Monday by publishing an op-ed on the front page of the Style section by Joshua DuBois -- President Obama's first-term adviser on faith-based initiatives -- that explicitly compared Obama to MLK.
"Lessons from King for Obama's travails," read the headline inside the paper next to pictures of MLK and Obama. Somehow, the fight against Bull…

WashPost, PBS Boost Obama Faith Director's Book Without Asking About H
October 26th, 2013 9:56 PM
When George W. Bush's faith-based initiative staffer David Kuo came out with a book whacking away at Bush, the media were enthralled (excerpted lovingly by Time magazine and interviewed on 60 Minutes). Now under Obama, they're helping former faith-based initiatives director Joshua Dubois sell his new book "The President's Devotional." In Saturday's Washington Post, religion reporter Elizabeth…
Holy BlackBerry? ABC Sticks to Obama Staffers and Friends on Church Av
February 1st, 2010 5:05 PM
The Obama family's continued lack of church-going in Washington was spun by into something cute and positive, at least from the sound of the headline: "Holy BlackBerry! Obama Finds Ways to Keep the Faith During First Year in Office."ABC’s Devin Dwyer recycled the tidbit from Terry Moran’s Nightline interview with Obama last July where Obama said he keeps the faith by getting daily…
Media's Pentecostal Double Standard: Palin vs. Obama's Faith-based Ini
February 9th, 2009 12:38 PM
President Barack Obama's pick to head his faith-based initiative is a 26-year old former Pentecostal pastor by the name of Joshua DuBois. The media have largely noted DuBois's religious affiliation in a matter-of-fact manner. Yet when it came to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's former membership in a Pentecostal church, it was a far different story, as we at NewsBusters noted in September.:In a Newsweek…