Amanpour Likens Trump to Joe McCarthy. Hamas Rallies Were 'Pro-Peace'?

June 1st, 2024 6:30 PM

Amanpour & Co., which airs on CNN International and taxpayer-supported PBS, aired a conversation between host Christiane Amanpour and Jelani Cobb, the dean of Columbia Journalism School, both fretting over the perils of Trump and bringing the Joe McCarthy era into the discussion (you know it's serious when journalists bring up the Red Scare).


PBS Misremembers William F. Buckley Jr.

April 12th, 2024 8:37 AM

Imagine making a documentary about one of the 20th century’s leading opponents of the Ku Klux Klan — without ever talking about the evil of the KKK itself. If that sounds like malpractice, consider PBS’s new documentary on the life of William F. Buckley Jr. “The Incomparable Mr. Buckley,” the latest installment in the “American Masters” series, has much to say about anti-Communism but never…

NY Times Finds GOP Racism, McCarthyism, Even Nazism Afoot in 3 States

August 18th, 2022 11:25 AM

What do Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia have in common? Dangerous conservative trends, according to the New York Times. The paper saw the dark cloud of McCarthyism still hanging over Wisconsin: "Much of the state remains rural and conservative -- McCarthy and Trump country." Contributing writer Robert Draper in the Sunday Magazine wrote thousands of words on…


Fake News to Smearing the Defector: Four Awful Moments from ‘Hardball’

February 1st, 2018 3:28 PM
With Tuesday’s State of the Union well-received by the public (and not the liberal media), it was time to move on and back to spreading fake news, attacking Christians, and hurling around tired insults. Luckily for the Resistance, Wednesday’s Hardball accomplished just that thanks to four cringe-worthy moments featuring host Chris Matthews and a team of liberal guests and journalists.

NYT Runs Risens’ Risible McCarthyite Projections About Trump

June 25th, 2017 2:56 PM
It was Father-and-Son Left-Wing Paranoia Day in the New York Times Sunday Review, as James Risen and Tom Risen penned “Donald Trump Does His Best Joe McCarthy.” Under the assuredly ominous date-line of Wheeling, West Virginia, the Risens ranted: "Trump supporters want to make America great again, to go back to what they believe were the halcyon days of the 1950s, which, ironically, was the decade…

Reagan Presumed Evil, McCarthy 'Fraud’ on NBC’s ‘Timeless'

February 21st, 2017 7:44 PM
It's no secret Hollywood despises conservative presidents. On NBC's Timeless, they go so far as to imply President Ronald Reagan is part of the show's fictional evil organization, Rittenhouse. This is the second Republican President the show has said was a member of this corrupt cabal.

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi Paints Trump as 'O.J. in the White House'

February 10th, 2017 7:53 AM
Pundits often analogize Donald Trump to figures such as Richard Nixon and Silvio Berlusconi. Less commonly put forward are parallels between Trump, onetime owner of a pro football team, and O.J. Simpson, Hall of Fame running back and unconvicted murderer. Rolling Stone’s Taibbi drew the comparison in a Wednesday piece: “Apart from the monumental scale of the error -- we put O.J. in the White…

Matthews Hits ‘Villain’ Cruz as Joe McCarthy Who Hurt 'Victim' Trump

July 21st, 2016 9:13 PM
For years, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews has referred to Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) as Joe McCarthy or emulating McCarthyism and so he seized on Cruz’s fiery convention speech to claim Thursday night that he’s a McCarthyite playing “a perfect villain” for the Republican Party and Donald Trump. Matthews also went as far as dubbing Trump “Mr. Winner” who became a victim getting “…

NYDN Columnist Whines Cruz’s Mob Claims About Trump Are ‘Racist'

April 13th, 2016 10:08 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews almost never passes up the chance to bash Ted Cruz as a modern day Joe McCarthy and Wednesday night was no different as he flaunted the comparison while New York Daily News columnist Linda Stasi complained that Cruz’s allegations about mob ties to Donald Trump were “racist and disgusting.”

Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism'

April 6th, 2016 10:21 PM
Bernie Sanders: rabid right-winger? A senior Hillary surrogate has accused Bernie Sanders of "McCarthyism," of all things. Has Bernie's big Wisconsin win knocked the Clinton campaign off its moorings? Five years ago, I wrote that the irascible Barney Frank could pick a fight in a phone booth. Further proof came on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, as Hillary-fan Frank jumped ugly with fellow…

Brokaw Uses NN Commentary to Compare Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism

December 9th, 2015 3:14 AM
As part of NBC Nightly News’s five segments on Tuesday obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslims entering the United States, the program turned to former anchor Tom Brokaw to end the show with a commentary comparing Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism, and opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. In the three teases proceeding Brokaw’s editorial, current anchor Lester Holt promised that…

Obsession: Network Evening Shows Spend 24 Mins on Trump’s Muslim Ban

December 8th, 2015 10:16 PM
Acting as though the latest news the war against ISIS, new developments in the Hillary Clinton scandal or any other story barely existed, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted a whopping 24 minutes and three seconds of their Tuesday evening newscasts to obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. Not surprisingly, NBC Nightly News led the way…

NYT Sunday A1 Likens Trump to Fellow 'Demagogues' McCarthy, Buchanan

December 7th, 2015 11:55 AM
Reporters Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman made Sunday's New York Times front page with a deep and deeply fear-mongering analysis of “demagogue” Donald Trump’s stump speeches: "95,000 Words, Many of Them Ominous, From Trump’s Tongue." But things that two Times reporters find “ominous” may not scare a more moderate reader, such as pointing out that ISIS chops off the heads of their victims.

Bernstein Slams Benghazi Cmte for McCarthyism; 'Reckless' 'Demagogues'

October 23rd, 2015 1:40 AM
Roughly a minute after the 11-hour Benghazi Committee hearing with Hillary Clinton concluded on Thursday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 turned to political commentator Carl Bernstein, who drooled over Clinton’s performance while comparing Republicans to Joseph McCarthy and his House Un-American Committee for concocting an “abusive” hearing.In the next hour on CNN Tonight, Bernstein trotted out…