
Wilkerson: Cheney May Have a ‘Physiological’ or ‘Biological’ Problem

September 9th, 2015 7:45 AM
While appearing on the Tuesday installment of MSNBC’s All In, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell and retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson compared former Vice President Dick Cheney to Joseph McCarthy and suggested that he “cannot recognize reality” due to him either being “shocked” on 9/11 or suffering from a “physiological” or “biological” problem.

Chris Matthews Obsesses Over 'McCarthy'-like Cruz's POTUS Announcement

March 23rd, 2015 9:50 PM
Chris Matthews was back at the helm of Hardball today after a week's vacation, and, fortuitously for him, the very same day his bête noire, Ted Cruz, announced for president before a supportive crowd at Liberty University. From start to finish Matthews did not disappoint his audience, spewing out hateful invective about the junior senator from Texas.

Unhinged Chris Matthews Fumes Over Ted Cruz's 'McCarthyism

July 25th, 2014 11:20 AM
In his never-ending obsession with Ted Cruz, Hardball’s Chris Matthews devoted the start and close of his program to rants against the supposed "McCarthyism" of the Texas Senator. Matthews objected to Cruz’s belief that the FAA’s short lived ban on air travel to Israel was political in nature. On the July 24 edition of Matthews’ program, the host wondered if Cruz was “trying to mimic the…

Carl Bernstein: Cantor, House GOP Are ‘Most Dangerous Demagogic For

October 2nd, 2013 5:29 PM
Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein unleashed a tirade against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and “his Republicans” on Wednesday’s Morning Joe. After co-host Mika Brzezinski read a passage from Thomas Friedman’s scathing indictment of Tea Party Republicans in The New York Times, Bernstein promised, “I’ll go farther than Friedman.” He certainly did: “Eric Cantor and his Republican Party are the…

Chris Matthews: Gun Control Advocates Also For World Peace, Jobs, Envi

May 1st, 2013 12:24 PM
The craziness keeps gushing from Chris Matthews’ mouth like a waterfall. On Tuesday morning, Matthews was anchoring MSNBC’s coverage of President Obama’s third news conference of the year. (Why they didn’t get a real journalist to anchor the coverage, I don’t know.) While waiting for the news conference to begin, Matthews and an array of panelists were discussing the gun control battle that…

NY Times Suggests Tea Party Sen. Ted Cruz Takes Confrontation to New L

February 18th, 2013 6:09 PM
Newly minted Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Tea Party politician, is "raising bipartisan hackles" and otherwise being a "bad boy" in the previously collegial U.S. Senate, opined political reporter Jonathan Weisman on the front page of Saturday's New York Times: "Texas Senator Goes on Attack And Raises Bipartisan Hackles." Clearly disturbed about Cruz's treatment of Obama's nominee for defense…

Defending Romney Against Reid Smear, Conservatives Unwittingly Fall fo

August 9th, 2012 11:43 PM
Fifty years from now, everyone will agree that Karl Rove committed treason by revealing the identity of CIA "spy" Valerie Plame, tea partiers shouted the N-word at a black congressman and Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper. Liberals tell whopping lies, and most conservatives can't be bothered to learn history. In the last few days, we've heard both George Will and Charles Krauthammer…

Joe Scarborough Calls David Gregory One of 14 Communists on Meet the P

April 13th, 2012 9:55 AM
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Friday gave a tongue-in-cheek introduction to NBC's David Gregory that took an obvious swipe at Republican Florida Congressman Allen West. "I am holding in my hands a list, a list of fourteen members of the Communist Party that work for Meet the Press. Now we bring in one them" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

WaPo's Richard Cohen: Perry's Global Warming Beliefs Make Him Joe McCa

August 23rd, 2011 10:41 AM
The media must really believe Rick Perry can defeat their beloved President Obama for they are coming at the Texas governor with guns blazing. On Tuesday, Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen likened Perry to the late Sen. Joe McCarthy because of his disbelief in manmade global warming:

Time Magazine Inadvertently Demolishes Maddow Description of Zarqawi a

May 14th, 2011 10:29 AM
I've not been much of a fan of Time magazine for years, though I am again, if only briefly. Fresh off Rachel Maddow's ludicrous claim that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was "not all that well known" until he was killed by the US military in 2006 and allegedly elevated in death beyond what he was in life, Time magazine published a special issue titled "The End of bin Laden." The cover of the…

After Condemning McCarthyism, Maddow Enlists Viewers To Out Animator O

May 13th, 2011 7:45 AM
Rachel Maddow has engaged in a strange--sinister?--irony.  On her MSNBC show last night, one moment Maddow was condemning the late Senator Joe McCarthy for encouraging people to "turn in their friends" in the entertainment industry. The next moment, Maddow was urging her viewers to . . . turn in someone in the entertainment industry--the animator of Mike Huckabee's history series for kids.…

Chicago Sun-Times: HCUA Was 'Helmed by Sen. Joseph McCarthy

February 14th, 2011 12:02 AM
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) isn't alone in having trouble understanding how the government is organized.  In a Sunday article posted on the Chicago Sun-Times's Web site, staff reporter Mary Houlihan credits the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) with running the House Committee on Un-American Activities.  That would have been quite an accomplishment, given the fact McCarthy never served in the…

CBS’s Smith: Edward R. Murrow ‘Bold,’ ‘Gutsy’; Joe McCarthy

November 5th, 2009 4:18 PM
Thursday’s CBS Early Show looked back at 1954 as part of its ‘Time Machine’ series, with co-host Harry Smith praising former CBS anchor Edward R. Murrow for taking on Senator Joseph McCarthy: “McCarthy was on a kind of a witch hunt. Ed Murrow boldly recognized that and took him on....It was very gutsy and very risky on Murrow’s part....McCarthy was a bully. Ed Murrow said ‘I’m not going to stand…

Toledo Blade Cites McCarthy 'And His House Committee on Un-American Ac

April 26th, 2009 1:12 PM
Appearing today on the Toledo Blade's Web site is the article "Candide: Toledo Opera production offers the liveliest aspects of opera, musical theater, and operetta."  Author Sally Vallongo writes:In the 1950s, as then-Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R., Wis.) and his House Committee on Un-American Activities investigated liberal and progressive artists in search of Communist-oriented dissidents, Hellman…