Harvard Hires New Atheist Head Chaplain
As proof that the phrase “Ivy League” simply means “ass backwards,” the latest news out of Harvard University is that the college’s new head chaplain is an atheist. Oh, that’s fitting, isn’t it?

Scarborough Mocks Ivy Leaguers at CPAC, Touts His Alabama Education
On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough's take on CPAC was to trash what he saw as false populism. He repeatedly ripped President Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton for criticizing elitism while being elitist Ivy League alums themselves. Scarborough also poor-mouthed himself, repeatedly mentioning that he hadn't gone to an Ivy school. Boasting of his Alabama roots, he…

Morning Joe: Dems Winning The House, 'A Decisive Moment' For Democracy