Cenk Uygur
Caught Up in Own Hyperbole, MSNBC Host Says Obama Has 'The Worst, Most
June 13th, 2011 2:49 PM
Remember the movie "Say Anything"? Same can be said for Cenk Uygur's approach to criticizing Republicans.
Chatting with his MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow on her show Friday night, Uygur apparently forgot he was on the air and described President Obama's opponents in a way one might expect if the audience consisted solely of liberals. (Then again, it was MSNBC).
Here's what Uygur told…

MSNBC Hosts Spin Wildly After Weiner Fesses Up
June 9th, 2011 6:35 PM
In a desperate attempt to save Rep. Anthony Weiner, who has even been abandoned by the leaders of his own party, MSNBC is still refusing to acknowledge that Weiner's actions should jeopardize his House seat.
Lawrence O'Donnell, host of "The Last Word," ridicules the idea that lying should be grounds for resignation, Rachel Maddow, host of "The Rachel Maddow Show," describes the situation as…
Former CNNer Bob Franken: Pawlenty Plotting 'Oligarchy
June 8th, 2011 9:01 PM
It takes a former CNN "correspondent" to make Tim Pawlenty sound scary . . .
It's kind of fun to watch former MSM "reporters" turn into totally-out, liberal partisans once they leave their "reporting" gigs. Take Bob Franken. For years a big-time national correspondent for CNN, the network let him go in 2007. Franken is now free to let his liberal freak flag fly.
Witness Bob on MSNBC this…

MSNBC's Uygur on Weiner: 'You Know How Many Times I Lied To Girlfriend
June 7th, 2011 9:01 PM
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur made an on air admission Tuesday that might not only raise some of his boss's eyebrows but could also make a few ex-girlfriends very unhappy.
As he defended Congressman Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) handling of the sex scandal that's riveted the nation for more than a week, Uygur said to his guests, "You know how many times when I was single, and I had girlfriends, you know how…

Video Flashback: Liberal Media Defended Weiner by Slashing Andrew Brei
June 7th, 2011 5:36 PM
As NewsBusters' Lachlan Markay pointed out, the Weinergate scandal showcased a variety of liberal media conspiracy theories. One of the most prevalent theories focused on besmirching conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who broke the story wide open Monday with a series of posts on BigGovernment.com featuring lewd photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner.
"Look, Breitbart is a proven liar, okay?"…

MSNBC Howler: Cenk Uygur Tells GOP Congressman 'I'm a Fiscal Conservat
June 1st, 2011 9:49 PM
It never ceases to amaze me what people on MSNBC are willing to say while cameras are rolling.
On Wednesday, the perilously liberal Cenk Uygur - with a straight face no less! - told Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) in the midst of a budget discussion, "I'm actually a fiscal conservative" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC Union Guest: Republicans 'Literally Deny Clothing To Foster Kids
May 21st, 2011 7:21 AM
Kind of disappointing--nothing about Republicans head-butting widows or knocking the crutches from the arms of the disabled. Even so, let's give Damon Silvers credit: the union boss did claim that Republicans "literally deny clothing to foster kids to give rich people tax cuts."
AFL-CIO honcho Damon Silvers made the hysterically hyperbolic claim on Cenk Uygur's MSNBC show this evening.…
MSNBC Host Uygur: Obama Speech 'Leaning Too Much Towards Israel
May 20th, 2011 8:05 AM
Republicans have responded with widespread opprobrium to President Obama's speech on the Middle East. Mitt Romney epitomized GOP reaction in saying PBO had "thrown Israel under the bus."
Perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised, but at MSNBC, Obama was actually criticized last night . . . for not being hard enough on Israel. Cenk Uygur said "the president's speech was too much leaning…

MSNBC's Cenk Uygur and Two Liberal Journos Mock the Ryan Plan and the
May 9th, 2011 5:55 PM
On his MSNBC talk show Friday night, Cenk Uygur mocked the Republican presidential debate as a "joke" and a collection of nobodies, since Speaker John Boehner didn't watch it live: "He spent his night at a steak house, 'with a bottle of Cabernet and a few cigarettes.' Sounds like an average night for Boehner, swilling that Cabernet all night." Classy. Uygur then turned to Washington Post…

Suddenly, Cenk Wants People To Chant 'USA, USA
May 2nd, 2011 9:26 PM
What does it take to make a lefty MSMer go all Chuck Norris? A war-on-terrorism success during a Dem presidency, of course.
On his MSNBC show tonight, Cenk Uygur, of all people, regretted that more Americans aren't chanting "USA, USA!"
View video after the break.

Ratings-Starved Uygur: The Devil Makes Me Cover Donald Trump
April 30th, 2011 7:20 AM
Even at MSNBC, which gets crushed of course by Fox News in every prime-time slot, Cenk Uygur manages to come in dead last in ratings among his liberal peers.
So when Cenk claims that he doesn't want to cover Donald Trump but is forced to do so by The Donald's popularity, the baloney-meter starts screaming. Uygur opened his show last evening with a long segment on Trump, all the while…
Uygur Urges Dems To Be More 'Vicious', Like Republicans
April 27th, 2011 11:33 AM
One more sign the Age of Civility is over: an MSNBC host urging Dems to be more "vicious" toward Republicans. Oh, and to engage in more "name-calling."
Apparently writing off any career ambitions of succeeding to the Miss Manners slot, Cenk Uygur issued his recommendations last night in the course of disagreeing with a Dem congressman who was insufficiently coarse for Cenk's taste.

Pat Buchanan Tells MSNBC Host: 'You’ve Got to Learn Supply and Deman
April 25th, 2011 9:29 PM
MSNBC's token conservative Pat Buchanan has really been having a lot of fun lately taking on the liberals at the so-called news network he contributes to.
On Monday's "MSNBC Live," Buchanan in the middle of a discussion about oil prices and subsidies told the host, "You’ve got to learn a little bit about supply and demand as Barack Obama never did when he was out there in that Saul Alinsky…

Alter: With Ryan Plan, Republicans Voted 'To Throw Granny Into The Sno
April 15th, 2011 8:10 PM
Q. How does a liberal describe giving seniors choice over their health care coverage?
A. Murder.
On Cenk Uygur's MSNBC show this evening, Jonathan Alter claimed that in proposing to issue Medicare vouchers, Republicans voted "to throw granny into the snow."
For good measure, Cenk came out in favor of the "Robin Hood" approach to taxation--robbing from the rich and giving to the poor…