Tom Steyer

NYT Hypes Soros-Tied Climate Group Spending $80M to Help Biden in 2024
The New York Times hyped up an eco-extremist group with ties to leftist billionaire George Soros that is scheming to unleash tens of millions of dollars to ensure President Joe Biden’s reelection in 2024.

DUMB: Steyer Told CNN ‘Only Solution’ to Wildfires Is Electing Biden
It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign. His new schtick? Selling the American people that the only way to stop West Coast wildfires is electing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Top Lib Donors’ Spending BEATS Top Conservative Donors by Over $100M
Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by over $100 million. Records reveal that all top liberal donors listed by Open Secrets (59) spent a whopping $191,827,021 combined so far on liberal groups…

Bernie Fetches Nearly 2x Coverage on Spanish Nets Over 2020 Rivals

Bungled! Bloomberg, Steyer Spent Over $1B Trying to Oust Trump

Tom Steyer Reportedly Spent $23.6M on South Carolina Campaign Ads

Despite Apology, Matthews Spends Spin Room with Dems Hammering Bernie

Top 4 Liberal Donors Dwarf Top 39 Conservative Donors’ Spending

Steyer on Impeachment: My Goal ‘Always Was to Get the Facts’
Is it really a surprise that a liberal billionaire who spent $120 million on a “Need to Impeach” campaign is touting impeachment? Fox News reported Jan. 24, that “[2020 Democratic presidential candidate] Tom Steyer weighed in on the Senate impeachment trial Friday, urging Congress to allow the American people to hear from all relevant witnesses about President Trump's actions.”

Debate Moderator Pushes Relocating Whole Cities from Climate Change

Daily Beast: Tom Steyer Is Running a Donor Scam

Steyer Gave $23,987,925 to Liberals, Dwarfs Top 15 Conservative Donors

WashPost Boosts Steyer’s Need to Impeach: ‘A Lib Fantasy No Longer?’