
O'Donnell: GOP Doesn't Care How Big The Mass Shooting Body Count Gets

May 18th, 2022 12:11 AM

For the second night in a row, the vile leftist Lawrence O’Donnell melted down over the fact that Rupert Murdoch dared to create a news channel that doesn't toe the leftist media line. The worst part of the unhinged rant came at the beginning of O’Donnell’s MSNBC show The Last Word when he accused Murdoch and Republican politicians of not caring how “large the body count gets” in what…


O'Donnell: Murdoch Did More Damage Than Any Immigrant in The World

May 17th, 2022 12:38 AM

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell started his low rated show in the most vile way possible, by lashing out at Fox News founder and CEO, Rupert Murdoch. Even claiming he has blood on his hands and has done more damage to America than any immigrant in any other country during the 21st Century. 

NewsBusters Podcast: Stelter Hits Rupert as World's Most Dangerous Man

April 4th, 2022 10:31 PM

As the networks show us grisly photos of dead civilians lying in the streets of Ukraine, when most people could agree what Vladimir Putin is a deeply evil man, CNN and Brian Stelter touted a hot take attributed to President Biden that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch is somehow "the most dangerous man in the world." The last we checked, Murdoch hadn't mowed down any civilians.


CNN's Zurawik Agrees: Fox's Murdoch 'Most Dangerous Man in The World'

April 3rd, 2022 4:28 PM

During a brief segment at the end of Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, host Brian Stelter and CNN media analyst David Zurawik discussed a new book that's set to be released by two New York Times reporters that details behind the scenes drama in the Biden White House. 

NYT's Down Under Doom-Monger Hits Rupert Murdoch’s ‘Extreme' Outlets

September 9th, 2021 9:08 AM

After imposing authoritarian Covid restrictions, Australia is no longer acting like a liberal democracy. But to New York Times’ Australia bureau chief Damien Cave, the big news from Down Under is how conservative media mogul villain Rupert Murdoch may be accepting some precepts of the “climate change” movement. The headline had a “when did you stop beating your wife?” feel: “Murdoch’s…

Rocker David Crosby Wants Fox News Creator ‘Taken Out’ & ‘Shot’

July 28th, 2021 2:25 PM

Musician and peace and love enthusiast David Crosby is currently moonlighting as a bloodthirsty fascist who thinks about shooting people who promote politics he doesn’t believe in. Yeah sure, the first member of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young embodies that hippy lifestyle, though today it seems in a way less reminiscent of John Lennon and more akin to Charles Manson. 

NY Times Snickers at Fox Weather Launch, Whines About 'Climate Change'

July 8th, 2021 1:19 AM

New York Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum gained front-page Business section play on Tuesday with his story about…weather coverage? But you see, it’s Fox weather coverage, so it’s automatically controversial, even if the project hasn’t actually launched yet: “Fox Wants to Do for TV Weather What It Did for Cable News.” One can almost hear the booing and hissing among Times…


Evil: MSNBC’s Reid, Guests Gleefully Spit on Rush Limbaugh’s Grave

February 17th, 2021 11:30 PM

With Wednesday’s passing of conservative icon Rush Limbaugh, venom coarsened through the left and their media pals as many openly celebrated his death. MSNBC’s The ReidOut was no exception with host Joy Reid, conservative-turned-ardent liberal Charlie Sykes, and Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank rhetorically spitting on his grave as having made Americans dumber and…

Appalling NYT Favors Press Restrictions for Murdoch-Led News in UK

February 17th, 2021 10:29 PM

New York Times’ London bureau chief Mark Landler’s obsessive hostility toward mogul Rupert Murdoch’s right-leaning media empire was on display Wednesday. His coverage of two fledgling right-of-center news outlets also documented the resulting panic of liberals like Landler: “Murdoch to Challenge U.K.’s Fairness Statute With Fox News Playbook.” He fretted: "While Britain has long had a…


Amanpour Lauds Shep Smith Not Watching Right-Wing Media

January 21st, 2021 10:10 PM

On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour lauded Shepard Smith's negativity toward right-wing voices on Fox News Channel as the former Fox News host discussed his decision to leave the network.


Amanpour and Guest Blame Fox News for 'Monstrous' Climate 'Denial'

November 22nd, 2020 7:36 AM

Journalists despise government efforts to "investigate media power" -- unless it's Rupert Murdoch. On Friday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour provided an unchallenged forum to former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd to complain about Rupert Murdoch's influence on issues like global warming, and to talk up an effort he is pushing to…

Brainwashing Future Reporters: Journalism Professors Lash Out at Fox

April 3rd, 2020 10:14 AM

Despite many calls for people across the country to work together in reversing the coronavirus outbreak, several journalism professors have decided to go “against the flow” and criticize the most popular network on cable television. An open letter sent to the heads of the Fox News Channel was signed by 74 teachers and released by Oliver Darcy, a senior media reporter for the liberal CNN…


Joy Reid Guest: Fox News Has Been 'Getting People Killed for Years'

March 15th, 2020 7:16 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, leftist guest Eric Boehlert called Fox News a "cancer on this country" that has been "getting people killed for years." Reid quoted to Boehlert from a Washington Post column that suggested that Rupert Murdoch should force Fox News to "tell the truth" about coronavirus, and also use his influence with President Trump on the matter.

NY Times Delivers Page One Climate Lectures For Australia

February 16th, 2020 2:30 PM
The front of Sunday’s New York Times featured yet another climate lecture from Australia bureau chief Damien Cave. The alarmism was labeled a “Reporter’s Notebook,” but was not so much reporting as pleading with his unfortunate subjects to radically reorganize their lives in the name of “climate change.” The online headline deck: “The End of Australia as We Know It -- What many of us have…