Mick Mulvaney
How’d It Get Published? Daily Beast Pens Fact-Free Smear of NewsNation
The Daily Beast has always had a reputation as not only a leftist publication, but a contemptuous band of pricks buffered by layers of juvenile smugness. So, it was no surprise when they had writer Joe Berkowitz spend a week watching NewsNation and, on cue, he concluded with a piece dripping with disdain that was so thick he must of forgotten to get basic facts right, including who hosts what…

CBS FLIPS OUT After Mulvaney Notes Divisive Dems Are Election Deniers
An hour before Tuesday’s CBS Mornings engaged in an voter suppression effort to imply support for Republicans meant a vote for violent extremists, the liberal morning show tried to argue Republicans are what ails America and, until they shape up, our polarization will reek havoc. Standing in the way was CBS News contributor and former Trump acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who…

Column: Internal CBS Revolt Against Hiring Republicans
If anyone had any doubt that our “objective” television news operations are deeply partisan and nearly unanimous Biden-voter caucuses, observe the revulsion and disgust spilling out into public view when one of them hires a Republican to offer the Other Party’s Viewpoint. CBS News decided to hire former Trump Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and then liberal Washington Post media reporter Jeremy…

CNN+: Forget Hunter, REAL Media Scandal Is CBS Hiring a Trump Official
The biggest media story to break all week was a series of Wednesday reports from the Washington Post that confirmed both Hunter Biden’s laptop and his shady deals with Chinese business interests, which upending previous media assertions it was all “Russian disinformation.” But that was of ZERO importance to CNN+ Reliable Sources Daily host Brian Stelter and his lackey Oliver…

CNN: Trump Staffers Resigning Now Just Trying to 'Cleanse Reputation'
For years, CNN has exploited former Trump officials as they dumped on the old boss, from Anthony Scaramucci to Omarosa. But CNN thinks anyone resigning the wake of the Capitol Hill riot has no principles at all, and are just trying to "cleanse their reputation" It's too late to help CNN.

CNN's Sciutto Demands Trump Staffers Testify 'Under Oath' About Bolton
On Friday morning’s New Day, CNN host Jim Sciutto interviewed Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s former Chief of Staff. Sciutto queried Mulvaney about the allegations made against Trump by John Bolton, in his new book, The Room Where it Happened. Sciutto suggested that those who witnessed the alleged events in Bolton’s book testify “under oath” about the claims and attacked…

Karl: Trump WH Staff Believe Trump's 'Madness' Makes Him a 'Genius'

Poppy Harlow Slips Snide Merrick Garland Shot Into Impeachment Talk

Fox News ‘Progressive’ Debunks ‘Complete Myth’ of No Liberal Viewers

CNN NatSec Analyst: 'Russia is Dictating What Our Foreign Policy is'

Bozell & Graham Column: Claiming Trump’s Rhetoric Inspires Mass Murder

Karl Calls Trump's Rhetoric 'Just Dangerous' Following Mass Shootings

Mulvaney RIPS INTO Chuck Todd Over Atrocious Shooting Blame Game
Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday following a completely off-the-rails panel discussion in which liberal pundits blamed President Trump for the mass shooting in El Paso, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney blasted moderator Chuck Todd for allowing such vile politization of the tragedy on the broadcast.