Mark Levin
Brazile: ‘Trump Is Amplifying Everything We Have Heard on Talk Radio'
March 13th, 2016 2:53 PM
Current Democratic Nation Committeewoman and ABC/CNN analyst Donna Brazile participated in Sunday’s PowerHouse Roundtable on ABC’s This Week where she claimed that by peddling racist “dog whistle” politics, Donald Trump has “amplif[ied] everything we have heard on talk radio for the last eight years.”
Mark Levin Slams Chris Wallace for Conducting a 'Hit Job' on Ted Cruz
March 1st, 2016 7:05 PM
One day after Ted Cruz was a guest on the Fox News Sunday program, conservative radio personality Mark Levin hammered the show's host -- Chris Wallace -- for performing a “hit job” on that Republican presidential candidate after conducting a softball interview with Donald Trump, even though the GOP front-runner has made several of the same mistakes Cruz was accused of making.
Levin began the…
Matthews on Levin: 'One of Most Distasteful Human Beings Out There'
January 18th, 2016 7:45 PM
Mark Levin is American media's most knowledgeable, passionate proponent of constitutional conservatism. No wonder Chris Matthews hates him. On his MSNBC show Monday evening, Matthews slurred Levin as "one of the most distasteful human beings out there." Matthews' attack came in the context of commenting on the defense that Levin and Rush Limbaugh have mounted against Donald Trump's claim that Ted…
Todd Pushes Ryan to Bash Ingraham, Levin; Hounds Him on Working w/WH
December 20th, 2015 7:00 PM
Appearing exclusively on Sunday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd repeatedly pressed Speaker Paul Ryan to denounce conservative radio talk show hosts Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin over their criticism of the recently-passed omnibus bill and Todd demanded to know how he’ll work with President Obama to “lay the groundwork” to end political polarization. Todd asked, of the talk show hosts, whether their…
Joan Walsh: GOP ‘Running Against Reality, Not Against the Democrats’
November 2nd, 2015 9:19 PM
Those who hope that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin get to moderate a Republican presidential debate include Hannity himself, Ted Cruz, and Walsh. As they (almost) used to put it on Sesame Street, one of these persons is not like the others.
Walsh, who recently joined The Nation after more than a decade and a half at Salon, argued in a Friday article that such a debate would benefit…
Bozell & Graham Column: Mark Levin Worries About the Young
August 4th, 2015 10:55 PM
Arrogant liberal journalists naturally assume that conservative talk radio only succeeds in making Americans dumber. They reach this conclusion by avoiding conservative talk radio entirely. But the overwhelming majority would never dare appear on one of these shows and debate the conservative host. If one of them ever entered the ring with Mark Levin, they'd invoke the "mercy rule" before the…
Mark Levin: Time for Discusssion of Obama's Anti-Semitism
March 21st, 2015 2:01 PM
Mark Levin was plain. And the question is now on the table for discussion.
Both on his own eponymous radio show and in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s TV show, in discussing President Obama’s treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mark specifically and in detail accused the Obama administration of anti-Semitism and liberals in general of flat-out racism, all of this protected by…
Levin Slams Obama's 'Praetorian Guard Media'
January 22nd, 2015 12:05 AM
"[N]ow that [House Speaker John] Boehner has invited [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to speak before Congress... the White House is telling its media surrogates to attack," conservative radio host Mark Levin noted on his January 21 radio program. "Forget about Boehner, attack Israel and Netanyahu, they have violated diplomatic protocol!"
Lefty Blogger Roots For End of ‘Idiotic’ U.S. Embargo Against Cuba
December 18th, 2014 1:03 AM
The Esquire blogger is pleased that with Obama’s executive action on immigration and the shift on Cuba, “the Republicans now have two major freak-outs in their base that will do nothing except inflame the implacable Right, and thereby cripple the party's ability to reach out to the new Hispanic voters it claims it wants to attract.”
Mark Levin to Shep Smith: Stop Whining About Ebola 'Hysteria' in Media
October 20th, 2014 2:49 PM
Mark Levin does not suffer liberal foolishness gladly, as his radio listeners are keenly aware, and whether said fools are employed at Fox News Channel is irrelevant to him.
Levin, well-deserving and most recent recipient of the Media Research Center's annual William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence, went after Fox's Sheppard Smith for complaining about "hysterical" voices in media…
Video of the MRC's DisHonors Awards Gala and Honor for Mark Levin
October 4th, 2014 8:02 PM
Watch the MRC’s 2014 Gala, featuring the “DisHonors Awards” and Mark Levin receiving the eighth annual “William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence.” Full video below of the entire two hours from Thursday night, September 25.
MRC Gala: Mark Levin Accepts Buckley Award
September 26th, 2014 12:02 PM
On Thursday evening before hundreds of conservative activists gathered for the 2014 Media Research Center Gala, radio host and author Mark Levin joined the likes of Brit Hume, Rush Limbaugh, and the late Tony Snow on Thursday evening by becoming the latest honoree to receive the MRC's William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence.
New York Times: 'Potent Voices of Conservative Media' Helped Brat Defe
June 11th, 2014 11:02 PM
Like many analysts in the “mainstream media,” New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters sought to explain how David Brat -- a 49-year-old economics professor and virtually unknown candidate -- won the Republican primary in Virginia on Tuesday, unseating Eric Cantor, a seven-term incumbent who has served as the majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Peters' explanation? During a…
Mark Levin: Warren Buffett a 'Stupid Billionaire
May 14th, 2014 5:16 PM
Talk radio host Mark Levin discussed CMI's report on Warren Buffett's funding of the abortion industry.
Levin noted that "this guy is held up as this great public figure, even though he's a private, corporate titan. Tens of billions of dollars. $1.2 billion dollars, one man? And he's this great guy, he knows all about the economy -- he doesn't know anything. He's just another stupid…