Mark Levin
Column: Ex-Justice Stevens Is Busy Pushing Book Urging Giving the Feds
April 24th, 2014 12:10 PM
Honestly, unless you are a big government liberal, how many people think the federal government should have more power than it already exercises over its citizens?
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, 94, thinks the Constitution needs at least six amendments in order to bring the country more in line with what he believes is good for us. He outlines them in his new book, "Six…
Mark Levin on Bob Costas: He's a 'Damn Fool,' Not a 'Juan Williams Lib
March 10th, 2014 11:05 PM
He may call himself a "Bernie Goldberg conservative" and a "Juan Williams liberal" but in truth, NBC sportscaster Bob Costas is simply "a damn fool" who "has abused [his] role" on the network's airwaves to trash the constitutional right of "we the people" to keep and bear arms, syndicated radio host Mark Levin argued on his March 10 program.
[Click here to listen to an MP3 of the Levin…
WashPost's Milbank: Obama Needs 'Cattle Prod' and 'Baseball Bat' to De
January 29th, 2014 1:50 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank utilized the kind of violent imagery that would make liberals howl if uttered by anyone on the right as he suggested that President Barack Obama needs a "cattle prod" and a "baseball bat" in dealing with Republicans.
Referring to a quote from President Obama that "I've got a pen, and I've got a…
ESPN Host: It Makes No Sense Black Conservatives Are 'Pariahs' in 'Our
December 16th, 2013 10:22 PM
During most segments of First Take, a weekday program aired on the ESPN sports network, the discussion focuses on a wide variety of topics ranging from football to basketball and even golf. However, on Friday morning, co-host Stephen Smith addressed the subject of race-related politics.
Responding to a feud between Cleveland Browns running back Jim Brown and Los Angeles Laker Kobe Bryant…
Chris Matthews: Conservatives Beck, Cruz, Lee, Levin and Paul Are Like
December 14th, 2013 12:13 PM
Is there anything MSNBC hosts won't compare conservatives to?
Consider Chris Matthews who began Friday's Hardball likening conservatives such as Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Mark Levin, and Rand Paul - who have the nerve to oppose the budget compromise just passed in the House - to North Korean despot Kim Jong Un killing his uncle (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Shorter Slate: Mark Levin Inspiring 'Secretive' Cabal to 'Rewrite the
December 12th, 2013 1:03 PM
His book The Liberty Amendments made the New York Times bestseller list for weeks, and radio host Mark Levin has repeatedly discussed his proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution via a state legislature-called convention on his nationally syndicated program. But to the folks at Slate, the push to make Levin's call for an Article V amendment convention a reality is a "secretive campaign" to "…
Mark Levin Attacks Chris Matthews As 'Deranged Moron' for Comparing Ma
December 7th, 2013 12:14 PM
Mark Levin laid into Chris Matthews on his national radio show Friday night over the MSNBC host oozing on Now with Alex Wagner that South African F.W. deKlerk was more patriotic than Republicans because he "had treated Nelson Mandela so different than the way Mitch McConnell handled the election of Obama." Sharpton hailed the wisdom of Al Sharpton for saying the wisest thing in five years.
WashPost Media Critic Honors MSNBC's Rachel Maddow As 'Clear Winner of
November 10th, 2013 8:27 AM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple read through a stack of books by cable-news hosts for a Sunday Outlook piece, and declared “MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is the clear winner of the cable-news-host literary prize” for her book “Drift.”
On Sunday’s front page, The Post called it a “blab lit review” and called it “A survey of the many cable big mouths who have stuffed it between hard covers…
Dershowitz: 'Very Strong Argument That What Ted Cruz Is Doing Is Deepl
October 15th, 2013 10:38 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Mark Levin responds.
Ted Cruz's former law professor at Harvard had interesting words for the Texas Senator on CNN's Piers Morgan Live Tuesday.
After calling his former student "among the brightest" he's every had, Dershowitz said, "I think you can make a very strong argument that what Ted Cruz is doing is deeply unconstitutional."
Mark Levin Discusses 'Liberty Amendments' With NewsBusters: 'Media Are
October 4th, 2013 1:07 AM
Mark Levin is a conservative talk radio host with a tradition of writing some of the finest non-fiction books of our time. Following in the footsteps of his best-sellers “Liberty and Tyranny” and “Ameritopia” comes “The Liberty Amendments,” a serious proposal to bring America back to its constitutional roots and away from the statism that progressives have created in the past hundred years.…
On CNN, Mark Levin Excoriates Obama, Explains What a 'French Republica
September 27th, 2013 5:53 PM
CNN's Jake Tapper hosted conservative radio show host Mark Levin for a lengthy interview on Friday's The Lead. Levin touched on President Obama's foreign policy, Obamacare, what happens in a government shutdown, and he previewed his forthcoming book "The Liberty Amendments."
Levin skewered President Obama for talking with the President of Iran but refusing to negotiate with Congress over…
NY Post Quizzes: Why Are the Washington Post, NYT Ignoring Mark Levin
September 3rd, 2013 6:03 PM
The New York Post on Saturday decried a typical example of liberal media bias: Despite the fact that Mark Levin's New book The Liberty Amendments is number one on all three related New York Times bestseller lists, that newspaper, as well as the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, among others, has ignored it.
The New York Post's Kyle Smith wondered, "So, who is this man of mystery…
Scarborough Suggests #1 Best-Selling Author Mark Levin 'Jealous' Of Hi
August 30th, 2013 8:33 AM
Although he didn't dare mention him by name, there's little doubt that Joe Scarborough had Mark Levin—who has taken strong shots at Scarborough's criticize-conservatives-first approach—in mind as a radio talk show host who is "jealous" of him and for whom Scarborough feels "sorry."
On today's Morning Joe, James Carville told Scarborough that the hard core of the Republican party does not…
Cal Thomas Column: Mark Levin's 'Liberty Amendments' Has Constitutiona
August 16th, 2013 5:55 PM
When I studied the U.S. Constitution in school, I learned that for a bill to become law it first had to be introduced in either the House or the Senate. Today, a cynic might say for a bill to become law a member of Congress must first be introduced to a lobbyist.
Much of government's dysfunction, cost and overreach can be traced to the abandonment of the constitutional boundaries the Founders…