Marjorie Dannenfelser

Pro-Life Groups Say Biden-Harris Ticket Is 'Most Pro-Abort in History'
As soon as Joe Biden announced U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his vice presidential pick on August 11, prominent pro-life groups immediately characterized the Democratic presidential ticket for 2020 as the most “pro-abortion ticket in American history.”

Bozell, Conservative Leaders on Ways to Counter Biased Social Media
On Wednesday the Free Speech Alliance (FSA) responded to President Donald Trump's executive order addressing social media platforms' bias against conservatives by releasing the following statement setting out four principles these platforms need to adopt.

Planned Parenthood Sues to Overturn Trump’s Pro-Life Rule

Nets Applaud ‘Historic’ Irish Abortion Vote as ‘Women’s Rights’ Win
Women matter, but only if they’re already born – at least according to the networks on Ireland’s recent abortion vote. On Friday, May 25th, Ireland voted to repeal the country’s Eighth Amendment that banned abortion. In many of their segments, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) framed the repeal as a win for “women’s rights” against a “highly restrictive” law.

Pro-Life Leader: Trump Sees Pain-Capable Bill a ‘High Priority’

Conservatives Demand: Nets Must Cover the March for Life

NewsBusters Interview: Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony L
Has Gosnell Murder Case Made Partial Birth Abortion Horrors Harder to

Pro-Life Leaders Blame Media for Coverage on Gosnell, Baby Killing
Washington Free Beacon Scoop Spurs WashPost Double Standard on Slavery

Andrea Mitchell Hammers Pro-Lifer, Gives Roe v. Wade Attorney Softball

WashPost Strangely Hails Democrat Operative Sandra Fluke As an 'Indepe