Snopes: Maybe Biden Didn't 'Literally' Forget Defense Secretary's Name

March 11th, 2021 9:04 PM has a habit of running to Biden's defense, even when the "facts" aren't exactly making Biden look good. Take Biden clearly bumbling and not being able to recall the name of his own Defense Secretary. Snopes somehow suggested this was in some sort of doubt under the headline "Did Biden Forget Defense Secretary Austin’s Name?" 


Column: Biden's General Amnesia Gets Spiked

March 10th, 2021 6:06 AM

On March 8, President Biden seemed to forget the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and where he worked in a White House event to announce the nomination of two female generals to lead combatant commands. Since the theme of Biden’s mental acuity is considered a Trump meme, the media wanted to spike it.


Reid, Panelists Smear Manchin as Racist, Sexist for Opposing Tanden

February 24th, 2021 5:38 PM

With OMB director designee Neera Tanden’s prospects looking grim, MSNBC’s The ReidOut spent Tuesday bitterly lashing out at Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) as racist and sexist to oppose her (and any other non-white Biden nomination) and collaborate with “hypocritical,” “overtly” political, and “ugly” Republicans holding Americans “hostage” with Senate as a “structural disadvantage” to progress.…

Media Cheer Biden’s Cabinet of “Firsts,” Ignore Their Liberalism

January 25th, 2021 8:50 AM

Listen to the liberal media, and you’d be very, very impressed that President Biden has nominated a “historic” Cabinet with “vast experience,” “expertise and diversity.” With all of the media’s fixation on race, gender and sexual orientation, you might never know that the group would also form perhaps the most left-wing Cabinet in U.S. history.


U TURN: CNN Attack Dogs Turn Into Cuddly Biden Puppies

December 10th, 2020 5:30 AM

Co-host John Berman’s interview with Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan during Thursday’s New Day further showcases CNN’s continued transformation into soft partisan puppies. Throughout the interview, Berman did not press for answers when the Senator dodged, and did not even try to get her off the talking points. Instead, the partisan journalist asked softball questions on the topics of…


Cover-Up: ABC, CBS Barely Cover Hunter Biden Probe, Ignore China

December 9th, 2020 9:58 PM

Just over a month after the 2020 presidential election, Hunter Biden and his father’s team dropped their spin operation on Wednesday against any and all criticism of Hunter’s corruption business dealings, admitting that Hunter’s under federal investigation over his taxes. But when it came to the network evening newscasts, ABC and CBS couldn’t be bothered to each give it even a minute’s time or…


CNN UNITY: Net Compares Trump to Slavers During Civil War

December 9th, 2020 2:10 PM

As is often the case for the DNC TV CNN, Wednesday’s New Day compared Donald Trump to history's monsters. This time, it was when CNN hack John Avlon openly compared Donald Trump to slaveholders during the Civil War with warped views of liberty. Avlon describes people who have supported the President or believe his claims as: “Without knowing it, you bought into what Abraham Lincoln…


Only CBS Notices Report That U.S. Manipulated ISIS Success Claims

August 11th, 2016 4:02 PM

According to a congressional report, data on ISIS was manipulated in order to make the progress appear more impressive. Yet, only CBS This Morning on Thursday bothered to cover this development. Despite five hours of combined air time, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today skipped it. 


Dempsey Opens Chance of Troops In Iraq; Nets Rush to Cover For Obama

September 17th, 2014 12:55 AM

On Tuesday night, the major broadcast networks worked to quickly remind viewers that President Barack Obama has promised that no United States combat troops will be on the ground in the Middle East to fight the Islamic terrorist group ISIS despite congressional testimony by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, on Tuesday that U.S. troops returning to Iraq could…

NBC's Lauer and Koppel Discuss 'Very Controversial' and 'Reckless' New

December 12th, 2011 12:27 PM

On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer asked new NBC special correspondent Ted Koppel about the success of Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign: "He has said some very controversial things over the last month....Is being outspoken – and some would even say a little bit reckless – necessarily a bad thing in this election cycle?" Koppel lamented how Gingrich had not been damaged by scandal…

Only ABC Airs Full Story on Good Iraq News, NBC Can't Resist Caveat

June 23rd, 2008 9:12 PM

The Pentagon on Monday released a quarterly report showing dramatic reductions in violence in Iraq compared to a year earlier, but only ABC aired a full story Monday evening while NBC gave it short-shrift as anchor Brian Williams cited the reduction in violence “by as much as 80 percent” since “before the so-called troop surge.” He then added a caveat about how the report “also warns the…