NY Times Sees ‘Rising Star’ Dems vs. Controversial GOP Hacks

December 6th, 2019 5:15 PM
New York Times impeachment testimony coverage on Thursday almost completely ignored the labored, pseudo-clever mean pun from law professor Pamela Karlan, who bizarrely named Trump’s 13-year-old son Barron to make some unrelated point. The controversy, which inflamed Republicans and even made some liberals cringe, was relegated to the last two paragraphs of the paper’s large front-page story.” The…

Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’

November 22nd, 2019 11:55 AM
Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, legal analyst and constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley completely shattered the hopes of Democrats and the liberal media that President Trump would be successfully impeached and removed from office. He trashed the proceedings for presenting “the thinnest evidentiary record” and declared the effort was “designed to fail.”

Legal Analyst Slams CBS Reporter’s ‘Insulting’ Question to Barr

April 18th, 2019 12:05 PM
In the middle of the media’s outrage over Bill Barr’s statements at the pre-Mueller report release press conference, rational analysis was found on CBS, as legal analyst Jonathan Turley calmly and bluntly dismantled the Democrats’ concerns over the Attorney General’s impartiality. The George Washington University Constitutional Law Professor also called out CBS reporter Paula Reid’s badgering of…

Morning Joe Turns on Stormy Daniels: 'Not Very Credible'

March 26th, 2018 6:39 PM
Following the highly anticipated 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels, panelists on Monday’s Morning Joe changed their tone with regard to the scandal, approaching the story with a heretofore unseen level of skepticism. MSNBC contributor John Heilemann complained that the interview ‘fell short,’ while host Joe Scarborough and George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley…

Douglas Brinkley Goes Full Drama Queen Over McCabe Firing

March 17th, 2018 12:53 PM
Quick! Somebody pass the smelling salts to CNN's Presidential Historian Douglas Brinkley. He went full blown hysterical on CNN's Tonight on Friday over the news about the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He tossed out words like "Friday night slaughter" and "paranoid" to describe President Donald Trump and he was only getting warmed up. He acted as if the firing was strictly…

James Comey to Teach 'Ethical Leadership' Course; Press Notes No Irony

January 24th, 2018 7:38 AM
On Friday, the College of William & Mary announced that former FBI Director James Comey, a 1982 graduate, will "will teach a three-credit course on ethical leadership" beginning this fall. Establishment press coverage of Comey's assignment, coinciding with being named "an executive professor in education," has mostly avoided the myriad reasons why having him teach such a course is a horrible…

Despite Obama's Stunts, CNN Blames Trump For 'Strain' Between the Two

June 11th, 2017 9:00 PM
President Donald Trump has been in office for almost five months. CNN's Kevin Liptak, whose network bio still brags about how he, as "White House producer," "has traveled the world covering President Obama," noted in a Saturday report updated Sunday morning that Trump and Obama "haven't spoken or seen each other" since Inauguration Day. Gosh, I wonder why?

Partisan Jeffrey Toobin: Obstruction of Justice ‘Even Clearer Now’

June 9th, 2017 1:13 PM
CNN senior legal analyst Jeffery Toobin once again proclaimed that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice on CNN's New Day Friday morning. He stated that he thought “it’s even clearer that this is a case of obstruction of justice,” after the Comey testimony.

Scarborough's Claims of Conspiracy Destroyed by Turley

May 23rd, 2017 1:50 PM
Joe Scarborough unapologetically declared on Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe that President Donald Trump was guilty of a conspiracy to end the FBI investigation into Russia. Stringing together the patchwork mess of media revelations and unsubstantiated claims of recent days he concluded, “Whether you work for Donald Trump in the White House, whether you are the DNI, whether you're the head of…

Jonathan Turley Shuts Down Joe Scarborough's Dubious Legal Claims

May 17th, 2017 12:32 PM
“Joe, is it fair to say with your legal background and the guests we have that we are looking at potential of obstruction of justice here?” Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski breathlessly asked her fellow co-host/fiancé, Joe Scarborough during their Wednesday show. “Well, you know Mika,” Scarborough replied, “As I always said on the campaign trail when people asked me if I was a lawyer I said, '…

CNN Guest Tells Cuomo, Toobin to Stop the ‘Rhetorical Spin' on Comey

May 15th, 2017 1:41 PM
On Monday’s New Day, CNN guest and liberal George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley calmly dismantled the media’s hysteria over President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, toeing the line between concern for what happened and suggesting the “rhetorical spin” be toned down.

Ex-MSNBC Analyst Jebreal Goes on CNN Charging Trump 'White Supremacy'

January 29th, 2017 7:57 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, former MSNBC and Newsweek contributor Rula Jebreal had one of the biggest on-air blow-ups against a fellow liberal that you're likely to witness all year. As the group discussed President Donald Trump's recent executive order halting immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries, after Jebreal repeatedly claimed that the…

CNN's Cuomo: Only the Press Can Legally 'Possess' WikiLeaks Docs

October 17th, 2016 10:18 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo, who laughably insisted a month ago that Hillary Clinton "did not do anything illegal" in connection with her use of a private server for State Department emailing and other business, is at it again. To be clear, she did lots of things that are illegal, but a corrupt FBI and Department of Justice decided not to prosecute her.

CBS Misleadingly Suggests Clinton Emails Marked 'C' Not 'Classified'

September 5th, 2016 12:22 PM
On CBS This Morning on Monday, at the end of a report recalling the notes the FBI released which document that Hillary Clinton claimed not to know that "(C)" markings in her emails indicated classified information at the level of "confidential," CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes misleadingly gave the impression that confidential emails are not classified as she made a point of correcting Donald…