
The Worst 10 Moments From Late Night Comedy Guests In 2024

December 28th, 2024 3:15 PM

It is not just the hosts that make the late night comedy shows another part of the liberal media. It is also their guests. Throughout 2024, the late night shows’ guests slanted heavily left and provided plenty of outrageous moments, but, first a more humorous honorable mention.


Daily Show: Pro-Lifers Are 'The Biggest A**hole From High School'

October 10th, 2024 10:00 AM

Why are pro-lifers, pro-life? Could it be that they genuinely believe that the unborn child is a human being with rights? According to the Wednesday edition of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with host of the week Jordan Klepper and abortion activist and author Jessica Valenti, that is not even a possibility. It must either be because they want power within the GOP or they enjoy…

Feminist Journo ‘Despairing’ That ‘America’s Sexism’ Booted Liz Warren

March 5th, 2020 2:27 PM
Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the 2020 presidential race March 5, and in that instant one could feel a great disturbance in the feminist force, as if a million voices cried out in terror that once again a woman was unfairly blocked out of her shot. Medium’s Jessica Valenti, a radical feminist with a history of blaming the world’s problems on the patriarchy, let out a loud lamentation about the…

Media Mislead About Bills Jailing Women for Abortion

May 17th, 2019 6:00 AM
The passage of abortion laws in Georgia and Alabama have caused a flurry of media reactions, including many misleading ones. At least 16 articles claimed or suggested women would be jailed for having abortions, even though the laws’ text is available for all to read, and specifies women will not face prosecution.

Unhinged 'Guardian' Writer Loses It Over Pence Being Faithful to Wife

March 31st, 2017 1:46 PM
The crackpot left won’t let this story go. In a Friday piece for The Guardian, staff writer Jessica Valenti became unglued over the ridiculous media hubbub that Mike Pence stated in 2002 that he doesn’t eat alone with another woman or attend events with alcohol if his wife Karen isn’t present.

Media Flips Lid After Trump Reinstates Reagan Abortion Policy

January 23rd, 2017 3:49 PM
To start off his first week in office, Donald Trump spent the morning signing executive orders, one of which was reversing a pro-abortion policy from the Obama Administration. The “Mexico City” policy, more commonly called the “Global Gag” policy by the left, bans federal funds from being given to organizations who pay for or promote abortions overseas. It was originally enacted by Ronald Reagan…

'Guardian' Writer: Scalia Was ‘Extreme,’ ‘Regressive,’ ‘Out of Step'

February 18th, 2016 8:45 AM
Following the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, the country mourned the loss of one of its greatest legal thinkers. Not surprisingly, Jessica Valenti of the leftist British newspaper The Guardian was quick to figuratively spit on his grave.

MSNBC's Melber Seems Unaware of Infamous Clinton Cattle Futures Scanda

April 27th, 2014 9:21 PM
MSNBC's Ari Melber may want to brush up on his Clinton scandal history in preparation for a Hillary Clinton White House run. As he substitute hosted Tuesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Melber mistook a reference to the infamous cattle futures deal for a criticism of the former First Family making money since leaving office.

'Slut' Walk Feminist Won't Say If She'd Want Daughter To Dress Like On

June 6th, 2011 8:27 AM
This column makes a living lambasting Mika Brzezinski for her liberalism. So let's give the Morning Joe co-host credit when she dares deviate from the lefty line. On today's Morning Joe, Mika persistently questioned Jessica Valenti, a feminist proponent of [their term] "Slut Walks," as to whether she'd want her daughter to dress like one.  Valenti, happy to push others out into the streets…

WaPo Lists 'Virginity' as Something 'the World Should Toss Out

May 7th, 2010 11:15 AM
Most people do spring cleaning to get rid of unwanted items and to perhaps start fresh. The Washington Post recently compiled a spring cleaning list of “Twelve Things the World Should Toss Out.” But instead of suggesting getting rid of old clothes or unused exercise equipment, blogger Jessica Valenti actually advocated that virginity should be headed for the dump. Valenti, who is the author of “…

To VH1, Teen Purity Is a Short-lived Marketing Trend

January 19th, 2010 12:17 PM
Whether you have children or not, you've probably heard of Hannah Montana (or perhaps Miley Cyrus); Selena Gomez from Disney's "Wizards of Waverly Place"; or the Jonas Brothers, the boy band that elicits ear-splitting screams from their female teeny-bopper fans.They're big names in the entertainment industry, even though the oldest of the bunch is only 23. What you may not know, however, is that…

Today Show Feature: 'There's No Such Thing as Virginity

April 29th, 2009 4:34 AM
Jessica Valenti, founder of the vaguely pornographic sounding, has decided that there is no such thing as virginity in America's young girls and the Today Show is entirely pleased with itself to give her a national TV venue from which to say so. Never mind how silly it all sounds. On April 23 Valenti and Today pushed the idea that sexually active girls should not be thought of as…