
Supreme Court Nominees Always Too Conservative for the Liberal Media

March 15th, 2016 10:25 AM

Whomever Barack Obama selects to fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia expect the liberal media to worry the selection isn’t progressive enough. As might be expected, journalists criticize the Supreme Court appointments made by Republican presidents as “hardline” and “very conservative.” But even the nominees elevated by recent Democratic presidents have been challenged as not…


Halperin: All Agree Great for SCOTUS to 'Look More Like America'

March 2nd, 2016 6:27 PM
I'm guessing most NewsBusters readers could care less about "diversity" when it comes to choosing Justices of the Supreme Court. That they'd be thrilled if all nine justices looked, for example, like Clarence Thomas--so long as all shared his philosophy of judicial restraint and original intent. On today's With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin interviewed Planned Parent president Cecile Richards.…

WashPost Bewails SCOTUS's 'Blow to Organized Labor,' Buries Viewpoint

July 1st, 2014 6:42 PM
Reporting on the outcome of Harris v. Quinn on the front page of Tuesday's Washington Post, staff writers Jerry Markon and Robert Barnes buried the perspective of the successful party in the case, non-unionized home health care worker Pam Harris, in the 21st paragraph of the 29-paragraph article, "Ruling on union dues a blow to organized labor." But right out of the gate, Markon and Barnes… SCOTUS 'May Let GOP Block Obama Recess' Appointments, But L

January 14th, 2014 1:30 PM
When the Supreme Court sat yesterday to hear the matter of NLRB v. Noel Canning, virtually every justice was highly skeptical of the Obama administration's claim that President Obama's January 2012 "recess appointments" were a valid exercise of his constitutional authority. After all, the president made the appointments when the U.S. Senate was technically in session -- a minutes-long pro forma…

Politico Misses Kagan '09 Statement on DOMA Story: 'There Is No Federa

March 28th, 2013 12:52 PM
So, Politico jumped the shark on gay marriage yesterday in reporting that Justice Elena Kagan that she had a ‘gotcha’ moment during yesterday’s hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act. But a real ‘gotcha’ moment would have been if Politico did their homework and resurrected Kagan’s past comments about gay marriage from 2009, when she was awaiting confirmation to the post of solicitor general…

Bozell Column: 'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games

February 23rd, 2013 8:08 AM
The Obama administration's assault on the Second Amendment in reaction to Newtown is not a serious solution. It's a Band-Aid on cancer. The NRA's call for armed guards in every school also misses the point. When is anyone going to get serious? The problem is violence, a violence of monstrous and horrific proportions that has infected America's popular culture. The Hartford Courant reported on…

NBC's Pete Williams: Democrat 'More Likely to Appoint' 'Less Ideologic

July 1st, 2012 3:00 PM
Readers are advised to remove all food, fluids, and flammables from proximity to their computers before proceeding. You've been warned. NBC News justice correspondent Pete Williams on this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show actually said that when it comes to nominating judges, "A Democratic president is more likely to appoint somebody near the middle who is less ideological" (video…

Networks Ignore Calls For Kagan's Recusal as Supreme Court Takes on Ob

November 15th, 2011 4:18 PM
While NBC, ABC, and CBS all reported on the Supreme Court's decision Monday to rule on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, none of the coverage made any mention of calls for liberal Justice Elena Kagan to recuse herself from the case due to her advocacy for the legislation as Obama's solicitor general. Of the three networks, only ABC's World News even noted public opposition to the…

WaPo Hails Elena Kagan's 'Bold Rookie Term' -- Bold, As In Liberal

September 26th, 2011 11:20 PM
The Washington Post puffed up the rookie performance of liberal Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan on the front page Monday. The headline was “Kagan made her mark in a bold rookie term.” But inside the paper was the more obvious conclusion, in the headline: “Kagan soothed liberal fears by shoring up the court’s left flank.” Reporter Robert Barnes is one of many liberal reporters who like…

NPR Devotes Over 4 Min. to Supposed Ethics Issues of Thomas, Scalia, A

August 17th, 2011 6:50 PM
NPR's Nina Totenberg spent more than 4 minutes on Wednesday's Morning Edition to supposed ethical conflicts of interest for conservative Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Antonin Scalia. By contrast, Totenberg devoted only 17 seconds to the more current issue of liberal Justice Elena Kagan's service in the Obama administration as a factor in upcoming cases before the…

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamaca

July 7th, 2011 11:33 AM
The House Judiciary Committee is launching an investigation to probe the involvement that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan had in “health care legislation or litigation” when she was serving as President Barack Obama’s solicitor general and was responsible for defending the administration’s position in federal court cases. The investigation will look at whether Kagan is required by law to…

NPR's Totenberg: Kagan, Sotomayor 'Not Nearly as Liberal' as Predecess

June 28th, 2011 9:28 AM
NPR's Nina Totenberg strangely cast doubt on the liberal credentials of Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor on Saturday's Early Show on CBS, claiming that "they're not nearly as liberal as justices were...thirty years ago." Totenberg also hinted that the other members of the Court were right-wing radicals: "Compared to the much more conservative members of the Court, they are…

Bozell Column: Losing Your Head at the Supreme Court

November 6th, 2010 8:46 AM
On Election Day, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case Schwarzenegger vs. Entertainment Merchants Association. The irony of this case name was obvious: the celebrated violent-action-hero governor of California had signed a bill into law in 2005 forbidding the sale of ultraviolent video games to minors, a law that lower federal courts prevented from ever going into effect. Why should…

Top Liberal Law Prof Advised Obama Not to Pick ‘Bully’ Sotomayor

October 28th, 2010 3:44 PM
One wonders how Ed Whelan of the Ethics and Public Policy Center managed to get a hold of a private letter sent to President Obama by Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe advising him against nominating Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, but be that as it may, its contents are quite interesting and show just how nakedly political Tribe’s view of a justice really is and also how little he…