Ed Gillespie

Rather: GOP Ran ‘Dirty’ Divisive Ads, While Dems 'United' Voters
November 9th, 2017 11:39 AM
If the media genuinely wants to turn around their reputation for reporting fake news, here’s an idea: Stop turning to disgraced news anchors, fired for reporting on fake sources, as your experts on “truth-telling!” But as per usual Wednesday night, CNN predictably brought on Dan Rather to give his words of wisdom on Tuesday night’s election results.

CNN Libs Defend Latino Victory Fund Attacking GOPers as Racist Thugs
November 8th, 2017 7:03 PM
Early Wednesday morning on CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon stood by as his liberal panelists Paul Begala and Symone Sanders defended and even praised the disturbing Latino Victory Fund ad that ran before Tuesday’s gubenatorial election, painting Republicans and Ed Gillespie voters as Confederate flag-loving murderers running over minority children.

FLASHBACK: CNN Didn’t See GOP Winning in 2009 As Referendum on Obama
November 8th, 2017 3:47 PM
As journalists rejoice over Republican defeats in New Jersey and Virginia, hyping them as a referendum on President Trump, we at the MRC dove into our archives to remind them that just 8 years ago they said the exact opposite when the exact same situation happened to President Obama. The comparison couldn’t get more apples-to-apples: in both 2009 and 2017, the governorships of Virginia and New…

Dem Wins ‘Make You Feel Better About the Country Today' 'View' Gushes
November 8th, 2017 2:27 PM
On Wednesday, ABC’s The View began the show with a much more enthusiastic opening than they typically do, as the hosts raved to the excited audience, that Democrats had won races in several key states during last night’s election. Suggesting the election results were a “rebellion” against Trump and his policies, the hosts gushed that America seemed to be heading back on track. “It makes you feel…

ABC: ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ of Dem Wins Are ‘Rejection of Trump’
November 8th, 2017 11:29 AM
Giddy over Democratic wins in state and local elections across the country, on Wednesday’s Good Morning America, political pundits Matthew Dowd and Meghan McCain were eager to cheer the results as “rejection” of President Trump and a victory for “diversity and inclusion.”

WashPost Ignores Nasty Democrat Ads: 'Triumph of Decency Over Dread'
November 7th, 2017 11:14 PM
The Virginia governor’s race was pretty rough on the TV airwaves, but somehow the Washington Post editorial board wants to pretend that all the nasty commercials were aired by the Republicans. Their Hurray-for-Northam editorial on Tuesday night was headlined “A triumph of decency over dread.” That accurately summarized the first paragraph:
Somehow the Post’s promoters of civility completely…

ABC Finally Discovers Nasty Dem Ad in VA Race, Blames ‘Both Sides'
November 7th, 2017 11:36 AM
On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America suddenly realized there was a governor’s race in Virginia and actually devoted a full report to covering Election Day in the commonwealth. However, out of that two-minute segment, only 13 seconds of air time was given to a disgraceful left-wing ad that painted supporters of Republican Ed Gillespie as racists who hunt down minority children in pick-up trucks.

Celebrity Lefties Push for Dem in VA Gov Race: ‘Say No To Racism’
November 6th, 2017 3:48 PM
With the gubernatorial elections for the states of Virginia and New Jersey coming up on November 7, parties are arming themselves for the last campaign stretch. Washed up liberal celebrity were only too happy to volunteer for the job.

NYT Fights Disturbing Racial Ads in Virginia, Fears They Will Help GOP
November 6th, 2017 2:38 PM
Monday’s New York Times featured a prominent story by reporter Jonathan Martin on how Republicans are closing the gap in the Virginia governor’s race thanks to “racially tinged” tactics inspired by Donald Trump. Martin’s story led the paper’s National section, and the editors gave it the full-page treatment with the help of two large photos. Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed…

Chuck Todd Acts Tough With DNC Chair Perez, Then Lets Non-Answer Slide
November 6th, 2017 9:40 AM
One of the more annoying double standards displayed by the left-leaning press is how they ask genuine follow-up questions of Republicans and conservatives who try to dodge their questions, while letting Democrats and liberals slide when they engage in similar behavior. A perfect example of this occurred Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press, when, prompted by a Latino Victory Fund ad portraying…

Andrew Sullivan: 'GOP Are on the Smart Side' of Immigration Issue
November 4th, 2017 9:49 AM
New York magazine contributor Andrew Sullivan has a well deserved reputation as being an unhinged liberal anti-Trumper. However, unlike most leftists, Sullivan does experience brief moments of mental clarity. Such a moment occurred today when Sullivan experienced extreme foreboding about the outcome of next weeks gubernatorial election in Virginia. He fears that the Democrat stance on immigration…

Tur Interviews Dem Candidate, Skips Toxic Ad Spinning GOP as Killers
November 3rd, 2017 5:23 PM
MSNBC journalist Katy Tur on Friday skipped the opportunity to press Virginia’s Democratic governor about his connection to an appalling ad that linked his Republican opponent to mowing down Muslim and Hispanic children. Though Tur offered some tough questions, they were of a horse race variety, worrying that Ralph Northam might blow the election.

Northam Camp Deny Approving Race-Baiting Ad; Column Shows Otherwise
November 2nd, 2017 5:44 PM
Every day that goes by continues to generate more controversy for Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, regarding a minute-long commercial that attempts to portray Republicans in the Old Dominion as race-baiting, Confederate flag-waving villains.

NPR Hypes GOP Immigration Ads, Skips Over Sleazy Va. Democrat Ad
November 1st, 2017 9:27 PM
Even though few political campaigns are underway this year, the gubernatorial contests in New Jersey and Virginia have drawn the attention of the All Things Considered weekday program on the liberal, taxpayer-funded National Public Radio network. Host Ari Shapiro began a segment on Tuesday, October 31, by stating: “The Republican candidates in both of these states have released attack ads…