Claire McCaskill

SO SAD: 'Mourning' Mika, Near-Tears McCaskill, Sharpton Blames 'Bias'
The morning after the election, "Mourning" Mika is dressed all in black. Claire McCaskill is near tears, saying Trump understood the electorate better than the Democrats, that "anger and fear" work, and that America's "better angels" have fled. Al Sharpton blames racial and gender bias, and says there's a lot of "misogyny" among black and Hispanic men.

VIDEO: Media Already Lying Through Their Teeth about ‘Centrist’ Walz
It’s only been a few hours since Kamala Harris picked hard-leftist Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) as her running mate, and the media are already lying at full throttle about his supposedly “moderate,” “centrist” record.

ChatGPT Agrees that Comparing Trump to Hitler Increased His Risk
An MRC Free Speech America analysis found that even Big Tech AI can recognize that inflammatory language against a politician can lead to an assassination attempt. So why can't the legacy media do the same?

Claire McCaskill: Biden Never Had People Wishing For Someone Else
President Joe Biden’s late decision not to seek reelection has scrambled both the media’s Sunday plans and collective brains. In the wake of the expected but nonetheless surprising news, the galaxy-brain takes are flying.

As the night wore on, the mood got more dire at MSNBC. As different contributors weighed in, the message was continually driven that President Joe Biden is in deep trouble after his performance in the first presidential general election debate.

MSNBC: Hunter Verdict Proves Biden Is 'Embodiment Of The Rule Of Law'
When the news came down on Tuesday that Hunter Biden had been found guilty of the gun-related charges against him, the cast of Jose Diaz-Balart Reports only did what comes naturally to MSNBC: hype his father as the “embodiment of the rule of law” and promote his re-election campaign.

McCaskill Angrily Demands NY Times Stop Fact-Checking Biden
The New York Times dared to publish an unflattering fact-check of President Joe Biden’s economic talking points on Wednesday and MSNBC contributor and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill was infuriated about it. Reacting on Thursday’s Morning Joe, McCaskill did not care to rebut the substance of the article, but demanded that no newspaper fact-check Biden unless they…

DERANGED MSNBC: Trump Is ‘Even More Dangerous’ Than Hitler, Mussolini
The next time a liberal journalist, academic, or family member tries to insist fear-mongering is a “right-wing media” phenomenon, show them a segment like this from MSNBC’s Deadline: White House. On Tuesday, former Senator-turned-bitter pundit and MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill (D-MO) seethed with hatred that former President Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than Adolf Hitler…

Reporters Caught Using Identical Talking Points to Dems on Impeachment
With impeachment in the political headlines once more, Democrats and their media allies have formed a tight phalanx around President Biden, armed with a handful of fresh talking points. And unsurprisingly, it’s nearly impossible to distinguish the journalists from the politicians.

Morning Joe Manufactures Clarence Thomas Conspiracy
On Thursday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, co-host Mika Brzezinski, Politico White House editor Sam Stein, and former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) desperately peddled crazed claims about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. They claimed a new ProPublica report on Justice Thomas’s gifts received while in office was evidence he was being bribed in order to rule in favor of…

MSNBC's McCaskill Insists Biden Did Nothing Wrong Except Love Hunter
On MSNBC’s All In, guest host Jen Psaki invited failed former Democrat Senator and MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill to huff and puff about how poor Hunter Biden has been unfairly targeted by Republicans in light of the debacle Wednesday in which his sweetheart plea deal was revoked. McCaskill even went so far as to suggest that President Joe Biden is being targeted by Republicans…

'Morning Joe' Joins With Those Calling Israel An 'Apartheid State'
On Morning Joe, liberal columnist Peter Beinart approvingly cites sources calling Israel an "apartheid state." Beinart calls on the US to pressure Israel by threatening to withhold funding, and ceasing to protect it from condemnation at the UN and prosecution at the International Criminal Court.

BACK OFF! McCaskill On Verge of Tears Over GOP Targeting Hunter Biden
Failed former Senator and MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill took the the airwaves on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House to tearfully lash out at Republicans for wanting to see equal justice under the law and see President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden prosecuted for all the crimes he has been credibly accused of. Instead of arguing for Hunter’s innocence based on the merits, she…

Scarborough Touts Wild Conspiracy Trump Sold Classified Docs to Saudis
As America began to reel from the political firestorm caused by the Justice Department’s indictment of former President Donald Trump, resident MSNBC bloviator Joe Scarborough took to his Friday morning show along with former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill (MO) to promote a wild and baseless conspiracy theory that Trump tried to sell classified documents to Saudi Arabia.
The far-…