Journalists Are Already Lying Through Their Teeth about ‘Moderate,’ ‘Centrist’ Walz

August 6th, 2024 3:48 PM

It’s only been a few hours since Kamala Harris picked hard-leftist Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) as her running mate, and the media are already lying at full throttle about his supposedly “moderate,” “centrist” record.

Before getting into the absurd garbage that journalists are peddling today, let’s first dispel with the notion that Walz is, or ever was, a “moderate.” It’s already well established that he’s governed Minnesota as a hard-line leftist: he allowed the BLM riots in 2020 to run rampant through the Twin Cities; he supports hormone treatments and sex change operations for children; and during a particularly draconian COVID-19 lockdown, he established a hotline that encouraged Minnesotans to snitch on their neighbors for gathering outdoors.

But even most (though not all) corporate journalists are not dishonest enough to claim that he’s been a centrist Governor. Instead, the preferred talking point is that, while he trended more progressive during his stint as Minnesota’s Chief Executive, he spent 12 years in Congress as a solid moderate.

But that’s also a lie. The American Conservative Union (ACU), which rates how conservative each members of Congress is, gave Walz a lifetime rating just eight percent — tying him with the likes of Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Joaquin Castro (D-TX) when he left Congress in 2018. Meanwhile, Heritage Action, which employs a similar rating system, gave Walz a more generous but still very left-wing lifetime score of 13 percent.

If that sounds like a centrist to you, then you’ll find nothing amiss with the video below. But for everyone still tethered to reality, this chorus of reporters calling a Walz a moderate should sound pretty nutty:



On Tuesday morning, MSNBC contributor and former Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill (whose lifetime ACU rating was 12%) lambasted those who would dare describe Walz as a leftist: “The idea that Time Walz is some lefty is just not true in reality. He got elected in a district that was very moderate… He is definitely somebody who is absolutely more moderate than people are giving him credit for right now.”

Later that morning, MSNBC contributor and former Florida Dem Carlos Curbelo spent several minutes wildly gaslighting the audience of MSNBC’s José Díaz-Balart Reports: “It’s the same formula as 2020 for Democrats, but inverted. Now the progressive candidate is at the top of the ticket, and the more centrist, deal-making candidate is the Vice Presidential nominee.”

Hillyard repeated the claim that Walz was a “centrist” several times during that segment.

Against all odds ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl somehow managed to outdo even the two former members of Congress on MSNBC’s payroll. Over the course of just a few minutes, wove the term “moderate” into his analysis so often that one wonders whether he was being paid per utterance:

He does have a record in Congress as a very moderate Democrat representing a very moderate to conservative district in Minnesota…
He had a pretty moderate record…
He was viewed as a moderate…
He will appeal, have a more personal connection to some of those moderate voters…
He has a proven ability to do well with rural, moderate, even conservative voters.

Not that any of this is surprising. After all, the corporate media’s primary task is to get Democrats elected. When the American public are turned off by lawless rioting and transgender surgery for minors, that means they have to lie to do their jobs.