Carmen Yulin Cruz

Capehart Loves Dean Scolding Dems For Not Fighting 'Neo-Fascist' GOP
January 24th, 2022 10:15 AM
On Jonathan Capehart's MSNBC show, Howard Dean scolds Democrats for not fighting "neo-fascist" Republicans. Dean says there are "similarities" between Hitler and Trump. Capehart says that Dean said "exactly what I'm thinking."

Univision Gives San Juan Mayor Top Billing, Even During Storm Coverage
August 31st, 2019 12:36 PM
Univision never misses an opportunity to showcase its media darling, especially if it’s during coverage of a storm. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is featured accusing Trump of "verbal incontinence."

Bernie's Co-Chair Refuses To Condemn Cuba, Venezuela Regimes
July 9th, 2019 12:03 PM
Carmen Yulín Cruz, the radical separatist Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, made yet another appearance on Univision’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto. Watch as Cruz, national co-chair for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, minimizes host Jorge Ramos’ recent arbitrary detention in Venezuela while attempting to dance around her failure to condemn the brutal dictatorships in Cuba and…

The Liberal Media’s Darling in San Juan Trips Up on Univision
April 10th, 2019 10:22 AM
As the issue of Puerto Rico funding was in the national news again, the liberal media turned to their favorite anti-Trump personality on the island, Bernie Sanders presidential campaign co-chair and San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, as opposed to Governor Ricardo Rosselló (D) or the territory’s sole non-voting representative in Congress, Jenniffer González (R).

Univisión le hace encargo a Yulín en reporte de allanamiento FBI
October 18th, 2018 9:41 PM
El reporte de Univisión sobre el allanamiento del FBI al edificio municipal de San Juan de Puerto Rico muestra fuertes indicios de sesgo por incriminación, es decir, lo que hubiese sido un reporte neutral, acabó siendo uno contaminado con implicaciones viciadas.

Univision Report On FBI Raid Carries SJ Mayor Cruz’s Water
October 18th, 2018 1:35 PM
Univision’s report on the raid of the San Juan administrative building carried out by the FBI shows a strong instance of bias by framing- wherein an otherwise neutral report is contaminated by biased framing.

Alcaldesa ausente de SJ promueve teorías de conspiración en Al Punto
April 24th, 2018 5:12 PM
La entrevista más reciente del presentador de Noticias Univisión Jorge Ramos con Carmen Yulín Cruz (la alcaldesa ausente de San Juan, Puerto Rico) deja claro que si eres separatista radical y además aborreces públicamente a Donald Trump, tú también puedes recibir trato VIP en el semanario político Al Punto.

Absentee Mayor of San Juan Floats Bitcoin Bro Invasion
April 24th, 2018 3:13 PM
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos' latest interview of Carmen Yulín Cruz- the absentee mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico- proves that if you are a radical separatist and #Resist Donald Trump, you too can receive VIP treatment on the network's Sunday political talker, Al Punto.

Samantha Bee en Puerto Rico: desdén liberal y chistes de vibradores
April 16th, 2018 9:26 PM
Hace poco, le tocó a la comediante Samantha Bee mostrar que sigue vigente el convertir el dolor y la tragedia humana en Puerto Rico en "commodity" político para fines electoreros liberales.

Samantha Bee in Puerto Rico: Liberal Condescension and Vibrator Jokes
March 31st, 2018 11:45 PM
This week, it was Samantha Bee's turn to show that the commodification of Puerto Rican grief and tragedy for liberal political gain continues apace.

Vista larga de los medios ante escándalos e hipocresía de Yulín
January 31st, 2018 11:00 AM
Carmen Yulín Cruz, la radical y separatista alcaldesa de San Juan, Puerto Rico, aprovechó al máximo la invitación extendida por la senadora Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) para viajar a Washington y presenciar el discurso del Estado de la Unión del presidente Donald Trump. Al salir, deja atrás una madeja de hipocresías, y nos vuelve a recordar que la prensa falló en escudriñar a su nueva querendona…

Media Turn Blind Eye to San Juan Mayor's Hypocrisy, Scandals
January 31st, 2018 7:45 AM
Carmen Yulín Cruz, the radical separatist mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, made the most of her visit to President Trump's State of the Union speech as a guest of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). In her wake, she leaves behind some rank hypocrisy and yet another reminder that the media failed to vet its newest anti-Trump darling.

Univision no deja de darle pauta a alcaldesa radical de San Juan
December 31st, 2017 5:44 PM
Se avecina el final de 2017, y con ello Univisión aprovechó una última oportunidad para colocar el foco sobre una de las querendonas nuevas de la cadena: Carmen Yulín Cruz, la alcaldesa separatista radical de San Juan, Puerto Rico.