Bette Midler

Celebrities’ Wildest Reactions to SCOTUS Rejection of Roe v. Wade
The following are just some of wildest and angriest outbursts and tweets from celebrities post the Supreme Court decision to throw the abortion issue back to the states.

Supreme Celeb Stupidity: Midler Says Women Should Kneel for Anthem
In the long, bloody history of America’s culture wars, has there been an atrocity more heinous than allowing Bette Midler to acquire a Twitter account?

Bette Midler Donated to MeidasTouch SuperPAC Targeting Joe Rogan
The leftist group PatriotTakes was part of the release of a controversial video that attacked podcasting star Joe Rogan. PatriotTakes just happens to be reportedly partnered with leftist SuperPAC MeidasTouch, which was funded by actress Bette Midler.

WORST OF 2021: Celebrity Freak-Outs Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2021: The Celebrity Freak-Outs Award.

West Virginians, Midler Says You're All ‘Poor, Illiterate, Strung Out'
Bette Midler has a history of mean-spirited and obnoxious tweets, even by the standards of Hollywood progressives. But Midler has outdone herself.

New York Times Book Review Boosts Bette Midler Reading Deeply on Race
The New York Times Book Review sometimes softly interviews celebrities for its "By The Book" feature, allowing them to boast of their love of the published word. For this Sunday, the celebrity was Bette Midler, and the gushy headline was "Bette Midler Is Still in the Thrall of 19th-Century Novelists." Not only does she insist she has always loved to read, she aggressively volunteers…

Lamest Tantrum Ever: Bette Midler Eggs on Women's 'Sex Strike'...AGAIN
Sister Toldjah at RedState is reminding us that actress Bette Midler is once again expressing her outrage at pro-life legistlation by demanding all the ladies engage in a "sex strike" until the liberals win and abortions are as easily available as a manicure.

Midler Defends Sinead O'Connor’s Pope-Tearing On SNL: ‘She Was Right’
How relevant is Bette Midler? She’s got a hot take on one of the most controversial incidents … of 1992. Midler praised Irish Singer Sinead O’Connor in a recent Twitter post, saying “she was right about...everything.” The Hocus Pocus witch was referring to O'Connor's infamous tearing of an image of Pope John Paul II during her live Saturday Night Live performance, which many…
Privileged White Guy Moore Among Celebs Celebrating Chauvin Verdict
The long awaited verdict of ex-cop Derek Chauvin was announced April 20, causing the world to erupt in cries of relief and elation. He was found guilty of all charges in the death of George Floyd. Hollywood celebrities shared in the excitement, tweeting their approval of the court ruling and condemnation of the man and the system itself.
Bette Midler's Hate: Dead Rush Limbaugh Was a KKK Member
Bette Midler has an interesting standard for when it is ok to disrespect the dead and who is allowed to do it. Monday night Midler posted a tweet equating Rush Limbaugh with Ku Klux Klan members. Just 24 hours earlier she complained that Donald Trump Jr.’s video content was some subtle campaign effort to steal Limbaugh’s radio slot.

DESPICABLE! The Ugliest Limbaugh Obits by Lefty Journalists and Celebs
Sadly, the Left’s hatred and venom against Rush Limbaugh only grew over the decades, and it spilled over in an ugly display within minutes (in some cases) of his passing last Wednesday. The following are the most disgusting attacks on the conservative broadcast giant in the last week by lefty journalists and Hollywood celebrities:

'Payback!' Bette Midler Thinks Texas Snow Storm Is God’s Punishment
Earlier this week wintry storms hit the southern part of the United States and so far, more than 20 people have died and 4.1 million people are left without power. This storm is a natural occurrence and everyone knows that ... except everybody’s favorite pagan Bette Midler who thinks it's some sort of retribution from God.

‘My Deepest Sympathies’ to Satan: Hollywood Hopes Limbaugh Is In Hell
The loving, enlightened Hollywood progressives demonstrated just how much they care for and tolerate other people by gleefully tweeting that Rush Limbaugh is probably in hell after his recent passing.