Andrew Jackson

Daily Show Faux-Debates 'America's Greatest War Criminals'
Comedy Central’s tempt host of The Daily Show, Michelle Wolf welcomed correspondents Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta for a “debate” on who is “America’s greatest war criminal” after the death of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. As Chieng and Kosta fake fought over Kissinger and former Vice President Dick Cheney, Wolf offered up President Andrew Jackson.

On PBS, Historian Jon Meacham Compares Liz Cheney, Bush Sr. to Lincoln
Firing Line host Margaret Hoover talked to liberal historian, presidential biographer, and current Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham, who made some bizarre modern-day comparisons to President Abraham Lincoln and denied he was a Democrat, in the latest edition of the relaunched public affairs show on PBS. Meacham predictably cited Lincoln, the subject of his latest biography, and found…

Keilar: Biden's Interior Decorating Shows He'll Be Pro-Science, Truth
CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar took the media's relief that there is now a president who supposedly cares about truth to a whole new level on Thursday when she argued that this can be seen in how the Biden Administration has decorated the Oval Office.

CNN's Coates Excuses Anarchy: Statue Vandalism Is 'Symbolic Speech'
CNN legal analyst and guest host of Friday's CNN Tonight Laura Coates condemned President Trump for threatening legal action against statue vandals, arguing that instead of caring about coronavirus deaths, Trump is launching a culture war against those engaging in "symbolic speech." Coates began her monologue by declaring, "And President Trump who by the way didn't even attend today's…

CNN's Harwood Won't Condemn Vandalism, Attacks Trump for 'Dividing'
Tuesday morning saw President Trump condemn those who tried and failed to tear down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson and threaten legal action against those who would engage in similar acts of vandalism. For CNN's John Harwood on CNN Newsroom, these rather simple words were evidence that Trump was stoking a culture war and purposefully dividing the country for his own…

D'oh! Sharpton Confuses Presidents Andrew Jackson & Johnson -- TWICE

CNN Panelist: GOP No Longer the Party of Lincoln, Wants Racists

Lib Pundit: Trump ‘Represents the Death Rattle of a Declining Vision’

Bee: Andrew Jackson Was a ‘Genocidal Prick’ ‘Like Trump'

Will Lib Media Remember Harriet Tubman Was a Gun-Toting Republican?
Lefty Blogger: Who’s the GOP’s Daddy? Not Lincoln