Michael Moore: Ground Zero McDonald's Killed More People Than 9/11 Hijackers

September 18th, 2010 11:14 AM

Schlockumentary film producer Michael Moore on Friday said the McDonald's that's two blocks from Ground Zero killed more people than the nineteen hijackers involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Chatting with Bill Maher on HBO's "Real Time," Moore also accused Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin of being America's Taliban.

"We should start calling them Cleric Gingrich and Mullah Taliban Palin," said Moore.

"Because I think that their level of bigotry is so un-American" (video follows with partial transcript and commentary): 

MICHAEL MOORE: Why don't we have words for people like Gingrich and Palin? You know, because they're essentially our mullahs, you know, our Taliban. We don't ever really refer to them as, but we should start calling them Cleric Gingrich and Mullah Taliban Palin, or whatever. See how that, see how that fits. Because I think that their, their level of bigotry is so un-American, and, I just, I just. [...]

Hey, how about that McDonald's two blocks from Ground Zero, Bill? That's killed, that's killed more people than the nineteen hijackers.

Don't you love it when folks that are so overweight they're probably considered obese point fingers at others for their poor eating habits? 

Honestly, does this look like a man that should be making McDonald's jokes: 


Michael, people who live in pants the size of tents shouldn't throw Big Macs!