Noted NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell:
Here you had a whistleblower from the Department of Justice saying how Eric Holder, the Attorney General, and his office stepped in and stopped the prosecution of these Black Panther people. He claimed it was the easiest prosecution in his career. He said everything was on video, everything was on tape.... It was a slam dunk.... Look, the media are refusing to cover just how radical this attorney general is...
"You have people in paramilitary uniforms, you know, spewing racial epithets at voters as they go into the polling place... obviously a case of voter intimidation. Still no coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC, several major newspapers in this country," host Sean Hannity observed.
In addition to this incident, Hannity and Bozell discussed the media blackout of NASA administrator Charles Bolden's interview with al-Jazeera in which he stated his "foremost" objective assigned by the president was helping Muslim nations "feel good" about their "historic contribution" to "science, math and engineering."
For the full "Media Mash" segment, click here for MP3 audio or here for WMV video, or watch the video embedded above at right.