Networks Fawn Over Harris “Momentum”, Still HIDE Walz’s Stolen Valor

August 13th, 2024 12:21 AM

The Regime Media continue to do the bidding of their new figurehead, Vice President Kamala Harris, by enabling her lack of press conferences and interviews, fawning over her “momentum”, and continuing to ignore the ongoing scandal surrounding her Democrat running mate Gov. Tim Walz’s military service and subsequent embellishments.

ABC, in firm possession of the title of “Most Harris-sycophantic News Division” now that President Joe Biden is out of the picture, is most emblematic of the media boot-licking on egregious display. A sample, from Senior White House correspondent Selina Wang:

SELINA WANG: Tonight, new battleground polling shows a radically changed race for The White House, with 85 days to go. Vice President Kamala Harris now leading former President Donald Trump in three crucial Rust Belt States, states where Trump and President Biden were virtually tied, with Trump having the edge. Now in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Harris leading Trump among likely voters 50 to 46%, within the margin of error. Harris and running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz fresh off their first week together, blitzing the battle grounds.

KAMALA HARRIS: We have the momentum and I know exactly what we are up against.

This is how the report opened after a 35 second-long frame by anchor David Muir, who makes certain to get his talking points in before going to the correspondent du jour. Tonight was about ramming home the perception of Harris’s momentum, in conjunction with New York Times polling showing her ahead in several swing states. 

CBS’s Robert Costa also engaged in this puffery:

ROBERT COSTA: Trump allies tell CBS News that he is now seeking to counter the momentum of Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, which has been drawing packed crowds across the country. 

Oh, NOW crowd sizes matter.

The networks filled their campaign roundups with other matters, such as speculation over who the speakers might be at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. But there was zero time allotted to the rolling national disgrace that are the ongoing Walz developments. 

As The New York Post reports, the battalion commander of the unit Walz retired from ahead of its deployment to Iraq publicly lambasted Walz. None of this was reported on any of the network newscasts, just as none of this was reported on by the Sunday political affairs shows. Only CNN’s Dana Bash dared take a swing at the issue with JD Vance, and got annihilated for her efforts.

In sum, not only will the Regime Media NOT challenge Harris on her lack of press availability and de facto “glass basement” campaign (constantly visible, constantly enclosed) but, adding insult to injury, the media won’t question the disastrous fallout of Harris’s first and most important campaign decision.

If it weren’t for Regime Media, we’d have none at all.

Click “expand” to view the full transcripts of the aforementioned reports as aired on their respective network newscasts on Monday, August 12th, 2024:




6:36 PM

DAVID MUIR: In the meantime, we turn to the race for The White House tonight. Just 85 days until Election Day. One week now until the Democratic National Convention. And tonight, some new polls in key battlegrounds showing a dramatic shift in the race. Vice President Kamala Harris now ahead of Donald Trump in three key states: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, 50-46, within the margin of error. The vice president drawing major crowds. Among the battleground stops: 15,000 turning out in Detroit. About 15,000 in Phoenix, too. And tonight, Donald Trump now falsely claiming some of the images of those crowds are being generated by artificial intelligence. Here's ABC's Senior White House Correspondent Selina Wang.

SELINA WANG: Tonight, new battleground polling shows a radically changed race for The White House, with 85 days to go. Vice President Kamala Harris now leading former President Donald Trump in three crucial Rust Belt States, states where Trump and President Biden were virtually tied, with Trump having the edge. Now in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Harris leading Trump among likely voters 50 to 46%, within the margin of error. Harris and running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz fresh off their first week together, blitzing the battle grounds.

KAMALA HARRIS: We have the momentum and I know exactly what we are up against.

WANG: Her campaign blasting Trump for not doing the same saying, Vice President Harris is the only candidate out on the campaign trail in swing states fighting to win this election. Ok by us!

HARRIS: Good evening, Philadelphia.

WANG: That new polling also showing enthusiasm for the Democratic ticket has skyrocketed since Harris became the nominee. Supporters showing up by the thousands to Harris/Walz rallies. The campaign says 14,000 people attended the rally in Philadelphia, while at least 15,000 were in the crowds in Phoenix and Detroit. Trump now falsely suggesting this image of the crowd in Detroit was produced by artificial intelligence. Posting on social media, “Has anyone noticed that Kamala cheated at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she AI’ed it, and showed a massive crowd of so-called followers, but they didn't exist.” It's just not true. Video and images from these events clearly show the crowds the Harris campaign is reporting. Harris' running mate, Governor Tim Walz, making this crack in Phoenix --

TIM WALZ: It's not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything. Wow.

WANG: And while Harris' campaign says they've been in the battlegrounds, Donald Trump tonight plans to be interviewed by Elon Musk on X, formerly known as Twitter. Trump going after Harris for vowing to eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers, an idea he first proposed. 

TRUMP: Because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips- people making tips. 

WANG: The former president accusing Harris of copying his idea, saying: “This is a Trump idea. She has no ideas, she can only steal from me.” But Vice President Harris taking it a step further, saying not only should taxes on tips be eliminated, but the minimum wage should be raised too.

HARRIS: When I am president, we will continue our fight for working families of America. Including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.

MUIR: Going to be a key economic issue moving forward. Let's bring in Selina Wang at The White House tonight. Selina, we're just one week away from the Democratic National Convention. Of course, it kicks off next Monday in Chicago. What do we know about who will speak at the convention?

WANG: Well, David, the Harris campaign is hoping to ride this momentum all the way to the convention. Sources say that former Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are expected to speak there, as well as President Biden. And today, The White House saying that President Biden is looking forward to the convention and talking directly to the American people about the stakes of this election. David.

MUIR: Selina Wang at The White House for us. Thank you.




6:33 PM

TONY DOKOUPIL: We are also following breaking news tonight. The Washington Post reporting the FBI is now looking into suspected hacking attempts by Iran against both a Trump associate and the Biden/Harris campaign. The paper reporting that the Bureau began investigating earlier this summer, believing that Iran was sending phishing emails to Biden campaign officials. And this news drops as Donald Trump returns to X, the site formerly known as Twitter tonight. CBS's Robert Costa has more.

ROBERT COSTA: Former president Donald Trump teased his dramatic return to X, the social media site that was crucial to his winning bid for The White House in 2016.

DONALD TRUMP: We will take back our country and we will make America great again.

COSTA: Trump allies tell CBS News that he is now seeking to counter the momentum of Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, which has been drawing packed crowds across the country. Trump has been falsely accusing Harris of cheating, by claiming large crowds that he says didn’t exist. According to the Harris campaign, an audience of more than 15,000 turned out for a rally last week in Michigan. All this comes as Harris works to hold together President Biden's coalition, and in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, President Biden voiced his support.

COSTA: Will we see you out on the campaign trail for Vice President Harris?

JOE BIDEN: Yes. Yes, you will.

COSTA: Harris is also rolling out one of the first policy proposals of her campaign.

KAMALA HARRIS: We will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.

COSTA: The elimination of taxes on tips is a similar effort raised by Donald Trump earlier this year.

DONALD TRUMP: We are going to not charge taxes on tips.

COSTA: He is calling Harris a “copycat”. Meanwhile Trump's running mate, Senator JD Vance, is touting his version of a family oriented tax policy, as he keeps facing questions over past comments about childless Americans.

JD VANCE: I’d love to see a child tax credit that’s $5,000 per child but you, of course, have to work with Congress to see how possible and viable that is.

COSTA: The political map also shows this is now a real race. New polls show Vice President Kamala Harris leading in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Tony.

DOKOUPIL: Bob, thank you very much.




LESTER HOLT: Now to the 2024 race. Former President Trump being interviewed tonight by one of his high-profile supporters, X owner Elon Musk. And it comes as Mr. Trump spreads misinformation about Vice President Harris as she rises in the polls. Garrett Haake is in Washington.

GARRETT HAAKE: Former President Trump returning tonight to what was once his favorite messaging megaphone. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, for the first time in more than a year. Writing, "Are you better off now than you were when I was president? Our economy is shattered. Our border has been erased." And promoting an interview tonight with the site's outspoken owner and Trump supporter, Elon Musk. The posts come as the former president faces growing criticism from Republicans, who say he's not spending enough time attacking Vice President Harris's record. Over the weekend, Trump indulging in a baseless conspiracy theory about President Biden at the DNC.

DONALD TRUMP: He's going to walk into the room and he's going to say, I want my presidency back.

HAAKE: And falsely suggesting large Harris crowds were AI-generated fakes. The Harris campaign mocking Trump in response writing, "This is an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd." And "Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week. Low energy?" Tonight a new poll shows Harris leading Trump within the margin of error in key battlegrounds. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Prompting this public plea to Trump from an ally.

KEVIN MCCARTHY: Stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position when it comes to what did she do as attorney general on crime. Question what did she do when she's supposed to take care of the border as the czar.

HAAKE: Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is accusing Harris of plagiarizing a signature Trump economic proposal to no longer tax tips. Harris appearing to adopt the Trump plan this weekend.

KAMALA HARRIS Eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.

HAAKE: Trump has been campaigning on his no tax on tips pledge for months.

TRUMP: When I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. People making tips.

HAAKE: Trump posting Harris is, quote, “conning the American public and will flip right back.” And tonight, the FBI says it’s now investigating the Trump campaign’s assertion it was hacked by Iran. Lester.

HOLT: All right, Garrett Haake. Thank you.