A new poll released Wednesday gave extraordinary evidence as
to how continued negative reports from a bearish media have impacted the public’s
view of the economy.
As reported by Reuters (emphasis added):
Two-thirds of those surveyed, 66 percent, said the direction of economic policy was fair or poor.
Yet, these same folks are very optimistic about their own economic condition:
But on a personal level, Americans feel relatively secure and comfortable with their own finances…nearly 70 percent feel very or fairly secure in their jobs.
While 14 percent rated their personal financial situation as excellent and 10 percent as poor, the vast majority found themselves in the middle. About 43 percent rated their finances as good, and 43 percent as fair.
The stock market is at all-time highs. Unemployment is near record-lows. 70 percent of the population feel very or fairly secure in their jobs. And 86 percent rate their finances as good or fair.
Yet, 66 percent of the nation thinks the direction of economic policy is fair or poor?
Is there any other answer for this absurd dichotomy in opinion than the media’s 24/7/365 pounding of Bush economic policies?
After all, people’s own personal feelings about their financial well-being comes from what they see, correct? Nobody needs Katie, Brian, or Charlie to tell them how secure their job is, and what they’ve got in the bank.
By contrast, the larger national view has to come from the press. And, as this has been nothing but negative since George W. Bush was first inaugurated in January 2001, it makes sense that folks are displeased with economic policy regardless of how well they’re personally doing.
This should make it easy for Democrat politicians in the upcoming elections to convince folks that things are actually quite bad regardless of the facts.
As such, the following could certainly occur in November 2008:
- Stocks at all-time highs
- Unemployment near all-time lows
- People pleased about their own financial condition
- But the overwhelming majority of people believe the economy is doing very poorly.
The media should be so proud of themselves.