WashPost Slams 'USA Toady' Right Next to a Sugar Barf on Mrs. Obama

October 13th, 2018 10:35 PM
It was a stark contrast at the top of Friday's Style section of The Washington Post. At the far right was a typically harsh anti-Trump piece by media columnist Margaret Sullivan headlined "For Trump, USA Today acts like USA Toady." Really? Right next to that piece was a toadying puff piece on Michelle Obama by Peter Slevin. The subhead was "Michelle Obama steps into the spotlight to promote…

Lib Film Critics Find Movie on Fascist White House ‘All Too Possible’

October 13th, 2018 5:55 PM
The nation’s film critics found a new comedy, about a fascist president who demands loyalty oaths, to be “all too possible.” Apparently The Oath’s plausibility struck too close to home for some journalists. The Washington Post’s Michael O’Sullivan began by acknowledging the movie is a liberal fever dream: “Yes, lefties are this film’s target audience; if you’re not a compulsive consumer of…

Crystal Bull: WashPost 'Fact Checker' Claims Predictions Are 'False'

October 12th, 2018 11:39 PM
Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler broke out the swagger on Wednesday, beginning his latest article: "President Trump wrote an opinion article for USA Today on Oct. 10 regarding proposals to expand Medicare to all Americans — known as Medicare-for-All — in which almost every sentence contained a misleading statement or a falsehood." But some of these are predictions, not facts. Does…

LIES: WashPost Reporter Claims Conservatives Caused Giffords Shooting

October 12th, 2018 3:46 PM
In an insanely biased and nutty tweet Friday afternoon, Washington Post congressional correspondent Paul Kane falsely claimed that “right-wing anger/mobs” caused deranged Tuscon, Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner to kill six and nearly assassinate then-Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.

PC Washington Post Runs 'Obituary' for Indians' Chief Wahoo

October 11th, 2018 10:00 AM
"PC mascot police" in the media were quick to write Chief Wahoo's "obituary" as soon as the Cleveland Indians' season ended Monday. When Houston swept the Tribe 3-0 in an America League Division Series, it also brought an end to the 71-year history of Cleveland's Chief Wahoo mascot and logo. Media have been demanding the head of Chief Wahoo, as well as the end of the Washington Redskins' nickname…

Washington Post's E.J. Dionne Urges Rage and Revenge over Kavanaugh

October 8th, 2018 10:45 PM
Washington Post columnist is in such a rage over what he calls the "coup" of confirming Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice on the Supreme court that it caused his mind overload to the extent of forgetting about the federal system of government established by the Constitution. In addition, he is now out for revenge against conservatives by packing the Supreme Court chock full of additional seats…

WashPost Urged to End Dishonest Label of Rubin as ‘Conservative'

October 5th, 2018 4:41 PM
During her nine-year tenure as a blogger for the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin has written columns that have been described by the newspaper as coming “from a conservative perspective.” More than three dozen conservative leaders disagreed with that assessment on Wednesday, when they sent a letter to the Post’s editorial board stating that Rubin has “repeatedly rejected conservative ideas and…

WashPost: Trump Ignited NFL Controversy, Not SJWs

October 4th, 2018 6:19 PM
Liz Clarke and Mark Maske of The Washington Post blame President Donald Trump for catapulting the NFL's national anthem protests into a national issue last year. Not Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Michael Bennett, Travis Kelce or the other players who blatantly disrespected veterans throughout the 2016 and 2017 NFL seasons. In today's Post, the writers explore the reasons behind the comparative…

WashPost Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Castrate-the-GOP Professor

October 4th, 2018 7:45 AM
An update: two hours after Brent Bozell and I sent in a column about The Washington Post ignoring Georgetown professor Christine Fair's crazy tweet about killing and defiling Sen. Lindsey Graham and other white Republican males, reporter Avi Selk promoted Fair's version of events on the paper's website. It was "an experiment" to tease the Real Haters. So when the inaccurately-surnamed Fair tweets…

Researcher: ‘No Evidence' Russians Stoked Last Jedi Controversy

October 3rd, 2018 2:44 PM
To the vast majority of the mainstream media, conservatives (and especially Trump supporters) are nothing but little keyboard Kremlin apologists, scurrying about on social media sowing discord alongside their Russian counterparts.

Networks Ignore Fed Praise for Economy’s ‘Extraordinary Times’

October 3rd, 2018 2:21 PM
Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell expressed optimism about the “extraordinary times” for the U.S. economy right now at an event with business economists on Oct. 2. Powell said, “The economy is strong, unemployment is near 50-year lows, and inflation is roughly at our 2 percent objective, and the baseline outlook of many forecasters in and outside the Fed is for more of the same.”

Bozell & Graham Column: The Kavanaugh Combat and Campus Cranks

October 2nd, 2018 11:22 PM
For Washington Post readers, we offer a quiz. Guess which one of these tweets from a D.C. Catholic college professor about the Brett Kavanaugh battle is considered scandalous and newsworthy in their legendary newspaper? Hint: it's not the leftist Twitter tirade about white Republicans deserving "miserable deaths," with castrated corpses being fed to swine. 

Journalists Peddle Baseless Smears and Are Rewarded

October 1st, 2018 4:46 PM
Journalists sometimes ignore facts and evidence in order to promote an ideological narrative. For example, journalists peddled the Duke Lacrosse and University of Virginia rape hoaxes even after they were debunked.  They also continue to distort the facts about a 1991 Supreme Court nomination, in which the FBI and members of the U.S. Senate rejected as unfounded claims that Judge Clarence Thomas…

WashPost Turns to 'Bitch Media' Co-Founder for Anti-Kavanaugh Rage

September 30th, 2018 1:43 PM
Sunday's Washington Post didn't just include Kathleen Parker's defense of Lindsey Graham. The paper also made space for Andi Zeisler,the co-founder of "Bitch Media" -- which sells "Filled With Rage" mugs -- to insist Kavanaugh is guilty, guilty, guilty based on 1980s teen comedies and knee-jerk assumptions that every accuser is "resonant." Every accuser was a victim, no questions asked.