WaPo Columnist Fails to Disclose Potential Conflict of Interest

November 27th, 2019 10:32 AM
Is a new story from liberal outlet The Washington Post another instance of the pot calling the kettle black? Liberal Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan decried liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 candidacy in a Nov. 25 article headlined “Mike Bloomberg just stabbed the journalistic heart of his news organization.”

Another Sports Event Disrupted By SJW Protesters

November 24th, 2019 7:11 PM
The intrusion of protest onto sporting venues is becoming more frequent, and that was evident again Saturday when social justice protesters delayed the start of the second half of a football game between Yale and Harvard. This year alone, two college football games have been marred by protest. As Americans shamed their country at the Pan American Games, anthem kneeling continues in the NFL and…

WashPost Prints Blatantly False Article: 'Barack Obama, Conservative'

November 24th, 2019 11:39 AM
The front of Sunday's Outlook section in The Washington Post is a complete spit take. There in bold type is the blatantly false headline "Barack Obama, conservative." David Swerdlick is an employee of the Post Outlook section, so this isn't some freakish freelancer. At first glance, this seems like an obvious ploy to explain away just how radical the current crop of Democratic presidential…

WashPost Touts Students' Foiled 'Gender-Based' Grievance Protest

November 23rd, 2019 10:00 AM
In a celebratory event Friday at the White House, Columbia University's national championship fencing team failed in a plan to rebuke President Donald Trump. While being honored with several other NCAA national championship teams, the Columbia activists sought to hand deliver a letter to the president criticizing his "gender-based prejudice." Their intentions and the letter were publicized ahead…

WashPost: How Can We Care About The Grammys, When Earth is Dying?

November 22nd, 2019 11:49 AM
Somebody should really check on Chris Richards. Take him out to lunch, or maybe send him one of those singing telegrams. The Washington Post’s pop music critic sounds awfully troubled. This is Grammy nomination week, when garbage music fills the air and music writers become important (relatively), but Richards is wrestling with existential doubts.  

WashPost: Astrology Is 'Self-Care' for Millennials

November 21st, 2019 6:25 PM
I recommend Washington Post articles about as often as I check my horoscope. But every once in a while the stars align … so I’ll say Maura Judkis’s Post piece on the astrology trend among young people is worth a look. Not for what it tells us about astrology, but what it says about millennials -- or a certain cohort of them. 

NYT Admits: Left Would Tax ‘High-Income’ Americans, Not Just Mega-Rich

November 21st, 2019 5:01 PM
The New York Times conceded a crucial point that flies in the face of liberals who want to tax the ultra-rich and redistribute wealth.

Disney+ Trigger Warnings Trigger Diversity Pimps

November 19th, 2019 3:50 PM

Walt Disney must be spinning in his cryogenic tank. In life he was a smart guy who got rich making saccharine kids cartoons. In death, he’s a hated culture war criminal whose legacy is white/male/hetero/cis privilege. And, though Walt’s not to blame for Miley Cyrus, his brand will forever be tainted by the many pop tarts Disney has inflicted on an unsuspecting public.

WashPost Slams Jordan's Fashion, NY Times Hails 'Bow Tie of History'

November 15th, 2019 11:10 AM
Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan offered her classic take as a frustrated liberal editorial writer on the first public impeachment hearing in the House on Wednesday. The headline in the paper was "Be a sport, Jim Jordan, and put on a jacket." Online it was "For dignity’s sake, Jim Jordan, put on a jacket." Givhan lectured that the conservative from Ohio was somehow betraying the…

Behar Touts Liberal Max Boot a 'Conservative' Everyone Should Read

November 12th, 2019 1:45 PM
The hosts of one of the most left-leaning shows on television argued, with complete sincerity, about who qualifies as a conservative, on Tuesday’s The View. Co-host Meghan McCain clashed with her liberal co-host Joy Behar after Behar praised anti-Trump columnist Max Boot as a “conservative” “Republican” that “everyone should read.”

FLASHBACK: When It Comes to Impeachment, the Liberal Media Declare War

November 9th, 2019 12:15 PM
Next week, televised impeachment hearings begin. Expect much liberal grandstanding and a continued effort by those in the media to remove Donald Trump. The hearings come after this week’s revelation that ABC secretly conspired to suppress a story potentially harmful to harmful to Hillary Clinton in 2016.  

Democrats Pressure Google, Facebook to Change Ad Policy

November 8th, 2019 2:31 PM
The left has been pressuring Big Tech companies to change their ad policies in preparation for the 2020 election. The Wall Street Journal reports that Google is considering following the footsteps of Twitter when it comes to changing its political ad policies.

Not Satire: WashPost Asks, Will Republicans Accept Election Results?

November 8th, 2019 2:01 PM
The pompous “Democracy Dies in Darkness” paper published an opinion piece Nov. 7 that was so opposed to reality, you had to wonder if it was a joke. The article entitled, “Can Republicans relearn how to accept political outcomes they don’t like?” wasn’t a joke, even though it would’ve fit in perfectly as a satire piece for The Babylon Bee.

Senator Josh Hawley Torches Apple and TikTok at Tech Hearing

November 6th, 2019 1:15 PM
Too scared to show their faces? Apple and TikTok chose not to appear at a congressional hearing where political leaders took them to task. Josh Hawley (R-MO), Chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, hosted a hearing titled “How Corporations and Big Tech Leave Our Data Exposed to Criminals, China, and Other Bad Actors.” on Nov. 5.