WashPost Picks Michelle Obama Promoter as New Editor for 'Diversity'

July 28th, 2020 10:39 PM

Last month, we reported The Washington Post was responding to internal protests about its racial makeup and coverage by creating new positions, starting with a managing editor for “diversity and inclusion.” The Post announced today they have filled that position: Krissah Thompson, best known on NewsBusters for her regularly gushy coverage of First Lady Michelle Obama during…


Caught: CNN’s Stelter In Hot Water for Smug Tweet on Sandmann Suit

July 28th, 2020 2:14 PM

After recent Covington Catholic High school graduate Nicholas Sandmann won yet another lawsuit against a media giant this week, bitter CNN journalists took to Twitter to try to dunk on the eighteen-year-old with gossipy tweets as an act of revenge. But Sandmann’s…


WashPost Film Critic ADORES Obama-Biden 'Bromance Reboot' Video

July 27th, 2020 1:40 PM

Washington Post film critic Ann Hornaday penned a very sticky valentine for Monday's Style section headlined "Cinematic savvy from Biden and Obama." A dull new 15-minute Biden campaign film starring Barack Obama is touted as a superhero flick and a "wonkily satisfying bromance reboot." 

Bozell: Congratulations to Nick Sandmann for Beating Media Smears

July 24th, 2020 2:12 PM

Congratulations to Nick Sandmann on his victory against The Washington Post! These reporters are lying scum who tried to destroy a teen age kid just because he was pro-life. Big mistake. This kid just beat the crap out of them like he beat the crap out of CNN.

That’ll Leave a Mark: Nicholas Sandmann Settles Lawsuit with WashPost

July 24th, 2020 12:40 PM

In a week where some in the liberal media appear to be rooting for the coronavirus as it’ll hurt the President’s agenda and his reelection prospects, recent Covington Catholic High School graduate Nicholas Sandmann racked up another legal win against these same partisan tools that tried to ruin his life. After settling with CNN in January, Sandmann announced Friday (and on his 18th birthday)…

The Washington Post Hate-Pukes on America -- In The Weirdest Places!

July 19th, 2020 10:25 PM

Washington Post art/architecture critic Philip Kennicott is an insufferable snob. America stinks, our democracy is a disaster...and he's supposed to be describing the makeover of a public library. The Post is so relentlessly liberal, the editorializing against America pops up everywhere.


Shameless Liberal Journalists Eagerly Take McEnany Out of Context

July 16th, 2020 8:50 PM

The shameless charlatans in the liberal media were at it again on Thursday, engaging in fake news by taking White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s comments about reopening schools out of context so as to paint her as anti-science. Reporters had tried to poison the public into thinking she had said science shouldn’t prevent schools from reopening, but the audio (and thus the facts)…

Column: Your Opinion Is Not Reality

July 15th, 2020 8:00 AM

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson has a Republican pedigree and an evangelical Christian background. He wrote profound speeches for George W. Bush, who was mocked as a mangler of the English language. Today he sounds like a speechwriter for the gaseous opening of the Brian Stelter show on CNN.

Karen Attiah

Washington Post Writer Spells Rangers 'R-A-C-I-S-T'

July 14th, 2020 2:23 PM

There's blood in the water after the media helped tomahawk the Redskins nickname earlier this week. That deed done, The Washington Post's Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah has moved on to the next team in the line of fire: by portraying baseball's…

Here’s How the WashPost Lied About Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech

July 11th, 2020 4:00 PM

As NewsBusters’ own Tim Graham reported the other day, CNN reporter Leyla Santiago had this curious take on President Trump’s Mt. Rushmore visit. The President, she told Jake Tapper, is "kicking off the Independence Day weekend, President Trump will be at Mt. Rushmore where he'll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans…

Column: The Press Secretary Puts Down Bombastic Reporters

July 10th, 2020 6:10 AM

The July 6 Washington Post carried a typically colorful headline on top of the Style section. “A binder full of bombast: Kayleigh McEnany plays her boss and his base with derisive news briefing walk-offs.”

Newspaper Cartoon of Trump Wearing Swastika Draws Heavy Fire

July 7th, 2020 11:24 AM

During a time when the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is being used as a defense of rioting and looting from one side of the nation to the other, one cartoon has set off fireworks in both Florida and the Washington Post. Even though the image would usually draw praise from the Post, the leadership of the weekly newspaper in Key Biscayne, Florida, has chosen to stand…

WashPost Book Reviewer Sneers at ‘Unbearable Whiteness of Jane Austen'

July 6th, 2020 10:24 AM

It’s hard out there for a Washington Post book reviewer. Hey, you try balancing your exquisite wokeness (or the appearance thereof -- it strains credulity that anybody really believes all this bilge) with a supposed love of literature. 


WashPost Distorts Mt. Rushmore Speech as Screed for 'White Domination'

July 5th, 2020 9:52 AM

President Trump’s rousing Friday night speech at Mount Rushmore made the front page of The Washington Post on Sunday. It was distorted, almost beyond recognition. The Page One headline was “Trump’s racial animus rattles GOP.”