
These Are the Media Outlets Denying Babies Have Heartbeats at 6 Weeks

September 23rd, 2022 4:36 PM

Numerous pro-abortion journalists have rushed to the defense of Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams after she drew heavy criticism from the right for her claim that “there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks [of pregnancy].”


WashPost Urges Colleges to Provide Counseling Over 'Climate Anxiety'

September 23rd, 2022 12:05 PM

On September 12, The Washington Post highlighted the “critical” need for what it called “climate stress counseling services” at universities across the country.

WashPost Writer Blames Libs of TikTok for Her LAZY Research

September 22nd, 2022 6:50 PM

Last week NewsBusters documented Washington Post technology columnist, crybully, pathological liar, and online harasser Taylor Lorenz threatening Libs of TikTok on behalf of her colleague Elizabeth Dwoskin with false claims that the account was responsible for threats made against a hospital and that it was “evacuated.” Well, there was fallout Thursday when Libs of TikTok called out…


Kessler Twice Falsely Defends Democrats' Pro-Abortion Spin

September 22nd, 2022 4:04 PM

Glenn Kessler defended Democrats on abortion not once, but twice on Thursday and both times the Washington Post’s resident fact-checker got his facts wrong.


WashPost Cry-Bully Lorenz Whines YouTube ‘Rife’ with ‘Harassment’

September 22nd, 2022 3:49 PM

The same petulant Washington Post columnist who became notorious for doxxing the user behind the Libs of TikTok Twitter account and misrepresenting her dealings with two YouTube content creators is back whining about “harassment” on social media.

Ice Caps

WashPost Howls ‘Some Will Have to’ Ditch Homes Due to Climate Change

September 19th, 2022 4:43 PM

The Washington Post Editorial Board tried to freak Americans out by claiming that some communities “will have to be abandoned” completely because it would cost too much money to save them from climate change.

WashPost Columnist Calls Queen Symbol of 'White Christian Supremacy'

September 16th, 2022 8:46 PM

It's become expected for some on the left to use Queen Elizabeth's death to lament the injustices of Great Britain's colonial past or to call for the dissolution of the British monarchy. But the Washington Post’s Karen Attiah decided to approach the problem from a new angle in a piece titled “What Queen Elizabeth meant for White Christianity,” seeing the queen as a symbol for…

More Biden-Big Tech Collusion? Censoring So-Called ‘Extremism’

September 16th, 2022 5:04 PM

Shortly after Biden said MAGA Republicans represent a threatening “extremism,” the Biden White House heralded that leftist Big Tech companies, in “coordination” with the administration, will be rolling out new tools and policies to combat so-called violent “extremism” online. In other words, more censorship.


Taylor Lorenz Lashes Out at MSNBC Over Her Fake Cry Viral Video

September 13th, 2022 3:30 PM

Washington Post technology columnist, crybully, pathological liar, and online harasser picked a new target to abuse Monday night in the form of NBC/MSNBC correspondent Morgan Radford. Lorenz went on another unhinged rant, this time blaming Radford for the ridicule she received following an ironic April Fool’s Day interview where Lorenz fake cried about being the victim of online…

Column: Onward, Christian Soldiers Against Trump?

September 7th, 2022 5:59 AM

Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson, a former chief speechwriter for George W. Bush, sounded like he was writing a speech for Joe Biden in a sprawling 4,295-word September 4 essay titled “Trump should fill Christians with rage. How come he doesn’t?” If you don’t rage like Gerson, you’re not a good Christian.

WashPost Crybully Lorenz Targets Libs of TikTok: 'Attacking Hospitals'

September 5th, 2022 11:37 AM

Inflammatory, self-pitying Washington Post online media reporter Taylor Lorenz, who claims to fight (conservative) misinformation online, pushed her own line of intimidation and misinformation against one of her conservative targets, posted Friday: “Twitter account Libs of TikTok blamed for harassment of children’s hospitals -- Employees are warning colleagues to take action against…


Washington Post Columnist Hohmann Pans Biden's Extremist Speech

September 2nd, 2022 5:17 PM

Even liberal Washington Post columnist James Hohmann panned Joe Biden's Philadelphia speech on Thursday.

Labor Union Shortage Is to the Liberal Media's Chagrin

August 31st, 2022 5:41 PM

Monday is Labor Day. Will you celebrate unions? The media does. “Unions are cool again,” reports CBS News. They suggest unionization is booming. “Reporters” practically cheered when a Starbucks in Buffalo, New York, became the first Starbucks to unionize. “A big symbolic win for labor,” The New York Times called it. Since then, more than 180 Starbucks voted to unionize, and 300 filed for union…

Climate Change Forecasts Through the Years

August 30th, 2022 2:10 PM

“‘The trouble with almost all environmental problems,’ says Paul R. Ehrlich, the population biologist, ‘is that by the time we have enough evidence to convince people, you’re dead. ... We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.’” --The New York Times, 1969.