LOL: WashPost Warns of Democrats Putting Out Fake Newspapers

October 17th, 2022 6:34 AM

On their front page on Saturday, The Washington Post reported on the latest form of Democrat trickery: "Newspapers with a partisan aim filling the void of traditional media." They're right to call out this deceptive tactic of using the "trappings" of real newspapers to spread Democrat messaging. But seriously, doesn't this also sound a lot like....The Washington Post?

The WashPost Way: 'Badass' Journalists 'Afflicting the Comfortable'

October 15th, 2022 5:17 PM

Margaret Sullivan recently stepped away from her soapbox as a media columnist for The Washington Post, but she has a new book -- Newsroom Confidential: Lessons (and Worries) from an Ink-Stained Life. She touts Woodward and Bernstein as "badass," loves the "righteousness" of reporters "afflicting the comfortable," and backs "radical change" from the woke mob in newsrooms.


Liberal Media Panic Over Potential GOP Midterm Wave

October 15th, 2022 3:15 PM

Oh the agony! The horror! With polls predicting that there will, in fact, be a “Red Wave” by Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections, count on the hysteria to come from the liberal media. Catch this headline over there at Fox News: 

Wash Post: Climate Change Makes People Mean

October 14th, 2022 3:52 PM

Climate change: is there anything it can't do? While many lefties believe it will be the end of the world, according to The Washington Post, it will also lead to something even worse: an increase in hate speech. 

WashPost 'Fact Checker': Abrams Offers 'Rhetorical Twist' on Denialism

October 10th, 2022 11:43 AM

In Sunday’s paper Washington Post “Fact Checker” sought to downplay the “election denialism” of Stacey Abrams. She wasn’t a Liar to say she “won” her 2018 election for governor of Georgia, or to say it was “stolen from the people of Georgia. No, it was merely twisty rhetoric, no cartoon Pinocchios needed. 


Did Tucker’s Bobulinski Home Run Crack the Media Protection of Biden?

October 8th, 2022 4:00 PM

The headline over at Fox News this last week told the tale: “Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker Carlson Joe Biden was 'chairman' of Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings.” Fox’s Tucker Carlson — aka a real journalist — had scored another interview with one-time Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski. And mysteriously? Two days later the Washington Post soon appeared with its own Hunter…


Scarborough: I'm 'Very Conservative,' So I Can Tell Off Pro-Lifers

October 5th, 2022 3:48 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claims to be "very conservative," but fails to mention abortion on his list of issues proving his conservative credentials. He's upset that pro-lifers would stick to supporting Herschel Walker in the U.S. Senate race in Georgia. 

PolitiFact: DeSantis Mostly False For Not Evacuating Uninhabited Park

October 5th, 2022 10:54 AM

PolitiFact is at it again. This time they are accusing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of making a “mostly false” statement when he said that Hurricane Ian was not predicated to hit Lee County despite conceding his statements on the matter were basically correct.

NBC's Lester Holt Poses in front of Hurricane Ian Damage

4 Lefty Outlets Exploit Hurricane Ian Tragedy to Push Climate Change

October 4th, 2022 10:02 AM

The liberal media politicized the deaths of at least 87 people in Florida by blaming the destruction of Hurricane Ian on one their favorite boogeyman — man-made climate change.

NewsBusters Podcast: 'Oppressed' Black Journalist Going Back to Africa

October 3rd, 2022 10:35 PM

Sunday's Washington Post Magazine carried a cover story titled "Why I'm Leaving America" by Post reporter DeNeen Brown. "As a Black woman, I want freedom from oppression." She wants to "move among people who look like me," and not have to debate America's incurable racism.

The International Anti-Woke Backlash

September 30th, 2022 1:42 PM

This week, Italy prepared to welcome a new prime minister: 45-year-old Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party since 2014. Meloni is a populist conservative on issues ranging from marriage to immigration; she is a nationalist by philosophy and combatively passionate by temperament.

Michelle Singletary

WashPost Rants ‘7 Ways a Recession Could Be Good for You Financially’

September 29th, 2022 11:38 AM

A Washington Post columnist downplayed the plight of the millions of Americans who are struggling under high inflation, giving them “seven silver linings” for recession in a recent op-ed.

Washington Post Buries Its Own Terrible Poll for Biden on Page A-14

September 26th, 2022 4:15 PM

How incredibly damaging have all the Trump scandals and "legal woes" been to his political appeal? The latest ABC-Washington Post poll found that "if the 2024 race is again between Biden and Trump, 48 percent of registered voters say they would support Trump while 46 percent would support Biden, a difference within the poll's margin of error."

NewsBusters Podcast: 'Fact Checkers' or DNC 'Flying Monkeys'?

September 23rd, 2022 10:01 PM

Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media said it was "beyond ludicrous" for liberal media outlets to have "fact checkers" when they sound like "flying monkeys" for the Democrats (like The Wizard of Oz.) Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler claims you can't say Democrats favor no limits on abortions -- which is true -- because late-term abortions are rare and whenever they happen,…