
Lefty Journo Claims to Be Arbiter of Truth on Russian Election ‘Hack’

October 31st, 2017 6:41 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, USA Today senior politics and White House reporter Heidi Przybyla reacted to reports about hundreds of millions of alleged Russian Facebook and Twitter impressions by calling for the news media to uncritically accept that Russians “hacked” the election via their activities on social media. She imperiously declared: "We as journalists need to stop right now saying that…

Lefty Ad Update: Illegal Immigrant Actually Chased, Killed Muslim Girl

October 31st, 2017 6:13 PM
As this space reported on Monday, a television campaign advertisement for Virginia Democratic Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam released on October 30 attempted to portray supporters of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie as “Confederacy-supporting, truck-driving racist murderers who attack minority children.” However, it wasn't long before responses to the make-believe ad indicated…

Spanish Nets Complicitly Silent on Vile Anti-Gillespie Ad

October 31st, 2017 5:02 PM
Latino Victory is short, apparently, for Latino Victory At All Costs, as evidenced by the disgusting ad with which the organization has chosen to make a splash in the 2017 Virginia gubernatorial election. More troubling still is the fact that both major domestic Spanish-language television networks have so far ignored both the ad and its blowback in their national evening newscasts.

Capehart Whines Young Whites Aren’t As 'Woke,' Anti-Trump As He Hoped

October 31st, 2017 2:22 PM
A new survey revealing white millennials aren’t as liberal as their “enlightened” minority peers has liberal columnists at The Washington Post spooked and afraid this Halloween. Jonathan Capehart admitted in today’s paper, that the survey’s results were “alarming” and “worrisome” because they revealed white millennials weren’t as virulently anti-Trump or radically liberal in their political…

Nets Ignore Removal of Washington Memorial Plaque From Historic Church

October 31st, 2017 11:03 AM
What’s more important, preserving our country’s history, or somebody’s feelings? The historic Christ Church, an Episcopalian congregation in Alexandria, Virginia, made the decision to remove plaques memorializing George Washington and Robert E. Lee from their church, even though the plaques had been there since 1870. Fueled by the politically correct trend of wiping our country’s past clean from…

Shocking Lefty Ad: Virginia GOP Supporters Terrorize Minority Children

October 31st, 2017 9:27 AM
If you haven’t been following the race for governor of Virginia between Republican activist Ed Gillespie and his Democrat opponent, Ralph Northam, a hostile television advertisement released on Monday by the liberal Latino Victory Fund demonstrates that the race has tightened dramatically as the Tuesday, November 7, election draws nearer. The minute-long ad -- entitled “American Nightmare” --…

WashPost Complains Whites Keeping Black Athletes in Their Place

October 30th, 2017 8:44 PM
In the frenzied mania to cleanse America of its supposed "racist past," one progressive sports writer is demonizing the man who brought Jackie Robinson into major league baseball. Not even the long-dead Branch Rickey is spared from this maddening purge. In a story by Washington Post columnist Kevin Blackistone that grinds gears with believability, the legendary general manager of the Brooklyn…

NBC Terminates Halperin’s Contract After Awful Sexual Assault Claims

October 30th, 2017 2:17 PM

On Monday morning, NBC News finally terminated the contract of political analyst Mark Halperin five days after allegations surfaced thanks to CNN’s Oliver Darcy that Halperin had been alleged to have engaged in disturbing sexual misconduct while serving as ABC News political director. The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi noted that Halperin’s termination also meant that he will no longer be…

DNC Chair: Electoral College Not in Constitution; Fact Checkers AWOL

October 27th, 2017 11:17 PM
Three days on, the leftist "fact-checkers" haven't gotten around to evaluating the following claim made by DNC Chair Tom Perez on Tuesday: "The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution." Don't sit by your computer waiting for it to happen.

WSJ Editorial Board Says Robert Mueller Must Resign From Russia Probe

October 27th, 2017 5:05 PM
The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal called on Thursday, October 26, for Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Counsel Robert Mueller to step down from his role in investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. “It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity to say that he lacks the 'critical distance' to conduct a credible probe of the bureau he ran for a dozen years…

Morning Joe Media Libs Agree: American People Can’t Handle the Truth

October 27th, 2017 2:45 PM
The liberal press’s contempt for the intelligence of the American people was on full display on Friday’s Morning Joe as columnists and reporters from The Washington Post, the Associated Press, and USA Today all joined in a united chorus to insult the public as being too stupid to parse the difference between truth and propaganda. Moreover, once again, the show’s panelists also used their platform…

Steele Dossier Revelation: Vox Throws Hillary Under the Bus

October 25th, 2017 11:50 AM
With the revelation yesterday in the Washington Post that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the research that resulted in the infamous Steele (aka "Golden Showers") dossier that contained allegations of supposed ties between Donald Trump's campaign and the Kremlin, it will be interesting to see what the reaction will be from liberal media outlets. In the case of Vox, we didn't…

WashPost Columnist: Trump Has Beaten the Liberal Media

October 21st, 2017 4:00 PM
The Washington Post’s Philip Bump (full disclosure my former CNN colleague) is one of the first - or maybe so far the only - journalist at a mainstream media outlet to get what is seriously disquieting news for the mainstreamers. 

Washington Post Performs Uranium One Scandal Spin Control

October 19th, 2017 8:33 PM
So did Callum Borchers draw the short straw over at the Washington Post? One has to ask because he ended up with the rather unenviable task of performing spin control on the Uranium One scandal which broke wide open on October 17 with a big story written by John Solomon and Alison Spann in The Hill.