
CNN, Hollywood Swear Allegiance to Oprah for 2020 President

January 8th, 2018 2:27 PM
We know rank and file liberals aren’t happy to have a reality show host as their president. But we don’t know yet how they feel about their betters in the media anointing the Doyenne of Daytime TV as President Oprah.  

Washington Post Reporter Slaps Down Wolff's False Claim About Him

January 7th, 2018 3:23 PM
Even many reporters from liberal publications are questioning the veracity of Michael Wolff's book of gossip, Fire and Fury. The latest such person who reveals just how laughable the vetting process of Wolff's book was is Mark Berman, a reporter at the Washington Post. Wolff placed Berman among others attending a breakfast at the Four Seasons restaurant with Ivanka Trump. It turns out that Berman…

Morning Joe on Wolff Book: ‘Just Every Page Really Rings True’

January 5th, 2018 4:31 PM
In spite of growing evidence that Michael Wolff’s explosive new book Fire and Fury should not be treated as the epitome of truthful and accurate reporting, Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson were still keeping the faith and treating it as the Holy Grail of recording the true story behind the internal workings of the Trump administration.

Joe Scarborough Compares 'Red State' Americans To Iranian Theocrats

January 5th, 2018 12:36 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post columnist David Ignatius tried to explain the current anti-government protests in Iran by painting a broader picture of a “red state Iran” and a “blue state Iran.” Scarborough described “red state Iran” as a place that “wanted to keep the mullahs in charge,” whereas “[b]lue state Iran wanted to move Iran into the 20th century.”

Jen Rubin: Republicans 'Betrayed Their Country' by Defending Trump

January 5th, 2018 11:30 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's All In with Chris Hayes, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin declared that Republicans who have defended President Donald Trump "have really betrayed their country." She went on to similarly assert that Republicans in Congress "seriously are doing a grave injustice to the country."

WashPost Media Reporter: Trump-Book Author Accused of Inventing Quotes

January 4th, 2018 12:07 PM
On the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a piece on blazing-hot author Michael Wolff and his Trump book Fire and Fury. The headline was "A whale of a Trump tale, but is it fishy?" Inside, the headline is "Wolff made up quotes, some of his sources say." 

NBC: New ‘Post’ Movie ‘Very Timely’ With ‘Our Press Under Siege’

January 4th, 2018 12:06 PM
In a fawning interview with the stars of The Post, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-anchor Savannah Guthrie gushed over Hollywood’s latest love letter to the liberal media: “The movie is getting great reviews. And for something that took place 45 years ago, it feels like it could have been ripped right out of a newspaper today. Very timely.” 

Rabbi to Singer Lorde: ‘Jew Hatred Has No Place’ in 21st Century

January 2nd, 2018 2:43 PM
It’s ironic how liberal celebrities preach tolerance and acceptance but apparently possess neither. After singer Lorde announced her decision to cancel her concert in Tel Aviv, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and World Values Network took out an ad in the Washington Post to criticize her for her decision. While the ad went after Lorde, it also targeted the media in New Zealand, which influenced Lorde to…

'Post' Nightmare: Spielberg, Streep Dodge Killer Obama Question

December 30th, 2017 12:56 PM
Meet Husam Sam Asi, a BBC TV host and founder of Asi recently interviewed The Post stars and wasn’t satisfied with throwing the screen legends softballs. He hunkered down and challenged them with more substantial queries. For example, he reminded Meryl Streep and Steven Spielberg that President Barack Obama flexed his might against journalists via the Espionage Act.

Washington Post Sports Writer Champions Liberal Causes

December 30th, 2017 12:00 PM
What does it mean to be an NFL player in 2017? To Washington Post sports writer Adam Kilgore this season has been like no other year, as politics ensnared pro football players and philanthropy motivated them. He focused on one player in particular -- Chris Long, whose charity is laudable and whose criticism of President Trump is gold to left-stream sports media.

Bozell & Graham Column: The Grinchy Washington Post

December 30th, 2017 7:40 AM
Liberals at The Washington Post didn’t seem to have a Merry Christmas this year. They were seriously unhappy that anyone would utter the “lie” that President Trump made it safe to say “Merry Christmas” after eight years of the Obamas sending out White House “Happy Holidays” cards. But the Post also promoted an author saying "there is no Jesus, there is no God"...unlike promoting the idea Muhammad…

WashPost Worries Tax Cuts Will Spur Middle Class to Stop Donating

December 26th, 2017 6:39 AM
On Christmas Eve, The Washington Post found another reason to suggest the Trump tax cut was a terrible policy: Middle-class people would stop giving to charity. That’s a bit insulting, to insist that most Americans only donate to get a tax break. Liberals insisted this was another disturbing demonstration of Republicans pushing wealth inequality. 

Scarborough Attacks 'The Stench of Trump's Self-Dealing' in WashPost

December 22nd, 2017 7:40 AM
The headline on today’s Washington Post Opinions email sounded like a real liberal barn-burner: “The stench of Trump’s self-dealing.” Which liberal was throwing fire? That would be….Joe Scarborough. Scarborough has the chutzpah to insist that Trump is not following through on the populist rhetoric he used on the campaign trail in 2016. Just as Scarborough used to be gleefully FOR Donald Trump…

A Huge Dow Milestone: NBC, ABC Ignore, WashPost Downplays

December 20th, 2017 4:45 PM
For the first time in its 121-year history, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 5,000 points in a single year, according to CNBC. The major stock index set that record Dec. 18, following a 140-point rally and a new record closing high. also noted that there had been 70 closing highs for the DJIA in 2017.