North Korean Propaganda: U.S. Media Outlets Swoon for Kim Yo-jong

February 11th, 2018 5:59 PM
The 2018 Winter Olympics were in full swing and Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and head of their Propaganda and Agitation Department, had bizarrely become a liberal media darling. Despite the fact her job entailed censorship and glorifying public executions, numerous outlets had touted her for “stealing the show,” winning “diplomatic gold,” being the “Ivanka Trump of…

Jennifer Rubin and the Liberal Media Double Standard

February 10th, 2018 4:00 PM
Recall the outrage from Washington Post liberal columnist Jennifer Rubin when President Trump said George W. Bush was “unpatriotic"? Or when Trump said of Democrats that they had “acted like terrorists” during the budget fight? Or when Trump attacked Democrats for “purposely sabotaging the country’s economic recovery” and added that “These guys bet against America all the time”? 

Nicolle Wallace: Trump Doesn't Care About 'Threats to The Nation'

February 9th, 2018 4:50 PM
An article in Friday’s Washington Post about President Trump’s unorthodox intelligence briefings has become spin fodder for MSNBC talking heads, who would have their viewers believe that the President is utterly disinterested in matters of national security.

WashPost Skipped DC Church's Vote to Avoid 'Gendered Pronouns for God'

February 8th, 2018 7:49 AM
LifeSiteNews reported the Episcopal church in the diocese of Washington DC quickly passed a resolution to stop using "gendered language for God" at the Diocese's 123rd Convention. The resolution stated: “If revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and…

Leftist Media Mourn 'Cultural Appropriation' of the Dead at Super Bowl

February 6th, 2018 4:53 PM
While the Super Bowl had no hint of a national-anthem protest, liberals still found something to be angry about – “cultural appropriation” of two famous black men. Washington Post reporting intern Sonia Rao began: “In 2018, we heard Martin Luther King Jr speak and saw Prince perform during the Supreme Bowl....Both instances sparked immediate backlash online.” NPR implied that somehow you can't…

The Memo and the Truth

February 6th, 2018 1:56 PM
Partisans tend to read, watch and listen only, or mostly, to information and opinions that reinforce their beliefs. If information surfaces that counters those beliefs, it is usually disparaged, excused or ignored. That's human nature. Such is the case with the "memo" released last Friday by the Republican majority on the House Intelligence Committee. The four-page document alleges, in the words…

WashPost Explores: How Can Comedy Be Used to Make Everyone Liberal?

February 5th, 2018 9:38 PM
Comedians of the #Resistance, applying their talents to derail President Trump, were the subject of a Washington Post story on Monday, but it’s almost impossible for liberals to identify this as liberal. Instead, a headline about liberal American University in northwest DC suggested "'Comedian in residence’ furthers study of humor’s role in social change.” Electing Trump could certainly qualify…

WashPost Shifts Into Reverse on Graham-Bradlee Legacy on Leaks

February 3rd, 2018 9:49 AM
Katherine Graham, the late publisher of The Washington Post, is legend in their newsroom. Not to mention in Hollywood, which has just turned out a glitzy tribute to Mrs. Graham, starring Meryl Streep as the publisher who, with executive editor Ben Bradlee, fought the Nixon administration over the release of the Pentagon Papers. Now the very same paper rallied against releasing the Nunes memo.

Dana Milbank: 'Democrats’ Behavior at the SOTU Was Embarassing'

February 1st, 2018 4:55 PM
You can get an idea of how ridiculous the Democrats acted during (and after) President Donald Trump's State of the Union Speech on Tuesday by the fact that even as liberal a columnist as Dana Milbank of the Washington Post has found them to be embarrassing. Milbank is hardly an admirer of the President since last September he wrote a column claiming that Donald Trump is killing him followed later…

Wash Post 'Acts of Faith' Covers Pro-Abortion Prayer Vigil

February 1st, 2018 2:29 PM
Newsbusters’ Tim Graham maintains that The Washington Post’s “Acts of Faith” section should be called “Trolling the Believers.” Here’s reason 7,493 why.

ESPN, WashPost Make Excuses for Jemele Hill's Blunders

January 27th, 2018 11:24 PM
It's only fitting that Jemele Hill is leaving ESPN and Bristol, Connecticut for its black culture blog, The Undefeated, located in the nerve center of American politics -- Washington, D.C. The Washington Post's Matt Bonesteel and Jake Russell reported today that the former Sports Center co-anchor will “write about the intersection of sports and politics when applicable.” We can expect her to park…

No Shocker at All: CNN Named Most Polarizing Media Brand of 2018

January 26th, 2018 5:22 PM
At first glance, it might seem that the mostly conservative Fox News Channel would be considered more politically divisive than such liberal cable networks as MSNBC and CNN. However, that’s not what the Morning Consult polling firm found when the organization surveyed 336,370 Americans over the previous three months to determine which brands divide Democrats and Republicans the most.

'Nonpartisan' Website Monitoring Alleged Russian Bots Reveals No Names

January 26th, 2018 3:46 PM
The Russian bots are coming! The Russian bots are coming!  don't believe me? Well, the media is assuring us it must be true. How did they verify this? Why by citing a website called the "Alliance For Securing Democracy" which, along with being chock full of fancy graphs and charts that come in pink and pretty colors, assures us they have found 600 (not 601 or 599 but a nice round 600) Russian…

Doomsday Clock Promoters Donated Thousands to Democrats

January 25th, 2018 5:58 PM
The word “doomsday” is intended to terrify. So moving the Doomsday Clock forward to just two minutes to midnight gives journalists a chance for a national freakout about the chance of nuclear war. Only one problem with that. The two academics helping make this news are liberals who have given to the left eight times more than the right.