Bozell & Graham Column: Squashing Free Speech on Campus

March 10th, 2018 6:52 AM
Leftists in the Trump era claim to be the guardians of the First Amendment against an allegedly authoritarian president. But over the last few years, the leftists have been the authoritarians on campus, squashing speeches by speakers they deem “fascist,” and claiming that ideas they don’t agree with are somehow tantamount to “violence.” The latest example came from Lewis and Clark College in…

Scarborough Claims 'Most People Have Hardly Covered' Stormy Daniels

March 8th, 2018 5:29 PM
In an astounding display of obliviousness, panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe claimed multiple times on Thursday that the Stormy Daniels story had not been given much media attention.

Court Rules Against WWI Memorial Cross. Why Won't Nets Mention it?

March 6th, 2018 3:33 PM
The ongoing legal debate over a World War I memorial in Maryland has just entered a crucial phase. The American Legion, in its effort to preserve the monument after an appeals court deemed its existence illegal, is taking the fight to SCOTUS. This is dramatic news for the monument censorship debate, and potentially a watershed moment for sweeping historical revisionism nationwide. However, none…

'Meaningful': WashPost Absolutely Obsessed With Political Oscars

March 5th, 2018 3:52 PM
Morning-after media coverage of the 90th Oscars proves just how politicized the entertainment industry has become and how much the Fourth Estate is on board. The Washington Post’s top headlines for Monday was were all concerned with how political -- or non-political -- the preening celebrity circus was.

WashPost: Crying Jimmy Kimmel Is 'America's Conscience' and Also Funny

March 4th, 2018 3:23 PM
The Washington Post gushed all over ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel on the morning before he hosts the Oscars, but reporter Geoff Edgers didn’t focus on the Oscars. It began by honoring his teary sermon about Health Care For All. The headline was "Late show of emotion: Jimmy Kimmel might be America’s conscience but he’ll still do anything for a laugh."

WashPost Misleads: Gun-Control Rally Wasn't 'Bumped' by Park Service

March 3rd, 2018 12:46 PM
On Thursday afternoon, a Washington Post email carried a very misleading headline, which was “‘March For Our Lives’ gun-control rally bumped from Mall by ‘talent show’.” The headline in Friday's newspaper was similar, "'March for our Lives' rally bumped from Mall." It sounds like a Trump conspiracy to interfere. The word “bumped” would imply the gun-control activists had secured a permit from the…

Want #Resist With That? WashPost’s ‘Food’ Section Serves SJWs

March 2nd, 2018 4:49 PM
It’s hard -- nay, impossible -- to have anything but contempt for The Washington Post. Whether it’s the dishonest arrogance of the “news analysis,” the one-sided reporting, or the high school journalism club motto, Jeff Bezos’s plaything isn’t good for much but getting your kindling going.

WashPost Reporter Insinuates Russian Trolls Made Hillary Lose Election

February 28th, 2018 4:03 PM

Whenever someone from the liberal media footnotes in a Trump-Russia story that there’s no evidence that votes were changed, remember segments like this one from Tuesday’s Hardball that showed why, deep down, they’re still convinced that Russians were why Hillary Clinton lost the election.

WashPost's Sullivan Oddly Claims the Media Are Not NRA's Adversary

February 26th, 2018 11:16 AM
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan is tweeting out her latest column with this copy: "Why is the NRA attacking the reality-based press? For the same reason Trump does." She claimed the NRA is terribly wrong "about the news media as their adversary." For someone who boasts their advocacy for a "reality-based press," how can it be claimed that the media doesn't oppose the NRA?

WashPost Hails 'Genius' Drag Queen 'Talking Truth to Power'

February 25th, 2018 5:49 PM
The Washington Post Sunday Arts & Style section published an enormous page-size photo of leftist drag queen Taylor Mac, who has created a 24-hour, 246-song musical "masterwork" for the Resistance. It will be staged for just two hours at the Kennedy Center in March. 

ABC, WashPost Dislike Poll Result on Mental Health vs. Gun Control

February 23rd, 2018 11:49 AM
On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported its new ABC News-Washington Post poll on mass shootings on the front page. They asked: “Do you think that mass shootings in this country are more a reflection of problems identifying and treating people with mental health problems, or inadequate gun control laws?" By more than two to one (57 to 28 percent), people picked the mental health issues. Actually…

WashPost's 'Acts of Faith' Remembers Billy Graham, Absent Father

February 22nd, 2018 1:16 PM
Oh Washington Post, if you weren’t so wrong, how would we ever know what’s right?

Marco Rubio Trolls Washington Post Over Its Blatant Bias

February 21st, 2018 3:56 PM
On Tuesday, Florida Senator Marco Rubio took to Twitter to sarcastically endorse a Washington Post hit piece against him entitled “Rubio faces backlash from students, gun control advocates after shooting.” The Republican lawmaker came up with a more fitting title as he mocked the paper: “Truly insightful must read by @WashingtonPost:’Rubio faces backlash from liberal groups that have long opposed…

Lib WashPost Lectures on ‘How to Be a Reporter’: ‘Agenda’ Is 'Truth'

February 20th, 2018 12:41 PM
Prepare for a lecture from The Washington Post. The paper has created a new video series to explain “how to be a journalist.” In the second video, reporter Stephanie McCrummen insisted that the Post’s “agenda” is simply “the truth.”