Media Accept Poll Ranking U.S. 3rd in Women’s ‘Sexual Violence’

June 29th, 2018 12:05 PM
An arm of the “world’s biggest news and information provider” is suggesting #MeToo helped the U.S. becoming one of the most dangerous countries in the world for women. That puts it on par with Syria – a country accused by the U.N. of government-endorsed rape.  

Liberal Media's SCOTUS Rationalization: Kennedy Was a Conservative

June 28th, 2018 1:03 PM
The announced retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy has thrown the left even further into angry confusion. Amid all the doomsaying and rending of garments, some in the media are attempting to label Anthony Kennedy as a “traditional conservative.”

WashPost: Harassing Trump Officials Is ‘The Right Thing to Do’

June 26th, 2018 6:12 PM
Harassing conservatives is “the right thing to do,” according to a left-wing oped in The Washington Post. Liberals have been urging their supporters to be more aggressive targeting the right. This followed the media furor surrounding the harassment of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders by liberal activists this past week.

'Fact-Checker' Who Pushed False Nazi Tattoo Smear Has Learned Nothing

June 26th, 2018 12:03 AM
On June 19, Alec Sears at NewsBusters covered then-New Yorker Magazine "fact-checker" Talia Lavin, who posted a now-deleted tweet about a photo of Justin Gaertner, a combat-wounded war veteran and computer forensic analyst for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. She falsely claimed that a tattoo on Gaertner's elbow was a Nazi Iron Cross. Per ICE, it really is a Maltese Cross, the…

WashPost on Harassment of Trump People: 'Understandable Reaction'

June 25th, 2018 8:46 AM
"When they go low, we go high." Yeah, you can pretty much throw that sentiment out the window since the liberals over the past few days have shown, with their harassment of people who either work for Trump or support him, they intend to go low. Very low. And among those excusing their uncivil behavior is one Aaron Blake, a Washington Post reporter of "The Fix" section. Blake performs an analysis…

WashPost's George Will Calls for Democrat Majorities in Congress

June 24th, 2018 9:14 AM
In Sunday’s paper, Washington Post “conservative” columnist George Will urges everyone vote for Democrats in the wake of the “carnage” of this week’s immigration debate. He dismissed House Speaker Paul Ryan “and many other Republican lawmakers” for serving as the “president’s poodles.” That charge can easily be thrown back: this column surely makes Will look like the pet puppy of the Jeff Bezos-…

Double Standards Abound After Virginia Eatery Refuses to Serve Sanders

June 24th, 2018 12:22 AM
Double standards were on wide display Saturday after a Lexington, Virginia restaurant owner's Friday evening refusal to serve White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The Sanders incident has garnered a great deal of press attention, apparently because the she reacted to the incident on Twitter.

Washington Post Plays the Race Card on Trump

June 23rd, 2018 4:00 PM
The Washington Post headline was blunt: “‘A blowtorch to the tinder’: Stoking racial tensions is a feature of Trump’s presidency.” Among other things it said this: “President Trump this week likened Hispanic immigrants to vermin. He warned that they would ‘pour into and infest our country.'" 

Cuomo Claims Trump 'Treating Kids Like Crap,' Links Advisor to Racists

June 23rd, 2018 3:35 PM
On Friday's Cuomo Prime Time, CNN host Chris Cuomo again devoted most of his show to pushing hard from the left on the issue of the Trump administration increasing prosecutions of illegal border crossings. Cuomo and liberal CNN commentator Catherine Rampell again misleadingly claimed legal asylum seekers are also separated from their children even though they usually are not unless there are…

ABC Skips the Death of Krauthammer, WaPo Takes a Parting Shot

June 21st, 2018 9:04 PM
It didn’t take long for condolences to come pouring in from people across the political spectrum and throughout the media. Even with such short notice, both CBS and NBC ran news briefs on their evening programs reporting his passing. But ABC was the lone broadcast network to skip Krauthammer’s passing. And The Washington Post, where he wrote for decades, published an obituary that partially…

Press Found UAC Trafficking in Jan. 2016, Did No White House Follow-up

June 19th, 2018 10:31 PM
The press has gone into hyperbolic overdrive criticizing the Trump administration for separating families caught illegally crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. They clearly want the public, against all evidence, to believe that questionable processing of illegal-immigrant children and their families only began after Donald Trump took office last year. But in January 2016, the Associated Press, the…

Press Ignores Obama's Lie About Emails to Hillary's Private Server

June 15th, 2018 4:49 PM
Thursday's Inspector General's report reviewing FBI and Department of Justice actions before the 2016 election effectively concluded that former President Barack Obama lied to the American people and committed illegal acts in emailing then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private-server email addresses. The IG also found that former FBI Director James Comey scrubbed all hints of Obama's prior…

Guest Tags Carlson As Racist, Won't Discuss School Targeted by MS-13

June 15th, 2018 6:36 AM
Tucker Carlson attempted to interview former DNC Press Secretary Jose Aristimuno on his Tuesday Fox News program. The effort quickly degenerated into a shouting match. Carson asked his guest to comment on the frightening situation at William Wirt Middle School in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where MS-13 members have made it "a ticking time bomb." Rather than respond substantively to Carlson'…

WashPost: Reporters Thought WH Video Was North Korean Propaganda

June 12th, 2018 1:57 PM
Washington Post reporter Avi Selk went through the pretense that some reporters, when watching the White House video in Korean, thought it was propaganda from North Korea. Another way for reporters hostile towards Trump to disingenuously take a shot at him.