
McCain Demands Warren Explain Flip-Flop: Was Soleimani a Terrorist?

January 7th, 2020 2:32 PM
2020 Democrat candidate Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was warmly welcomed on Tuesday’s The View, after co-host Joy Behar had sung her praises just the day before. While the hosts questioned her from the left on everything from Iran to impeachment, co-host Meghan McCain actually confronted the Democrat about her bizarre backpedaling on whether General Soleimani was a terrorist.

ABC’s 'View' Crew Brings on Judge Judy to Endorse Bloomberg

January 7th, 2020 10:00 AM
Now that we’ve actually entered the year of the 2020 presidential election, the contest will undoubtedly become more contentious all the way through Tuesday, November 3. One sign of the ever-growing debate took place on Monday, when Judy Sheindlin – the star of the successful syndicated Judge Judy television program -- appeared on ABC’s The View show and discussed her role in a new advertisement…

Behar Dismisses ‘So-Called Threat' Soleimani: What About Impeachment?

January 6th, 2020 4:07 PM

The bitter media began the new year being outraged over President Trump ordering a drone strike to kill a terrorist, and the bizarre complaining continued on Monday’s The View. The hosts invited ABC News’ political director Rick Klein on the show to parrot Democrat fear mongering about how killing Soleimani was going to start a war with Iran. Co-host Joy Behar refused to give Trump any credit…


Joyless Behar’s Most Hateful Rants of 2019

December 27th, 2019 12:00 PM
The View’s Joy Behar has surpassed her co-hosts this year in making headlines for her outrageous comments on the ABC talk show. Whether it was wondering if Trump could trade places with a deceased terrorist or proposing Republican men get forcibly sterilized, Behar had no reservations sharing her hatred for conservatives. Here’s our list of her nastiest suggestions on The View from 2019.

2019’s Wackiest Analysis From The View

December 23rd, 2019 2:00 PM
The hosts of ABC’s The View aren’t exactly known for their even-handed or rational political analysis. While each show is predictably filled with meltdowns over President Trump, sometimes a co-host will say something so bizarre it defies understanding. Here’s our top picks for wackiest analysis from the political talk show, this year:

Desperate Sunny Hostin Wishes Impeachment Would End in the House

December 19th, 2019 1:05 PM
For nearly this entire year, Sunny Hostin of The View has urged Democrats to obey their “Constitutional duty” to impeach President Trump. She was pushing this back in March, months before the Democrats’ supposed smoking gun, the Ukraine phone call, was even known.Yet the co-host and ABC legal analyst was eager to abandon the Constitution after the House voted to impeach President Trump yesterday.

‘View’ Panics Over Trump Letter: ‘Scary'‘Rantings of Unstable’ Man!

December 18th, 2019 12:50 PM
The View hosts followed the media’s lead in attacking President Trump on Wednesday’s show, over his lengthy letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending his actions before the House votes on impeachment, later today. Even though The View hosts have a reputation for their own angry meltdowns and fact-free rants, they fretted the letter revealed the hysterical rantings of an unstable president,…

Sunny Hostin Touts 'Republicans' for Impeaching Trump, McCain Objects

December 17th, 2019 5:23 PM
On ABC's The View on Tuesday, Sunny Hostin touted a New York Times op-ed inaccurately titled "We Are Republicans, And We Want Trump Defeated." The authors were George Conway, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson. Jordan Schachtel tweeted links to show the first three all ceremoniously left the Republican fold over Trump. 

Liberal Theron Questions ‘Instant’ Suspicion Over Her Playing Fox Star

December 17th, 2019 4:10 PM
Appearing on The View, liberal actor Charlize Theron changed her tone about playing former Fox News star Megyn Kelly in a new sexual harassment film Bombshell. The actress, who said it was “harder” playing a serial killer than the conservative journalist, can’t imagine why there is “instant” suspicion against her taking the role. 

De Niro: 'Low Life' Trump, Worse Than Any Character I've Played

December 16th, 2019 3:02 PM
Ardently anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro felt right at home on The View set Monday, as the liberal co-hosts reveled in his hatred for the President. Even as he was there to promote his newest films, the hosts were more interested in hearing his bizarre takes on President Trump and his children.

Whoopi Berates McCain Over Impeachment: ‘Girl, Please Stop Talking'

December 16th, 2019 2:07 PM
The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Meghan McCain had a nasty fight on Monday’s show when the Republican co-host accused her liberal co-hosts of not wanting to hear a conservative perspective, “ever.” The argument started as the hosts were hyperventilating that Republicans were not “fulfilling their oath” to impeach President Trump and McCain tried to rein in her co-hosts’ emotional reactions…

Yikes: Behar Blames NJ Shooting on 'White Nationalists,' Trump

December 13th, 2019 7:00 AM
What a bad week for Joy Behar and her hot takes. Wednesday on The View, the co-host rushed to judgement after two people entered a kosher market in Jersey City and began shooting, Tuesday, killing three civilians and one police officer. Before the suspects were identified, Behar immediately pinned the blame on the right and “anti-Semitic” President Trump.

Joy Behar Trashes Trump Mocking Greta Thunberg: 'He's Just Jealous!'

December 12th, 2019 2:29 PM
The View hosts were grateful to get another opportunity to lavish praise on teenage climate crusader Greta Thunberg after Time Magazine named her their “Person of the Year,” Wednesday. On Thursday’s show, climate-obsessed host Joy Behar bashed President Trump as “jealous” of the “very smart” liberal teen, while her co-host Meghan McCain whined that she wanted the whistleblower to be "Person of…

'View' Whines Trump 'Tactics' Are Swaying Voters Against Impeachment

December 11th, 2019 2:21 PM
A new Quinnipiac poll out Tuesday reveals the Democrats’ push to impeach President Trump appears to be working against them with voters, with a slight majority now opposing impeachment. The hosts of The View were upset at this news and lashed out at their Republican guest co-host, former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie on Wednesday's show, blaming Republican “tactics” for persuading voters…