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TMZ: ABC’s Stephanopoulos Doesn’t Think Biden Can Serve 4 More Years
July 9th, 2024 9:34 PM
Such is the state of the Regime Media that TMZ, more broadly known for celebrity gossip, is out there filling a void and doing journalism. A hidden cameraman caught ABC Senior Political Correspondent George Stephanopoulos in a candid admission: he doesn’t think President Joe Biden can serve a second full term.

Media Downplay Oliver Anthony’s Overnight Success
August 19th, 2023 1:30 PM
Pretend you’re an entertainment journalist.

Trainer Claims 5 NFL Teams Interested In Kaepernick
March 23rd, 2022 2:11 PM
Lights! Camera! Action! This isn’t a Hollywood movie set, but a publicity stunt on a high school football field in Scottsdale, Ariz. NFL quarterback wannabe Colin Kaepernick backpedals, throws a pass to Seattle Seahawks’ receiver Ty Lockett, who is standing flat-footed still, 10 yards downfield. At the same time, a man with a video camera moves alongside Kaepernick capturing video images of…

BONKERS! Liberal Media Pushes Idea Pollution Is Shrinking ‘Penises’
March 30th, 2021 9:28 AM
We’ve reached a point of media insanity where liberal outlets are trying to convince people that pollution causes their private parts to shrink. Sky News, PinkNews, VICE, Business Insider and TMZ all pushed stories propagandizing a bonkers theory from a new book…

Making Beliebers: Justin Bieber’s Christian Outreach to Prisoners
March 24th, 2021 6:53 PM
“Holy” singer/songwriter Justin Bieber turned heads this week … but surprisingly for a good reason!
Chris Pratt & The Case of the Fake Tweets
February 5th, 2021 10:17 AM
Usually, the cancelation police find new ways to be offended but this time they literally made stuff up. On Feb 3 #ripchrispratt began trending on Twitter after one user accused Chris Pratt of racist and Islamophobic tweets he didn’t even write.

‘Get The Hell Outta The Country!’ Mike Ditka TORCHES Anthem Kneelers
July 27th, 2020 1:09 PM
While professional sports leagues have taken it upon themselves to shove a giant middle finger in the faces of American sports fans, one NFL legend is standing up for freedom and the American flag on the pitch.

When One ‘S-Word’ Just Won’t Do: Singer John Legend Doesn’t Like Trump
July 31st, 2019 1:23 PM
You might want to sit down for this … ready? An entertainer has gone on record with his distaste for President Trump! What’s more -- and this is the really shocking part -- he did it using foul language!

Intersectional Diva Madonna Touts Gun Control at World Pride Event
July 1st, 2019 5:24 PM
Over the weekend, Manhattan hosted “World Pride” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. Yesterday’s music event served as Pride Month’s swan song, and who better to encapsulate last month’s absurdities than pop ne’er-do-well Madonna?
The Manure-Spreaders of Media Sensationalism
January 30th, 2019 2:29 PM
Here we go again. If you think the manure-spreaders of sensationalism who masquerade as ethical practitioners of journalism learned anything from last week's MAGA-bashing Covington Catholic High School hoax, I have three words for you: Ha, ha, ha. On Tuesday morning, uncorroborated claims by actor Jussie Smollett that he was the victim of a “brutal” hate crime by Trump supporters in Chicago went…

Sharpton Says Super Bowl Rapper Restoring Jim Crow
January 21st, 2019 2:18 PM
A couple days after Gladys Knight said she's returning home to Atlanta to restore the national anthem in the Feb. 3rd Super Bowl, Rev. Al Sharpton, of MSNBC, tells TMZ Sports an African-American entertainer is failing to fight Jim Crow at the Super Bowl. The halftime program, now a regular blight on the culture, has become a big political football with supporters of Colin Kaepernick boycotting in…

Paul Rodriguez: 'Cowards Threatening My Life' Because Of Trump Support
November 26th, 2018 12:30 PM
If someone could manufacture a celebrity specifically to send the left into convulsions, Latino comedian Paul Rodriguez would be that celebrity. Not only is his humor acclaimed throughout both Latin America and the USA, but his celebrity activism goes far beyond the petty Twitter spats of Bette Midler and Debra Messing: He heads up a water rights coalition in California and fights for better…

TV's Billy Eichner: ‘Piece Of S***’ Trump ‘Can’t Redefine’ Gender
October 23rd, 2018 3:33 PM
When monitoring celebrity tweets in the age of Trump, It’s best to have drawerfuls of asterisks handy. Hollywood liberals tend to have as much control of their profanity as they do their hatred. So what has our President done this week to earn the bitter words and salty tears of glitterati? According to Newsweek, Parks and Recreation star Billy Eichner’s TMZ interview revealed that he is not a…

New Rap Video Features Melania Trump Look-Alike Stripping
October 16th, 2018 4:25 PM
Clifford Harris, who bears the moniker T.I. in the rap world, saw his last chart success almost five years ago. But he’s been getting notoriety lately for his political musings, such as the belief that white politicians who plan to legalize marijuana are “Righteous Decent White People” who use “their privilege to make a difference.”