North Carolina

Lefties Lose Their Minds Over N.C. Abortion Ban Proposal
Hear that screeching?

Daycare Training Session Uses ‘Non-Binary’ Doll to Indoctrinate Kids
The North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC) recently released a documentary called “Reflecting on Anti-Bias Education in Action: The Early Years," the documentary features one segment about how to teach gender identity to four-five year olds. The training encompasses a queer instructor using a “non-binary” stuffed doll to teach a class of preschoolers.

CBS’s Crawford Throws Cold Water on Lefty Meltdowns Over SCOTUS Case
Wednesday brought about another Supreme Court hearing and yet another set of liberal meltdowns. CBS Mornings co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King tried to feed that frenzy, but longtime legal correspondent Jan Crawford wasn’t having it and repeatedly called out the zaniness.

'Sad' Joy Reid Bemoans North Carolina GOP Win: Obama Should've Helped!
In the immediate aftermath of the Republican victory in North Carolina in which Ted Budd defeated Democrat Cheri Beasley, MSNBC's Joy Reid expressed her disappointment in the Democrat Party for not investing more in the race and deciding not to send former President Barack Obama there to campaign for Beasley.

North Carolina City Targets Pro-Life Protestors, Loses Lawsuit
Numerous protestors for the pro-life group, Love Life, were arrested back in spring of 2020 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Just recently, a lawsuit settlement indicated that the arrest violated the First Amendment free speech rights of the protestors.

Holder Warns Of Fascism As PBS Worries About Erosion of Democracy
Former Attorney General Eric Holder joined PBS’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court term which naturally enough involved warnings about fascism and slides “towards illiberal democracy.”

Call Her Daddy Podcast LIES: 'Pro-Lifers' Like Women 'As Possessions'
The now #1 podcast on Spotify “Call Her Daddy” released its latest episode Wednesday called “An Abortion Story.”

Lefties Lose Their Minds Over South Carolina Abortion Ban
Late Tuesday afternoon, the House in South Carolina passed a near total abortion ban with some exceptions. Even though the ban doesn’t protect all life from the moment of conception, it’s a step in the right direction. Lefties on Twitter lost it over the news.

Romper Groom: NC Teacher Pushes LGBT Agenda to Preschoolers
The LGBT mob is coming for your children. Once again, the left has been caught red-handed attempting to push its radical sexual agenda onto kids.

15 Times Big Tech Censored Local Government Meetings, Officials
Four school board meetings, collectively from Connecticut, Illinois and Washington, were removed from YouTube within an eight-day period last month for violating the platform’s “COVID-19 medical misinformation policy.” Big Tech’s censorship of local government meetings and public officials, whether restored following criticism or not, is a slippery slope that keeps getting steeper.

NY Times: Opposing ‘Social Justice Engine’ of Light Rail Is Bigoted

NC Paper Defends Dem Sheriff Candidate 'Okay' With Taking Guns

NPR Skips Over 'No Cops' Chant from Commies as They Rip Down Statue