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Media Highlight Wanted Terrorist Al Awlaki, Forget They Called Him 'Mo
May 9th, 2011 2:19 PM
Last week, the media rightfully crowed over U.S. success in killing Osama Bin Laden, an unquestioned bad guy in the war on terror. They noted that intelligence gathered from that raid may have led to an unsuccessful U.S. Predator drone attack on Anwar Al Awlaki, leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen. Unfortunately, while Al Awlaki is very much as bad as Bin Laden, the media haven’t always known it.
MSNBC Uses Jihad-Teaching Extremist to Show How Muslim-Americans Are C
May 3rd, 2011 10:39 PM
It defies explanation for a major network to avoid performing a background check on the individuals they interview for their segments. MSNBC however, has done it not once, but twice, in a single article.
In a piece published earlier today by reporter, Kari Huus, two individuals with questionable ties are interviewed in an attempt to show that Muslim-Americans are indeed celebrating bin…

Media Question Whether Santorum's Comments In CNSNews.com Interview Ar
January 20th, 2011 6:58 PM
In an interview with CNSNews.com last week, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R) referenced President Obama's African-American heritage last week and "found it remarkable" that he could be pro-abortion. Santorum, later clarifying his comments under media scrutiny, said he meant he is dismayed that a President who "rightfully" fights for civil rights ignores the civil rights of the unborn…

Julian Assange Hid Out in London Journalists' Club
December 10th, 2010 1:54 PM
MSNBC.com reported Thursday that Julian Assange was hiding out in the Frontline Club, a club for journalists in London, where reporters "closed ranks and kept his whereabouts to themselves." That Assange "knew…he would be well-fed and, more importantly, safe" at the Frontline club demonstrates the bizarre affinity that journalists have for the Wikileaks founder.
Assange's mission is not…
MSNBC Blogger: Is Hacker Who Took on WikiLeaks, Jihadist Websites 'A V
December 7th, 2010 11:14 AM
A hacker who styles him "th3 j35t3r" -- The Jester in plain English -- has made quite a name for himself disabling jihadist websites and, more recently, the U.S. national security-threatening site WikiLeaks.
While his methods are technically illegal, The Jester's motivations are patriotic, aimed at saving American lives on the battlefield.
Yet in telling his story, MSNBC's Red Tape…

Olbermann Replacement Dropped – For Campaign Contributions to Democr
November 7th, 2010 12:55 PM
Are they not properly vetting their liberals over at MSNBC?
As NewsBuster Lachlan Markay reported on Friday:
MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann indefinitely … after news broke that he had given the maximum allowable contribution to three Democrats without disclosing it to his employers.
With Olbermann out, MSNBC needed a fill-in, so in steps Chris Hayes, editor of the liberal magazine, The…
SEC Claims Information Opacity, But Media No Longer So Concerned With
August 3rd, 2010 6:30 PM
It seems that not even the truth can possibly overturn the narrative that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have brought transparency to Washington.Last Wednesday I wrote about how the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory bill Obama signed into law last month contains a provision exempting the Securities and Exchange Commission from Freedom of Information Act requests. Such an exemption…
MSNBC.com Highlights N.Y. Times Story: BP Spill Is Not Yet 'Granddaddy
June 19th, 2010 9:03 AM
The top headline on MSNBC.com on Saturday morning declared "The granddaddy of all gushers? Not this spill." They touted a New York Times story: President Obama called the leak in the Gulf of Mexico "the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced." But scholars are debating that description.It's a good idea for reporters to question politicians' bluster about history. But it certainly…
Media Still Can’t Bring Themselves to Call Chandra Levy Suspect an I
May 16th, 2010 11:02 PM
You would think that in the midst of the liberal media's fight to rip Arizona's Immigration Law, that the phrase ‘illegal immigrant' would be fairly easy to use in an appropriate manner. Yet that is seemingly only the case when the phrase is used to cast common-sense immigration enforcement as discriminatory. But when it comes to a story that could shed light on why enforcement is a necessity…
MSNBC Shocker: Firearms Deaths Fall As Gun Restrictions Ease
March 29th, 2010 11:02 AM
What's the likelihood of an EXTREMELY liberal media outlet publishing an article about firearm related homicides declining while permits to carry concealed weapons increase?About as likely as Keith Olbermann saying something nice about Sarah Palin, right?Well, on Wednesday, MSNBC.com actually published a piece with the following shocking headline: Shhh. Wait. It got better (h/t CNSNews via Weasel…
Memo to MSNBC: Media Companies Are Corporations Too
February 2nd, 2010 5:49 PM
The left is up in arms over the Supreme Court's recent decision in "Citizens United v. the Federal Elections Commission". But few voices have been louder than those emanating from the echo chamber at MSNBC. It seems that the cable network's talking heads feel that their parent company, General Electric, deserves a special exemption to what should be a blanket ban on unrestricted corporate…
White House Can’t Keep Track of Jobs Saved, Or Lies Told
January 13th, 2010 10:06 PM
In an unfortunate choice of articles, MSNBC earlier had a featured set of headlines in their politics section regarding the stimulus package and its effect on the troubled job market. One article touts the recent White House claim that the stimulus package had saved 2 million jobs.But the other article explains why a new method of accounting adopted by the White House will make it "impossible to…
MSNBC.com Analyst: Palin's 'Reality Show' Life Not Good for Grandson
December 30th, 2009 4:55 PM
MSNBC.com’s Steve Adubato went so far to compare Sarah Palin’s notoriety to a reality show during a segment on Wednesday’s Today show on NBC. Adubato acted as an apologist for Levi Johnston’s move to open his child custody dispute with Bristol Palin: “Sarah Palin’s reality show that she’s been on for the past couple years...It has an impact on this baby as well....and it’s not good for the kid…