
Fat Chance: Van Susteren Demands Apologies for Reckless 'Racism' Charg
November 28th, 2012 11:45 AM
Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren has reached her boiling point after seeing yet another person at MSNBC hurl a gratuitous, objectively false charge of "racism" at Arizona Senator John McCain for having the gall to believe that Susan Rice would not be a good choice to be the next Secretary of State.
She let it rip in a blog post Monday afternoon:

MSNBC.com Prepares Readers to Challenge Their 'Crazy' Conservative Rel
November 22nd, 2012 4:54 AM
Armed with so-called 'facts' disguised as the same liberal talking points we're all too familiar with, MSNBC's staff of bloggers published an article yesterday that detailed the top 10 comebacks that are guaranteed to confound and demoralize any Republican relative who dares to speak ill of Obama at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
The "Lean Forward" network won't let their bias take a rest…

Moderate Mitt Loses, Media Blame Conservatives
November 14th, 2012 10:30 AM
Over the past week, the media have been obsessively attributing the GOP’s election loss to the party’s embrace of conservatism. It began with a predictable assault on the standard bearer of conservative thought over the airwaves, Rush Limbaugh. On election night, NBC’s Brian Williams opined that Rush was a liability for the GOP. And it didn’t stop with Williams.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe David…

Female Hosts on MSNBC 'Lucky' to Get Paid Far Less Than Male Counterpa
October 22nd, 2012 4:41 AM
Two of the women who anchor hour-long news programs on the MSNBC cable TV channel have stated that "the guys get paid more," but they are nevertheless "lucky" to be paid half of what a male co-host earns.
During an interview on Thursday, Mitt Romney senior adviser Barbara Comstock told the host of "Andrea Mitchell Reports" that "we know here at MSNBC, the guys get paid more," and Mitchell…

'Seinfeld' Star Announces 'Man Crush' On Obama In Iowa, Mangles Town N
October 1st, 2012 12:02 PM
NBCNews.com reported its old Seinfeld star Jason Alexander appeared as a surrogate for Barack Obama in the small town of Adel, Iowa last week and told the crowd of “about 50" he has a "man crush" on Obama, “who he said he has met several times.” Alexander then went to Twitter and incorrectly thanked people in "Arel" and "Neceda" for meeting him. (He was in Nevada, Iowa, as well as Adel.)…

Chris Matthews and MSNBC Now Claim the Word 'Chicago' Is Racist
August 30th, 2012 12:12 AM
Chris Matthews was on Hardball tonight covering the Republican National Convention with guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and John Heilemann of New York Magazine. In what is seemingly the natural progression of things these days with Matthews, the subject of the 'otherization' of the President was being discussed. Because, if you weren't aware already, Barack Obama is black, and…

NBC Desperately Scrambles to Claim Romney Told Olympians 'You Didn't B
July 24th, 2012 1:34 PM
In an article for NBCNews.com's First Read on Monday, Domenico Montanaro eagerly proclaimed to readers: "Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama for his 'you didn't build that' line, when it came to businesses....But in 2002, during his speech at the Opening Ceremonies at the Winter Olympics....Romney made a similar argument about Olympians."
Romney simply told the Olympic athletes – many…

MSNBC Fixes False Report Which Made Zimmerman Look Racist, Doesn't Ack
March 30th, 2012 2:20 PM
Following in line with their broadcast television colleagues who deliberately edited the audio of a 9-1-1 call of George Zimmerman, the Florida community watch volunteer who shot teenager Trayvon Martin, to falsely impute racist motives to him, MSNBC.com, in an unbylined piece did the exact same thing in text form, stripping out vital information which made Zimmerman appear to be racially…
Mika Brzezinski Defends Anti-Catholic HHS Mandate by Rattling Off Obam
February 7th, 2012 5:59 PM
On today’s edition of Morning Joe, MSNBC gave a significant amount of coverage to the Obama administration’s federal mandate that religious colleges and hospitals cover contraception in their health insurance plans, regardless of whether doing so would violate their church’s teaching. To no surprise, co-host Mika Brzezinski was prepared for the discussion having talked it out with her handlers…

Barely News: North Korea's 'Criticism Sessions' and Reported Punishmen
January 15th, 2012 9:52 AM
Yet another episode being reported from the totalitarian nightmare that is North Korea is getting short shrift in most of the world's press, namely "criticism sessions" (i.e., rat out your neighbor, coworker, etc.) identifying North Koreans who allegedly weren't sufficiently grief-stricken over the December death of Kim Jong Il (pictured at right), weren't sufficiently demonstrative about it,…

Media Finally Outraged Over Christmas Censorship – When It Involves
December 8th, 2011 8:53 PM
The war on Christmas music has taken a strange turn, with the mainstream media finally up in arms at the overly PC handling of the holiday’s song lyrics. But it isn’t the constant barrage from uber-sensitive atheists trying to eliminate every reference to Christmas from our schools and public places that has them fired up.
No, it’s an elementary teacher in Michigan that has raised their ire…

Big Three Nets All But Ignore Occupy Oakland Violence and Arrests
October 25th, 2011 7:21 PM
The morning shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC on Tuesday devoted just 19 seconds to the arrests of 75 people in northern California, after police evicted Occupy Oakland from their encampment in front of city hall there. The Early Show devoted a news brief to the story during its last half hour, noting the violent reaction from some of the protesters. Good Morning America and the Today show both…

CNN Ignores Allegations Against Piers Morgan While CBS, MSNBC Report
August 4th, 2011 4:55 PM
For a second straight day CNN ignored the newest phone hacking accusations made against its 9 p.m. host Piers Morgan. Major media outlets, including Bloomberg News, msnbc.com, and CBS have reported the story, but Morgan's current employer, CNN, has remained mum on the allegations.
On Wednesday, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney accused a journalist from a British newspaper group of hacking her…

MSNBC: (2004) – Natural Disasters Create Jobs, (2011) – Natural D
May 31st, 2011 11:34 PM
Perhaps using a preemptive strike to help combat the May jobs report to be released on Friday, MSNBC has already found an excuse for lost jobs, and an increased unemployment rate – storms, tornadoes and flooding. According to a business report:
“…homes or places of business have been destroyed in this year's wave of storms, tornadoes and flooding. That means thousands of workers in the South…