Declares ObamaCare to be 'The Ultimate Survivor

October 18th, 2013 1:13 PM
ObamaCare is "the ultimate survivor," exults a headline at the newly-redesigned website today. But the article actually teased by that headline -- "The challenges facing Obamacare" -- went at lengths to detail challenges facing the implementation of President Obama's signature health-care overhaul and to, what else, blame Republicans for anything that is already or may proceed to go…

MSNBC's Facebook Page Celebrated Voter Registration Day with Image of

September 26th, 2013 2:15 PM
Tuesday was National Voter Registration Day. MSNBC social media editors marked the occasion with a Facebook post inquiring, "Have you registered to vote yet?" But for the stock image to accompany the post, editors chose to show a clipboard with an Organizing for America flier which reads, "Register to Vote Here" and bears the O-shaped Obama logo in the top left-hand corner [see screen capture…

MSNBC Finds Sexism Angle in... NFL's New Stadium Bag Ban

August 20th, 2013 5:16 PM
Leave it to the Lean Forward network to weave a war-on-women theme into just about anything. Today the network's Tamron Hall and Janet Shamlian hinted sexism was in play with a new NFL ban on large bans in stadiums. The move, they complained, disproportionately affected female football fans who might set out for the big game with a large bag or purse. Here's how NewsNation host Tamron Hall…

Collusion? Martin Bashir MSNBC Blog Post Uses Same House GOP Climate Q

August 13th, 2013 2:39 PM
Politico reports “the White House, congressional Democrats and their allies are plotting an August recess offensive” to promote President Obama’s plan against “climate change.” Obama’s Organizing for America website ( now lists 111 House members and 24 Senators their fans should tweet “Stop denying the science for climate change.” Politico left MSNBC out of this campaign.…

MSNBC: Sequester Hurting You Even If You’re Too Dumb to Realize

July 23rd, 2013 4:38 PM
MSNBC has apparently realized that Americans are not concerned about the sequester, so the Lean Forward network has made another attempt to convince us how terrible it really is. In an article published Monday on, writer Timothy Noah sent readers a grim message that was summed up in the article’s title: “The Sequester Isn’t Hurting You? Think Again.” Noah struck a strikingly…

Schultz One-ups Harris-Perry's Detroit Delusion: Motor City's Bankrupt

July 21st, 2013 3:04 PM
Earlier today (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted that MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry blamed Detroit's bankruptcy on "government (that) is small enough to drown in your bathtub," and claimed that it reflects “exactly the kind of thing that many Republicans would impose on us.” Nothing can top that, right? Wrong. MSNBC's Ed Schultz did, by more directly blaming Republicans. With an…

MSNBC's Smerconish Says that DC Mayor Gray Should Veto DC's 'Living Wa

July 12th, 2013 4:29 PM
This one is a lead candidate for top placement in this week's "Even a stopped clock is right twice day" file. MSNBC's Michael Smerconish, whose NewsBusters archive exposes him as a Barack Obama-supporting, right-wing conspiracy-mongering faux conservative, had a perhaps surprising reaction to the District of Columbia City Council's 8-5 vote to force Walmart and other big box retailers in the…

On ‘Today,’ Star Jones Compares Online Commenters to KKK … Again

June 3rd, 2013 5:38 PM
During a discussion on Monday's NBC Today of internet reaction to a controversial new Cheerios commercial, lawyer and regular pundit Star Jones alleged that “social media is the new kind of Ku Klux Klan white hood; it allows you to be anonymous and say the things you would never say to a person to their face.” The comment was made while the panel, which also included attorney Donny Deutsch…

CNN Anchor Hits Tom Coburn for Wanting Offsetting Cuts to Emergency Ai

May 21st, 2013 10:29 AM
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) wants any federal disaster relief sent to his tornado-ravaged state to be offset by other spending cuts, but CNN's Carol Costello thinks his stand to be either "extreme" or very untimely. "This is either extreme fiscal responsibility or a raging case of 'this is not the time,'" Costello mocked on Facebook and Twitter. The Senator is sticking to his fiscal principles…

NBC Hypes ‘Pediatricians Tak[ing] on Gun Lobby

May 13th, 2013 10:53 AM
In another case of advocacy journalism by NBC, the network's NBCNews website published an article pushing for greater gun control, citing the work of a pediatrician trade group. senior writer Maggie Fox began her story by approvingly gushing that "to pediatricians, gun control is a public health issue, not a political one." The entire article is full of quotes portraying the… Bulks Up Its Staff with New Lefty Hires

May 7th, 2013 5:52 PM
How apropos that in the week before Mother's Day, the Lean Forward network is announcing hires for its website who have ties to Mother Jones, the far-left magazine that blessed the journalistic world with David Corn, himself a fixture at MSNBC as a frequent contributor. " is staffing up ahead of a major relaunch later this year," TVNewser's Alex Weprin reported last night. "The…

NBC Mentions Criticism of Media Censoring Gosnell Abortion Case...On I

April 15th, 2013 10:52 AM
Update: On its First Read blog Monday morning, claims "Gosnell case gets more and more attention." While NBC News continued to ignore the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell on its airwaves, an article posted Saturday made brief mention of the media blackout: "Conservative bloggers, including at RedState and National Review, have lashed out this week at… Takes Lincoln Out of Context to Present Him As 'Living Const

January 30th, 2013 6:33 PM
It's a perilous proposition to insist that a long-dead historical figure would share your politics. It's doubly so when your documentary evidence is thin and you are twisting the proper meaning of the words in that supposed evidence. Take the case of's Nick Ramsey, who insists that Abraham Lincoln would strongly disagreed with Justice Antonin Scalia that the U.S. Constitution is a…

MSNBC Online Interviews 'Grover Norquist' of the Immigration Debate: P

December 5th, 2012 4:10 PM
Founded by Roy Beck in 1998, Numbers USA is a grassroots organization and an influential lobbyist group that concerns itself with immigration reform and the threat of mass amnesty. As the unemployment rate among the citizenry continues to grow, over one million permanent work authorizations are handed out each year to immigrants -- further saturating an already stagnant labor market. Beck…