Live Action

Facebook Threatens Pro-Life Live Action for Sharing ‘False News’
September 3rd, 2019 10:15 AM
Facebook chose a side in the abortion debate and is actively working to suppress pro-life content. Live Action, a pro-life nonprofit organization run by activist Lila Rose, was notified August 30 that two of the company’s videos were marked as “false” by fact-checkers.

Live Action Traces Buffett Cash to New Pro-Abortion Pill Study
August 14th, 2019 7:13 PM
Pro-abortion researchers trying to convince the FDA to remove abortion pill restrictions had financial support from billionaire investor Warren Buffett, according to a new Live Action News investigation. Live Action released a report Aug. 11, showing that Berkshire Hathaway CEO Buffett funded the study through his foundation and that, much earlier, he was one of several investors in the company…

Pinterest Bans Pro-Life LiveAction, Censors Conservative Content
June 11th, 2019 2:36 PM
Censorship of conservative and pro-life content isn’t limited to the main tech platforms. Even Pinterest, the online scrapbooking website, is banning conservative voices. According to Live Action, Pinterest “permanently suspended” its account June 11 after a series of exposures about bias on the platform. In an undercover investigation by Project Veritas, an insider revealed how the site…

Jim Crow 2.0: Big Tech’s Separate and Unequal Treatment
May 13th, 2019 3:52 PM
Big Tech always preaches about treating people equally, but they never do. Funny how their “algorithms” never seem to suspend liberals’ accounts. The religion of Inclusion is a fraud. As I write this, my organization’s Twitter account (@LifeHasPurpose) has been suspended for 15 days for violating their cardinal rule—don’t tweet the truth.
Ghoulies: Parade of the Aborticrats
July 11th, 2018 12:09 PM
I thought we had seen it all from radical feminists — and what we've seen is way, way more than anyone other than a gynecologist needs to see. Six years ago, Code Pink zealots traipsed across the fruited plain in giant female reproductive organ costumes demanding “respect” for women's bodies and women's abortion rights. They called themselves “dancing vaginas.”

Pro-Life Group Slams Planned Parenthood for Hiding Abuse in #MeToo Era
May 30th, 2018 3:03 PM
With a new investigation, one pro-life group hopes to expose Planned Parenthood as an enabler of child sex abuse in the #MeToo era. But unlike other accusations, it’s unlikely the major outlets will report on the campaign shining a negative light on the abortion industry.

Eye-Opening Abortion Videos Top 55 Million Views, Nets Still Ignore
March 16th, 2017 3:25 PM
Planned Parenthood is a hot topic in the media right now – but only when it comes to playing defense. The networks are silent on the abortion giant's many offenses. Multiple videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practices now boast more than 55 million views on social media. But the three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) still haven’t mentioned them.
Have the Media Been Caught in Planned Parenthood’s Web of Lies?
February 10th, 2017 4:20 PM
A new report released by Live Action shows that many media outlets have been caught up in Planned Parenthood’s web of lies. The documented evidence shows that Planned Parenthood repeatedly lied to media outlets after they were exposed in undercover video footage offering assistance to investigators, posing as pimps prostituting minor girls.

Watch Live Action Totally Shred PP’s Credibility in New Video
September 14th, 2016 1:47 PM
Remember Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortions make up only 3 percent of its services rendered? Well that’s extremely misleading. And Live Action has just come out with a video that makes the deception patently clear.
Released September 14, the video explained Planned Parenthood’s devious route to arriving at its broadcasted statistic. Live Action then does the math to show that 12.5 percent…

Live Action Video: Planned Parenthood Instructs Minors on ‘Torture S
June 10th, 2014 1:34 PM
Let’s pretend – just for a moment – to believe Planned Parenthood when the nation’s largest abortion mill maintains that the taxpayer money it receives doesn’t go toward the abortion side of its business. We’re still left with the following question:
How much of the $540.6 million in government grants Planned Parenthood received in 2013 went to educate teens on the pleasures of “torture sex…

Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood – Will Media Note
May 28th, 2014 1:51 PM
It seems like prime media bait: a group accusing a taxpayer funded organization of horrors from racism to sex trafficking. Except that the story is centered on abortion – and the accused is Planned Parenthood.
Pro-life advocacy group Live Action has released an investigative report and video compiling “shocking activity” that occurs within Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics. As part of a …

100+ Pro-Lifers Demand Balanced Abortion Reporting at ABC News
August 9th, 2013 2:59 PM
If you’ve noticed the pro-life side of the abortion debate receives little or no attention when the networks report on the abortion issue, you’re not alone. On Aug. 8, demonstrators and pro-life speakers gathered outside ABC News’ Washington, D.C. office to demand fair coverage of abortion by the networks on August 8. The “Life March on the Media Rally” was hosted by pro-life advocacy group…

Lila Rose: Media Hide Abortion Dangers to Women
May 21st, 2013 5:09 PM
Babies aren’t the only victims of abortion; women are too. While last week all three networks begrudgingly covered babies slaughtered in Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic after failed abortions, they continued to censor other stories about the dangers of abortion to women.
During a “Stop the Killing" Maryland rally on May 20, Live Action President Lila Rose outlined the media’s…

Pro-Life Leaders Blame Media for Coverage on Gosnell, Baby Killing
May 3rd, 2013 11:49 AM
Live Action, a "new media movement dedicated to ending abortion and building a culture of life," hosted a "Stop the Killing" infanticide protest in front of abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s clinic in Washington, D.C. on May 1, 2013.
At the protest, MRC’s Culture and Media Institute asked speakers about the media's coverage of infanticide, especially in connection with the Kermit Gosnell case…