FLASHBACK: Before Bidenflation, Media Championed High Gas Prices

June 16th, 2024 10:05 AM

The media’s open lobbying for high gas taxes has faded since the public’s revolt against the cruel inflation of the Biden era, but MRC's archives show journalists have been determined advocates for higher taxes and higher pump prices for many decades

THRILLS and TINGLES: Media’s Long History of Adoring Barack Obama

November 13th, 2020 7:55 AM

Before they despised Donald Trump, the liberal media adored Barack Obama. From the moment then-state senator Barack Obama showed up on the national stage to address the Democratic convention in 2004, the news media were in love. When Obama ran for President four years later, news reporters led the cheers. And as President, reporters touted his “prodigious talents,” his “amazing legislative…

Media’s Negativity Won’t Dampen the American Spirit

March 21st, 2020 5:05 PM
Silver linings accompany most catastrophic events, and one major one with the coronavirus is the remarkable way Americans (and people throughout the world) have come together to fight this outbreak. Though the stock market has reflected a nation in panic, in other respects Americans, for the most part, have reacted responsibly, unselfishly and cooperatively, and I pray we are making substantial…

Rap Star Eminem Releases New Anti-Gun Song and Video

January 17th, 2020 3:31 PM
Eminem surprise-released a new album, Music To Be Murdered By, early Friday morning, accompanied by a violent music video depicting the Las Vegas mass shooting and ending with a pro-gun control message. The video is for the song “Darkness” and it starts out seemingly describing Eminem’s nerves before a concert before you realize he’s rapping from the perspective of the Route 91 Harvest Festival…

Star Wars’ Billy Dee Williams Comes Out as ‘Gender-Fluid'

December 2nd, 2019 5:57 PM
It seems that legendary Star Wars actor Billy Dee Williams has taken his campy 80s playboy/swinger image and updated it for modern audiences. The man most famous for his role as Lando Calrissian disclosed to Esquire that he’s got a new sexual orientation: gender-fluid.

Groan: Esquire Complains Trump ‘Ritually Abuses’ WH Reporters

November 26th, 2019 5:40 PM
If there weren’t already enough journalists writing pity pieces for the media in the Trump era, what’s one more? Tuesday, Esquire’s politics editor Jack Holmes took the time to air grievances of openly anti-Trump reporters in his new piece for the men’s magazine entitled, “ChopperTalk: Where the White House Press Corps Goes to Get Ritually Abused by Donald Trump.”

Bozell & Graham Column: The Cultural Left Goes Berserk

July 27th, 2019 6:45 AM
You follow the antics of AOC and the so-called "Squad" of hers and you wonder if the Left has lost its mind. Your instincts are correct. And if it's any comfort to them, they're not alone. In fact there are even loonier elements loose among the elites.  

Esquire: 'Effort to Salt the Judiciary With Larval Scalias'

July 17th, 2019 8:08 AM
Could the term "Larval Scalias" become an internet meme embraced by both the left and the right? It started out as a result of a fit of anger by Esquire's Charles Pierce over the rapid pace of conservative judges appointed by the Trump administration but it might ironically end up as tribute to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. 

Taylor Swift Slammed for 'Cringeworthy,' 'Tone-Deaf' LGBT Song

June 18th, 2019 8:19 AM
Taylor Swift may have stirred up some “Bad Blood” with social justice warriors for not being sufficiently woke in her new pro-LGBT song. On Friday the pop star released the lyric video to the single “You Need to Calm Down” and on Monday she released the official music video which appears to take place in a gay, rainbow-themed trailer park and features dozens of (mostly) LGBT celebrity cameos.

Samuel L. Jackson:Trump Supporters ‘Complicit’ in ‘Ruining the Planet’

March 13th, 2019 3:58 PM
Samuel L. Jackson just loves using his Hollywood-manufactured tough guy image to throw his weight around the political scene. This time the “bad motherf***ker” handed down his judgement of all the people who haven’t got on the #resistance train, insisting that if people aren’t bashing Donald Trump then they’re “complicit” and that’s “not fucking okay.”

Ted Cruz-Hating Esquire Editor Upset His New Beard Makes Him Look Good

December 13th, 2018 10:17 PM
How shallow are liberal journalists? Ted Cruz's new beard looks really good and Esquire managing editor Ben Boskovich is upset about that. See, he finds it easier to hate the clean-shaven Cruz and now that the Texas senator is looking better in his opinion, that has thrown Boskovich for a loop.   

The Week in Media Bias History: Obama the ‘Ecstatic Human Achievement'

August 18th, 2018 12:15 PM
Sometimes the journalistic fawning over Barack Obama crossed a line from sycophantic to just plain weird. Such was the case for the August 2011 issue of Esquire, featuring a headline wondering “How can we not love Obama?” Writer Stephan Marche described the Democrat as an “astounding, ecstatic human achievement” and a “world-historical soul.” Okay...

Esquire Editor Wants to Ban All Guns

May 20th, 2018 2:02 PM
The editor-at-large of Esquire magazine flat out declares he wants to ban all guns. Liberals always seem to be declaring they only want bans or restrictions on certain types of guns. Added to that is their declaration of support for the Second Amendment. However, once in a while, one of those liberals lets their mask drop and makes their true intention known.

Esquire Article on 'Black Panther' Actor Takes Cheap Shots at Trump

February 21st, 2018 8:14 PM
Esquire magazine writer Matt Miller doesn't like President Donald Trump. I get that. However, does he have to bring his Trump derangement into articles unrelated to him? An example is his February 21 story about one of the "Black Panther" actors, Winston Duke, who played the character of M'Baku. It took Miller just three paragraphs before his Trump obsession kicked in with gratuitous cheap shots…