Angry Esquire Writer Furious That Trump Has Been 'Normalized'

December 6th, 2017 2:11 PM
Although most of the mainstream media are reluctant to concede that President Donald Trump has been on a win streak lately, we have confirmation of this from a rather unlikely source: Charles Pierce of Esquire magazine. The politics section writer has been in a perpetual state of rage ever since the 2016 election. There are five stages of grief but Pierce skipped most of them to go directly from…

Liberal Pundit: Roy Moore’s Supporters Are ‘Killing Democracy’

September 27th, 2017 5:30 PM
Since Tuesday night, many lefty pundits have been mostly (though not completely) distracted from President Trump by Roy Moore’s win in Alabama’s Republican U.S. Senate primary. Their message: Just when you thought the GOP had hit bottom, the bottom dropped out. Two especially noteworthy commentaries came from Esquire’s Charles Pierce and New York’s Jonathan Chait.

Robert Redford to Esquire: Trump Is ‘Our Fault,’ Worse ‘Than Nixon’

September 13th, 2017 11:03 AM
Starring in movies about politics allegedly gives celebrities a political background. At least, that’s what Robert Redford thought in his latest interview.  

Pundit: Many in Houston Drowned, and Conservatism Is ‘Drowning’

September 2nd, 2017 11:20 AM
Was Ronald Reagan the original Washington wizard? Esquire’s Charles Pierce seems to think so. Pierce argued on Wednesday that in the 1980s, an ideological “spell…was cast” by the Gipper and his allies, and that as a result of various right-wing policies enacted since then, Harvey-related damage to the Houston area will be a lot worse than it should have been. “The spell…was cast 30 years ago,…

Pundit: After Charlottesville, GOP Can’t ‘Have It Both Ways’ on Race

August 13th, 2017 8:36 PM
On Saturday afternoon, an act of racist terrorism was committed in Charlottesville, Virginia. Among those responsible, according to Esquire’s Charles Pierce, were Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. “Every Republican who ever played footsie with the militias out west owns this bloodshed,” disgorged Pierce in a Sunday post. “Every Republican president -- actually, there's only one -- who began a…

Esquire: Eric Trump's New Haircut Is a Little Too 'White Nationalist'

June 28th, 2017 1:18 PM
Be careful how you get your hair cut. If it is a little too high and tight it could cause the obsessed members of the mainstream media to call you a "fascist" or "white nationalist." Such was the case with Eric Trump who recently got his sidewalls cut a little too tight to pass political scrutiny by Esquire magazine. When you look at his haircut you will wonder what all the fuss is about. It is…

Blogger Charles Pierce: NYT’s Anti-Clinton Bias Is ‘Truly Weird’

April 21st, 2017 5:15 PM
To Esquire’s Pierce, the Clintons’ image as scandal-plagued is in large part attributable to the Times, which since the early ’90s has reported extensively on stories that “were, by and large, complete bullshit, inflated by Republicans and a willing and timid elite political press into a Questions Remain culture of faux-scandal that persisted through the entirety of the 2016 campaign. And it…

Lib Pundit: Trump’s Proposed Budget ‘Stupid’ and ‘Sadistic’

March 17th, 2017 8:58 PM
Esquire’s Charles Pierce is accusing President Trump of adding to something he vowed to subtract from. In a Thursday post, Pierce called the White House’s proposed federal budget a “vast, noxious swamp into which all those tributaries of modern conservative thought have emptied themselves. People die in there, swallowed up in deep sinkholes of empowered bigotry and class anger.”

Lib Pundit: For GOP, ‘Crazy’ Trump Small Price to Pay For Tax Cuts

February 16th, 2017 9:02 PM
John McCain’s 2008 campaign slogan, “Country First,” does not describe the worldview of Republicans, suggested Pierce on Monday. For them, the Esquire blogger implied, it’s more like “GOP über alles.” The peg for the post was chit-chat in the political and media worlds about whether President Trump is of sound mind, or, as Pierce put it, about “the possibility that the presidential trolley has…

Pundit: Conservatism Forces Smart Republicans to Say ‘Nutty Stuff’

January 15th, 2017 9:10 PM
Esquire’s Pierce readily concedes that Ben Carson (“an elite neurosurgeon”) and Mike Pompeo (“graduated at the top of his class at West Point”) are smart guys. In a way, though, they’re also tragic figures, he suggests, since they’ve “had to tailor their politics and their public personae to cater to the anti-rational, theocratic, anti-intellectual Id of modern conservatism…This means that both…

Lib Pundit Pierce: No Trump Presidency If Electoral College Works

December 13th, 2016 10:09 AM
The Hamilton electors, whatever their number, are being cheered on by Hamilton bloggers, one of whom is Esquire’s Pierce. In a Saturday post, Pierce argued that in the country the Founding Fathers envisioned, the Electoral College would vote down a Donald Trump presidency. Pierce wrote, “Let us assume for a moment that our constitutional institutions are as strong and functional as they are…

Liberal Strategist: Right Says ‘Jump,’ New York Times Says ‘How High?’

November 20th, 2016 4:53 PM
If you asked a hundred conservatives to name the de facto flagship publication of American liberalism, The New York Times probably would get more mentions than any other. Still, it hasn’t been hard to find lefties upset with the paper about matters such as its supposed longstanding hostility toward Bill and Hillary Clinton. How the Times, especially its coverage of the e-mail story, may have made…

Pundit Gripes That Anti-Government Themes Help GOP Win Elections

November 16th, 2016 5:54 PM
In a Tuesday post, Esquire blogger Pierce complained that Ronald Reagan’s anti-government rhetoric discouraged many from voting, thereby benefiting Republicans, but Donald Trump’s anti-government rhetoric encouraged many to vote, thereby benefiting Republicans. Pierce noted that Reagan, in his first inaugural address, declared “that government was not a solution to the problem, that government…

Esquire Editor Condemns Celebs Silent on Trump

October 27th, 2016 7:20 PM
Esquire magazine's resident Chekist, Matt Miller, whose official job title is Associate Culture Editor, is now engaged in a culture war against celebrities whose high crime is that they haven't joined in the liberal hate fest against Donald Trump by openly denouncing him. Not only does he condemn them generally but Miller goes so far as to list their names along with their social media following…