Dallas Morning News

Not News: Once-Deported Illegal-Immigrant Driver Kills Father, 2 Girls
April 7th, 2016 12:33 AM
In a properly functioning news environment, where genuine journalists recognize important news and report it without first screening its relevance through a PC filter, the deaths of volunteer firefighter Peter Hacking and his two young daughters in a car crash near Wylie, Texas last week would have become a widely covered national story by now. Sadly, virtually the only reason it's known at all…

CBS Touts Syrian Refugees 'Feeling Misjudged;' Hypes Armed Protest
November 23rd, 2015 1:03 PM
Manuel Bojorquez zeroed in on the plight of a Syrian refugee family in Texas on Monday's CBS This Morning, and played up how they "feel misjudged after the Paris attacks, and after Texas recently ordered volunteer organizations that help resettle refuges from Syria to discontinue those plans immediately." Bojorquez later spotlighted how "about dozen people — some armed with long guns — protested…

Cruz Declares War on 'Media Agenda,' Columnist Declares War on Cruz
November 1st, 2015 7:29 AM
The Dallas Morning News reports Ted Cruz’s campaign “raised $1.1 million in 22 hours” after the CNBC debate by “declaring war on the liberal media agenda.” It’s the third straight million-dollar post-debate fundraising haul for the campaign.
This led Chicago Tribune columnist Rex Huppke to write an allegedly humorous column declaring war on Ted Cruz:

Dallas Reporter Ignorant on Taxation of U.S. Firms' Overseas Profits
June 10th, 2015 9:16 PM
Will Deener, who has been a business reporter since at least before the turn of the century, considers his most unforgettable experience on the job to be "Covering the crash of the Internet stocks and Enron in 2000-2002."
Sunday evening, the Dallas Morning News columnist moaned about how big U.S. companies engaged in real businesses are avoiding paying billions in taxes because "the nation’s…

10-1: Biggest U.S. Newspaper Editorials Lambast ‘Bigoted’ RFRA
April 7th, 2015 11:22 AM
One would think the editorial boards of the nations’ top newspapers – journalism’s brightest and best – wouldn't lightly throw around inflammatory language, slurs and insults.
But it appears that an Indiana law protecting the religious freedom of businesses and individuals is so beyond the pale it had the journalistic high-priests at many of America’s top 20 papers sputtering “bigot,” “…

Kaci Hickox Deems Ebola Quarantine More 'Frightening' Than Infection
October 29th, 2014 4:39 PM
Has a person who did something undeniably brave and dangerous in an effort to save the lives of others earned the right to henceforth act like a crackpot? Watching the bizarre saga of nurse Kaci Hickox, I have my doubts.
Hickox, you've surely heard by now, is the Doctors Without Borders nurse placed in mandatory quarantine in New Jersey after spending a month in West Africa treating victims of…
Major Newspaper Editorials Ignore or Praise EPA Controls 90 Percent of
June 3rd, 2014 4:19 PM
When the government pushes to destroy America’s biggest source of energy, you can certainly trust the media to jump on board.
On June 1, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled drastic new limits on carbon emissions, mandating steep emission cuts within 16 years. It’s a move that may cost hundreds of thousands of jobs each year, but only 13 of the 20 major United States newspapers…

Bozell Column: Wendy Davis Lies, Media Elite Snores
February 4th, 2014 11:21 PM
As our liberal media continue to obsess over whether Chris Christie lied about knowing his aides were plotting to cause Bergen County traffic jams, it’s worth remembering that our national networks don’t care when Democrats lie – even about their own life story.
Two weeks ago, reporter Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News – the author of two books bashing Karl Rove for being “Bush’s Brain…

MSNBC's Sharpton Defends Wendy Davis's Misleading Bio, Just 'Minor Det
January 22nd, 2014 6:11 PM
On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton pretended that the misleading details liberal hero Wendy Davis has used to exaggerate her biography are merely "minor details" and actually suggested that it is the "right wing" who should be embarrassed by repeating the revelations as he ended his regular "Nice Try" segment by proclaiming:

Will the Press Ignore Wendy Davis's Truth-Free Twitter and Blog Meltdo
January 21st, 2014 8:07 PM
Wow, I'd better get this post done quickly, because Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis has been tweeting up a storm and has posted "an open letter" at her web site. If I blink, I might miss a half-dozen more tweets.
Davis apparently thinks that if she accuses Republican candidate Greg Abbott and his campaign of being behind the Sunday Dallas Morning News story which poked…

CBS Repeats the False Wendy Davis Bio Meme: 'Blurred' Lines
January 21st, 2014 3:45 PM
To be fair, it started with the original story broken at the Dallas Morning News, where Wayne Slater's substantive story about Wendy Davis's problems with the truth was headlined "As Wendy Davis touts life story in race for governor, key facts blurred."
"Blurred" is clearly a popular word with an establishment press which is determined to try to make this problem with Davis's basic…
Wendy Davis Pretends Abbott Is Behind Story of Her Inaccurate Bio; AP
January 20th, 2014 10:41 PM
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, who is considered a hero of the pro-abortion crowd yet declared herself "pro-life" in November as her people attempted to bully the local media into twisting stories her way, is blaming her opponent for a Sunday Dallas Morning News story which pointed to significant discrepancies between her campaign biography and the truth.
It's pretty…

MSNBC.com Cries Foul Over Republicans Hitting Wendy Davis for Inaccura
January 20th, 2014 6:00 PM
When a politician -- male or female, liberal or conservative -- writes a memoir*, anything therein is fair game for the news media and his or her opponents, particularly when claims made therein are false or misleading. But to the gang at MSNBC, Republican criticism of the network's anointed golden girl Wendy Davis is beyond the pale.
"Right attacks Wendy Davis," screams the top msnbc.com…
Wendy Davis and Ted Cruz Articles Show Dramatic 'Texan of the Year' Ti
December 29th, 2013 10:28 PM
It’s only natural that both liberal state Sen. Wendy Davis and conservative U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz would be nominees for “Texan of the Year” at the Dallas Morning News. (In the end, they chose the rescuers at the West, Texas fertilizer-plant explosion, which killed 12 first responders.) But the two editorials on Davis (on December 26) and Cruz (on December 27) show how liberal editorialists can…