CBS This Morning

BLAME: ABC Pins Dem Election Disaster on GOP ‘Exploiting Fears'
The media blame game for Tuesday’s Democratic election losses intensified on Thursday as ABC’s Jon Karl pinned the losses in Virginia on Republicans “exploiting parents's fears” when it came to issues like crime.

After 2017 Dem Wins, Nets Gushed Over 'Lifting' of Liberal Spirits
After the 2017 New Jersey and Virginia elections, where Democrats swept to victory, the networks the next day delighted in a “stinging rebuke” that “lifted” the spirts of Democrats. Four years later on Wednesday, as Republicans won in deep-blue Virginia and hold a lead in very deep blue New Jersey, ABC, CBS and NBC again tried to focus the results back on Donald Trump.

Nets Mentioned Trump’s Low Polls Almost Twice as Much as Cratering Joe
The last three months have been nightmarish for Joe Biden’s presidency. In August, his popularity started to nosedive, dropping precipitously so that, by late October, some polls had him dipping into the high 30s. But in comparison to Donald Trump, ABC, CBS and NBC had almost double the number of mentions of bad polling for the Republican.
FLASHBACK: CBS, MSNBC Fretted Trump Was Visiting Victims Too Quickly
Journalists on Friday announced the imminent departure of Joe Biden to New Orleans to see for himself the damage of Hurricane Ida. On Friday, CBS This Morning’s Stephanie Ramos stressed that Joe Biden was very welcome and would be of help: “There are always sensitivities with these kinds of trips but the president said yesterday that the state's governor encouraged…

Morning Shows Ignore Covering DISASTROUS BLS Jobs Report
ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows ignored an abysmal jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to further insulate President Joe Biden from bad news.

NBC and CBS DROP Afghanistan, ABC Warns of U.S.-Equipped Taliban
After Thursday’s CBS Evening News decided it was time to abandon coverage of President Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, on Thursday, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today show both made the same decision to ignore the ongoing foreign policy disaster. Only ABC’s Good Morning America managed to provide any Afghanistan coverage, warning viewers that the Taliban had…
CBS Scoffs at Texas's Law as Defending 'So-Called Fetal Heartbeat'
CBS This Morning on Thursday reacted to the big, breaking news that the Supreme Court has refused to halt Texas’s bill banning abortion after six weeks. Reporter Ben Tracy dismissed it as stopping abortion “once a so-called fetal heartbeat is detected.” He also spun the move by the Court’s conservatives “contradictory” and “stunning” to liberals.

Nets Fret Over ‘One of the Strictest Bans on Abortion’ in Texas
On Wednesday, the network morning shows sounded the alarm over Texas implementing new abortion regulations, fearing the new “controversial law” represented “one of the nation’s strictest abortion bans ever.” Hosts and reporters were particularly despondent that the Supreme Court had not intervened to block the pro-life measure.

Commies Have It Right? CBS, NBC Cheer China’s Video Game Crackdown
Using the brutal force of a communist dictatorship is, apparently, a pretty easy way to get things accomplished. It’s also something that CBS This Morning journalist Tony Dokoupil appears to be okay with. On Wednesday, the co-host cheered a new decree by communist China that bans minors under 18 from playing video games, except on weekends

Nets Skip Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer, Families Speak
On Sunday, President Biden spat in the faces of the grieving families whose loved ones, service members were killed by a suicide bomb at the Kabul airport last week. As their bodies were being tended to during the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base, Biden repeatedly looked down at his watch as if he was counting the minutes until the inconvenient photo op was over. Meanwhile, the…

CBS, NBC Censor 250 Americans Abandoned By Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle
On the eve of the final withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, only ABC’s Good Morning America specifically mentioned that Joe Biden’s disaster will abandon at least 250 Americans in the country. CBS This Morning, for example, vaguely mentioned “some” would be left behind.
CBS Hypes Conspiracy Theory: Conservatives Got Asner’s Show Cancelled
In a tribute to mark the passing of liberal actor Ed Asner, CBS This Morning on Monday revived a kooky conspiracy theory that liberal CBS cancelled his ‘80s TV show Lou Grant to appease Reagan-era conservatives.

Nets Ignore ‘Terrified’ University Students Abandoned in Afghanistan
Today, the big three networks chose not to report on another heartbreaking story out of the New York Times, Sunday, about university students trapped in Afghanistan, abandoned by the U.S., as the August 31 deadline nears.

Nets Dismiss ‘Selfish’ ‘Distraction’ of Reps Calling Out Biden Failure
On Wednesday, as news broke of bipartisan members of Congress traveling to Kabul to conduct oversight of the Biden administration’s disastrous and rushed withdrawal from Afghanistan, hack reporters on the CBS and NBC morning shows parroted nasty White House talking points smearing the lawmakers – both Afghan war veterans – as “selfish” politicians creating a “distraction.”