Ashley Judd Unhinged: Trump Is Hitler with Daughter as 'Sex Symbol'
January 21st, 2017 2:24 PM
Of all the far-left, wacky statements made at Saturday’s Women’s March, actress Ashley Judd may take the top honor (or DisHonor) for an R-rated tangent against “Electoral College-sanctioned hate speech” by President Trump and his team of “Nazis” capturing “little girls like Pokemon” and Ivanka Trump as his “favorite sex symbol.”

New Dem Senator Uses WashPost's Fake Vt. Hack Story in Hearing
January 12th, 2017 11:19 PM
Demonstrating the power of fake news to influence uninformed people, just-elected Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire brought up a thoroughly discredited Washington Post story at the Senate confirmation hearing for Former General John Kelly. President-Elect Donald Trump has nominated Kelly to be the nation's next head of the Department of Homeland Security. Hassan brought up the…

D.C. Examiner Exposes Liberals Resurrecting Botched Time Piece on Ryan
December 6th, 2016 3:34 PM
The Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams exposed on Tuesday morning in a series of tweets the very problem that besets a liberal media obsessed with placing legitimate conservative sites into the sphere of the fake news when a number of journalists chided Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for comments at CPAC 2014 regarding school lunches thanks to a dishonest hatchet job by Time magazine.

MRC's Graham: Journalists Spin Trump as 'Epic Threat to the Country'
October 11th, 2016 3:50 PM
According to the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham, biased journalists are treating Donald Trump as “some sort of epic threat to the country and has to be stopped.” The MRC’s director of media analysis appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Tuesday to explain how journalists are leaping on Trump’s latest scandal and ignoring Hillary Clinton’s controversies.

Dems Can't Get Past Invocation Without Bernie Delegates Booing Hillary
July 25th, 2016 9:22 PM
Throwing Debbie Wasserman Schultz under the bus apparently wasn't enough to calm the atmosphere at the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
Today, it became clear that like many others, Bernie's fans are not persuaded by the establishment press's predictable pro-Hillary posturing about how the convention will be "magic," with "perfect chemistry" between Hillary Clinton…

Pelosi to Media: Follow Late Night Comedians in Taking Down GOP, Trump
May 12th, 2016 9:10 PM
Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi instructed them to follow the lead of late night comedians (in the mold of The Daily Show or The Nightly Show) to take down Donald Trump and the Republicans to the point that she offered to “encourage” them to broadcast such exposes as the general election intensifies.

Bill Maher Mocks Bono's Proposal to Fight ISIS by Deploying Comedians
April 18th, 2016 9:14 PM
There are fewer more sacred cows in entertainment than rock singer and indefatigable do-gooder Bono, but over the weekend he sustained a well-deserved skewering courtesy of Bill Maher.
On his HBO show Friday night, Maher cited testimony from the U2 singer before a congressional panel on the subject of "Combating Violent Extremism," more accurately known as Islamic fanaticism.

Biden, 1992: Do NOT Name a Supreme Court Nominee Until After Election
February 22nd, 2016 6:47 PM
Concerning the idea of entertaining a potential Supreme Court nominee before the November presidential election is decided, Allahpundit at Hot Air has summarized the left's current utterly hypocritical situation in a succinct way we'll never see in the establishment press: "The current president, current vice president, current Senate minority leader, and incoming Senate minority leader have all…

WashPost Editor Admits Rush Limbaugh Now Part of 'Mainstream Media'
January 11th, 2016 7:50 PM
During an interview with host Brian Lamb Saturday evening on the C-SPAN cable TV channel, Martin Baron – who has been the executive editor of the Washington Post newspaper since January of 2013 – stated what many liberals and Democrats are afraid to admit: Rush Limbaugh should now be considered part of the “mainstream media.”
His reason for this claim during that edition of the Q&A program?…

Sen. Boxer, After San Bernardino Massacre: Gun Control Works in Calif.
December 3rd, 2015 11:44 PM
Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer of California today cited how her home state's "important gun safety laws" demonstrate that “Sensible gun laws work, we’ve proven it in California, and we're not going to give up." She apparently means that she and others who won't respect the Second Amendment are "not going to give up" on passing or imposing similar legislation or mandates nationally.
Salon Derides 'Loony' Rep. Gohmert for 'Dumb & Dumber' Climate Views
July 10th, 2015 1:36 PM
Being out of lockstep with climate alarmism infuriates the left, including liberal online magazine editors like Salon Deputy Editor Peter Finocchiaro.
Finocchiaro lashed out at Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on July 10, with at least eight nasty names or adjectives including "goon," "loony," "buffoonish" and "marble-mouthed" because Gohmert had the audacity to say that Pope Francis had been taken…

La Raza Head Stands By 2008 Attack on Lou Dobbs's 'Hate Speech'
January 5th, 2015 3:45 PM
Janet Murguia, president of the liberal National Council for La Raza, took credit for Lou Dobbs's departure from CNN during a Monday interview on C-SPAN's Q&A program, and repeated a six-year-old charge that the host directed "hate speech" against Hispanics and immigrants. Murguia claimed that Dobbs forwarded a "negative mindset – but more than anything else, a pejorative mindset" about…
Glenn Kessler: Both Parties Believe In ‘The Myth of The Liberal Media'
December 29th, 2014 2:07 PM
On Sunday, Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler sat down with CSPAN’s Brian Lamb for a Q&A about the year’s worst political lies. While much of the hour-long interview focused on numerous statements made by Democrats and Republicans throughout 2014, Kessler claimed that both Republicans and Democrats have bought into the "myth of the liberal media." The Post fact checker argued that “…
Ann Compton on Obama: He Has 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against Press
December 8th, 2014 12:42 PM
According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama has launched into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. In a C-SPAN interview, Compton also derided the President for leading "the most opaque" administration of "any I have covered."